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Posts posted by Bengt

  1. The very odd immirgation office seems to still require it, but it is no longer in the rules that you must provide it.

    Well...this was my fourth time and they didnt ask for medical certificate before so I got little surpriced but it was an older female officer that handle my apply....maybe she was in somekind of bad mode?

  2. I just want to let others know that my friend and I went to Sriracha Immigration for extension at our retirement visa and this is the first they ask for a medical certificate so we have to visit a hospital for an hour to get it and then it was no problem to get another year of extension, is there anyone else that have the same experience?

  3. I'm looking for a keyboard player, soul or jazz ...I have gigs !







    Humping a B3 and Leslie up four flights of stairs is not required

    Thanks....It can be hard to find a keyboardplayer thats familiar with a old tonewheel Hammond or a newer Hammond replicates thats have the similar sound, I learned to play long time ago on a M-100 but havnt play on a Hammond for nearly 20 years now and my idea with this topic was to search for expats that have experiences as organ players especially on Hammond to maybe create somekind of network based on interest for Hammondorgans.

  4. I have a good friend in Bangkok who owns two Hammond B3's, both with Lesslie 122's speakers... He is a retired Organist and brought both with his household goods when he moved over to Thailand 15 years ago... He has been offered Big Baht by different Thai's trying to purchase one of them, and he will not even consider selling... He use to rent one of them out for Studio use until one came back all scratched and dinged up.. After that he just says "No" when approached...


    Hi..........nice to know that some owns some real original tonewheel Hammondorgans in this country, I learned to play by a Hammond model M-100 1968 but changed to synths later but i feel I miss my old Hammond and have some thoughts to try to import some parts and assemble it on place here.

    Thailand have very good carpenters that can build cabinets and bythen it can be a great instrument as well as a besutiful furniture.

    In my country Sweden there is a lot of old Hammonds for sale to redicolous prices...for an ex. a model H-300 for less than 50.000 THB but I think the cost of shipping and import tax will make it impossible for me to buy such instrument.

  5. Let's save the lifes of all these Bordeaux addicts and increase the tax on these Chateau Margaux bottles! At least they can do something good for the flood victims.

    But remember: studies show that 75% of all alcohol consumed in Thailand is so-called "white alcohol" (aka moonshine) without any tax.

    Many years ago I use to make my own Vodka and become an addict but I am dry since 9 years and very happy I stop.

    Why not the government increase the penalty for illegal made alcohol?...

  6. I see no reason to get drunk and about poor Thais, they can avoid if they don't have income enough to pay for it.

    I see many farangs in beer-bars that gladly paying up to 100 THB for a small Singha, some of my friends spends more than 100.000 THB per month mostly in beer-bars.

    I don't mind if the government rise the tax of alcohol by a very high percentage.

    Narcotics,alcohol and smoking KILLS!!

  7. Alcohol is much to cheap in Thailand and a tax raise would do good for the country...ex. alcohol tax to support the poor population.

    100 THb for a small beer sounds ok and 200 THB for a big one.

    Scandinavian prices are fine if one has a Scandinavian income.

    200THB is just under US $7, or 5 euro. Not many Thais will pay anything approaching that. They'll go out and buy a bottle of moonshine (which many prefer to beer).

    Better to see Thais sober than drunk...so even with farangs...Thailand have so much to offer that much more worth than drinkings....drugs,alcohol and smoking KILLS!

  8. The comment about the Pattaya citizens in general, all being worthy of deportation, is an interesting thought.

    Some years back I met socially a complete stranger at an organised event where one might assume [wrongly] that everyone was legit. I got quite a shock when an individual, breifly introduced, joined our group and in next to no time confided in me how he had fleeced a number of credit cards to the hilt before cutting and running to Pattaya. Furthermore, that such a 'con' was the norm and that it left the door open to return to the UK.

    Good advice would be to never use an ATM outside of a bank premises. That is, the supermarket located ones can be installed with a skimmer, obviously the externally located ones are much easier to tamper with, and so they should not be used.

    Furthermore, other measure shoul be taken to ensure safe monetary transactions; again negating the use of ATMs.

    This sort of semi cyber crme is a modern day plague, but lets be honest; it's not catching the most academic mindsets on the streets of Pattaya. In deed, simply a short skirt and a pretty smile seems enough to have most 4 digit codes tapped out and the money handed over when the buffalo, grand ma or motorcy falls down the well.

    Sweden have special polices working in Thailand and also a cooperation to the Thai Police enforcement.

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