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Posts posted by Zendesigner

  1. you can use a firewall to do your authenticating. then you don't need an application to talk to the wireless accespoints. When you log on your traffic is directed to your firewall because it's the gateway. On port 80 you build a page displaying a Logon box to open ports from your wireless network to the internet or to the internal network.

    If you connect your firewall to a radius server for authenticating you have logging, user authentication, accounting ect all in one go.

    I would suggest to all wireless networks to put them external to a firewall anyway.

    I used this setup for authenticating Citrix acces to internal citrix servers.

    No logon in firewall , no port 1494 going open for citrix.

    you can have a look here http://access.hgc.be

    user just needs to logon twice, also pretty secure because ports only open for your incoming ip address. It's no vpn but citrix protocol is encapsulated anyway.

    Users can logon every where in the world and be back in the office with all their applications and data, even print locally if they want.

    Every Ceo that had this was suprised how easy it is...They really like that they could work from home anywhere, anytime.

  2. Hi tutsi,

    I second sbk's query regarding Bisto gravy granuels...I don't like much about the UK but I do like gravy on the mash when that is the only thing on my plate in these wild hinterlands

    If you want i'll tell you how to make "fond brune" which is a basis for all your brown sauces like gravy . You have an oven so you can make 2 liters easy at one time.

    Let me know.


  3. I recommend you choose any place near to Padang Besar, the border point to Malaysia.

    sure put him in the south !! i would really like to see the look on a muslims face when he starts to proclaim his poetry...

    It think it wil be

    CHOP CHOP of with the head very quickly :o

  4. hi jim,

    My wife wanted me to use "Falung Kenoke hook by salung" but I think it might be to long

    are you sure about the kee nok thing jim?

    I remember reading it was an insult somewhere. Maybe it was kee nio i'm thinking about . Sure would ask twice.


  5. zen...beware, you may be revealing too many professional secrets. It is wonderful that you share them with us but I would be loathe to find that you were hacked to death by little men with moustaches and red faces in a chef's bib and tall hats wielding large cleavers

    HAHAHAHA, best i ever heard :o:D rotfl. I'll probably be chopped up for some other comments on this forum then this thread :D

    Maybe by a seperatist movement to preserve thai food culture "the anti burger gang"

    Thanks tutsi, made my day.

    Don't worry most things are textbook stuff from hospitality shool. Real chefs won't be bothered by this. The rest of the farang restaurants might pick up on something though.

    These are basic recepy's , i wont take the single farang :D in to the realm of preparing Basic sauces and Fonds for which you need an oven and 8 hours work, so you can make a very nice french sauce. They'll have to come to france or Belgium for that.

    OK My old teacher used to tell me " your meal stands or falls with the sauce provided" so here are basic sauces from french cuisine, mostly you can divide them in to groups. We'll start with the cold ones.


    I already explained mayonaisse and coktail sauce, so include them with this list.

    Basic Vinigraitte...

    Dijon mustard or other strong mustard

    Some garden herbs, like parsley, chervel, dragon, garlic or pipe onions

    Oil (sunflower, nut oil) dont use palm oil it's to heavy

    Vinegar (wine vinegar, clear vinegar)


    Wisk half part oil with half part vinegar and teaspoon mustard together thourougly

    Add the finely chopped herbs per choice

    add litlle sugar and pepper

    Volia basic salad dressing.

    You can change the taste by using other types of vinegar (balsamico, rosemary, framboise, lemon juice)

    or change oil (olive oil)

    Best used after some cooling in the fridge, stirr again before applying on salad

    Mayo Vinigraitte...


    garden herbs




    Put a big spoon of mayo in a bowl together with the herbs. Stirr while adding little water so it becomes a creamy consistency. add vinegar and a lot of sugar to get a sweet and sour taste.

    Best used after some cooling in the fridge, stirr again before applying on salad

    Yogurt curry dressing...

    Fresh non sugared yoghurt

    Your garden herbs

    Some yellow curry powder mild

    pineapple juice (fresh shouldn't be a problem in thailand)

    Mix yoghurt , herbs

    add curry till mixture slightly yellow

    add pineapple juice till yoghurt runny

    Season with pepper and salt , maybe add curry depending on your taste.

    Serve cold


    Fresh non sugared yoghurt

    a lot of garlic

    garlic press or large nife and board.

    put youghurt in bowl

    peal garlic

    Press garlic cloves over yoghurt in to bowl

    if you have no press , cut the garlic in reasonable slices, put some salt on your board to give resistance, put the garlic on top and press with the flat side of your nife on top of the garlic so it is crushed using a sliding movement. you'll see that is becomes mashed but stays on the board because of the salt.

    Mix everything, let sit in fridge for a day to absorbe garlic taste..

    Ok enough cold sauces. There a lot more in the Store :D but basically their all variants of mayo, ketchup, vinigraitte, yoghurt combinations.

    Experiment yourself


  6. Copy of yesterday post to somebody else...


    Are IT jobs really that difficult to land in Thailand? As it happens I was looking to get out of IT anyway and I could cope with a three year headache.

    There are some jobs out there , the papers are full of them, but mostly there is this little line that says " Thai National Only". On the ones that don't have it you can estimate that for at least 60 percent the same rule will apply.

    The people that work in IT here as farang are :

    1. Send by the mother company in europe

    2. Set up their own It biz to work as contracters (some extra possibilities)

    3. Very highly specialized

    4. Working at a very crummy wage doing a lot of things that are not IT.

    I saw an Add yesterday asking for an ######. it said

    "Some networking experiance needed, electricians will have extra consideration"

    There is a lot of demand for SAP financials consultants, Sales people like business unit managers ect. But most adverts then also state bilingual thai english.

  7. hi tustsi,

    If you keep the amount of youghurt small just to coulour the sauce you can also work it in.

    Like said i would only use it as a cold sauce supplement like the greeks do.

    There is no really a substitute for cream qua taste, ease of use and texture.

    Unfortunatly due to the cost all the "Cream sauces" advertised in menu's here are mixed products like half milk + some binding agent. Real cream sauce for a steak is uncomparable. It's not something for somebody on a diet, or who can't eat fat for health reasons of course.

    You can find cream in most supermarkets in thailand, they have about three brands, For a small packet it's around 70 bath which should give you enough for 2a3 persons. Tastewise it's better to give less sauce but from real reduced cream then to try ti give more but add other stuff to it. It's also the easyest sauce you can make. After you bake the meat in a pan, take the meat out, heat up the pan alone for a few seconds, add the cream so it can deglaze (deglassez) *the pan , let it reduce , season litlle bit maybe , presto sauce. takes 1 minute to make.

    I'll do a French sauce special later but most of them will have addition of cream somewhere :-)


    For a simple mustard sauce , just heat up your oven pan or your frying pan very hot but not burning the left overs. Deglaze *the pan immediatly by dropping a small amount of water in to it. You'll see the water coocking all the juices of the pann.

    Add a litlle bit of mustard, stirr, maybe some sugar (to counteract the stingy taste of the mustard.) Bind with a small amount of Corn flower dissolved in water (very small) , stirr, taste, season if neccesary and serve on top of meat.

    You can use any type of mustard.

    *To Deglaze to cook of the juices stuck to the bottom of a hot frying pan by sprinkling some water over it. To much water will ruin it. Not enough will immediatly stick the juices back to the pan and you'll have to reheat it.

  8. Hi jim,

    Welcome to the boards,

    But I have to say I feel a little intimidated some times about making a post. There seems to be a few regulars who are a little quick to jump on someone about being a troll.

    I think if you give decent and funded answer nobody will consider you a troll. We have some heated discussions sometimes but that doesn't mean we can't be friends in another post.

    just join and ask a question, no problems.

    I would suggest however :D that you don't jump into the bear-pit straight away,

    Especially not with a login like yours :D:o

    No bad feelings intended :D


  9. *wink wink* Zen...sometimes i turn myself on too LOL
    pfff... Chan Roo Sut Lonn maag maag.....

    (getting hot here)

    One thing though, i never been with a Thai woman. Hmmm...how different could that be?

    I've been with some :o , i like them more then the farang girls i must say.

    Seriously, i see nothing wrong with liking men and women at the same time. Or if you're a man liking only a man...and is willing to admit to it, props to u.

    Everybody's own bread and butter i suppose ? I'm strictly hetero, played around in my time and did some wild stuff like a threesome and so on but if a man tries to touch me i'll probably punch him right back. It's just an instinct.

    I have nothing against gay's by the way, but it's just a normal reaction.

    Up 2 you , they say here so ????


  10. hi longsands,

    You can also so cook them semi soft in a normal pot of boiling water with the skin on. let them cool and wrap them in foil for over the barbeque later on.

    Then they will only need to get hot, not completely cook which would take along time.

    If you have a microwave you can even cook them in there. is mostly only good for small quantities like 1 or 2.

    Put the patato with skin in a bowl with some water so that the potato is sitting in it half way in. Put in microwave, nuke for 4 minutes, turn the potato over and nuke again for 4 minutes. Then test to see if soft otherwise some more minutes.

    You can eat them actually for dinner like that every day, quick and same quality.


    ps : wash them first of course before you cook them

  11. Hi sandy,

    Zen: it isnt butter. It's like cooking oil in a spray can, but much healthier than butter and oil. Great for stir fries and a grilled cheese sandwich!!!
    Thanks for the info, but as a cook trained long time ago in French cuisine it still send shivers down my spine when i hear it..... Progress i suppose.
    zen...what can you say about substituting plain yogurt for cream for most applications? Yogurt is healthier and more widely available in the hinterlands. Yeah, I know that yogurt is not ideal but with heat the difference with cream diminishes

    Hi tutsi,

    Yogurt is indeed healtier but you'll see that you can only use it in cold dishes. It's actually a great substitute for mayonaisse.

    Yougurt will shift / curdle if you try to reduce it in a pan especially with fat in it like oil or butter. Only if you can keep your sauce on medium heat you'll be able to pull it off.

    I really like the Greek "TZATZIKI" Which is basically yogurt with a lot of garlic in it

    It depends on your eating habits of course.

    My recipes will mostly come from gastronomical tradition of France, Belgium

    (i'm Belgian, and the Belgian kitchen is a deduction from the French gastronomical restaurants, It is same quality food but not so expensive as a 5 star restaurant in france)

    but it is based on the good ingredients like cream, cheese, butter instead of the really healthy ones , i agree. I also like to stick to the original recepy as made in the home country. you can adjust as you wish, cooking is an art not mathematics!

    You'll never find 2grams of this or 3 spoons of that in my recepy's anyway. A real cook work with his fingers and his taste, not his scales (only for determining cost mostly)

    For baking you can substitute butter also with olive oil if you like the taste of it.

    Everybody is invited to put up some easy recepy's from their own country's so we can have a Fusion food forum thread :o


    If somebody has some questions how to make something , like some sauce they have been meaning to try, please ask. If i know i'll tell you, else i'll look for you.

  12. Let me add a welcome as well, and Zen, did you know that for every new member you bring to the forum, you get a prize? Free membership for yourself and another friend as well.
    I'll come and exchange the free membership for a bottle of chang ok :o

    Anyway welcome to all the newbies out there, Don't worry it was written under my name also some time ago. Just join in the discussions, read learn, give an opposite view, preferably a funded in my personal opinion.

    You will really learn a lot about thai culture, habits, Sabai-ness, Crazy politics, very outspoken laws never to be heard of again, wai-ing, job prospects, Visa turmoils and really what it is to live here.

    I know this forum is about thailand, for thais and expats and basiclly anyone who wants to join, but we can talk on other things outside of thailand cant we??


    i think if it's appropriate in the context of the forum department sure, check with ###### for the full rules, He's one of the admins here.

    I joined recently as a way of trying to find out more about what's going on in Thailand. Particularly, what's going on with the new bar hours and how they might hit the tourist economy. However, on that score, I'm not much the wiser and from what I can gather, neither is most of Thailand including the police force.

    Indeed neither are the most of us...party on Gart


  13. This is a new ID system using Java-based chip cards, which will support 32Kb of memory for data storage. The card will include the user's digitized fingerprints for biometric identification and will carry insurance, tax and welfare benefit information.
    Ah , we have something similar in belgium also called a sis card. From all the benefits the public were supposed to get the only thing that's left is that Big brother governement can see everything in one go. all the rest is no use to anyone.
    First, 10 essential agencies will connect to the central system including those for driving licenses, passports, trading registration and land title deeds. Eventually, this will be a central database registration system covering 572 registration offices and serving both public and private organizations.

    Aaai , and they are going to give each thai a card ?? Wonder how many title deeds will suddenly change name into Shinawatra ??

    Great for taking out your driver license violations of course :-). wonder why nobody hacked into immigration yet, they also use a webbased intranet to file your overstay's i saw in trat last time. just pasword box protected.

    I did some war driving around bangkok a few months ago. You wouldn't believe how many open wireless connections you find from big corporations and banks.

    you could login , hack something or get some info and drive away in 5 minutes out on the street.

  14. Hi smile,

    Are IT jobs really that difficult to land in Thailand? As it happens I was looking to get out of IT anyway and I could cope with a three year headache.
    There are some jobs out there , the papers are full of them, but mostly there is this little line that says " Thai National Only". On the ones that don't have it you can estimate that for at least 60 percent the same rule will apply.

    The people that work in IT here as farang are :

    1. Send by the mother company in europe

    2. Set up their own It biz to work as contracters (some extra possibilities)

    3. Very highly specialized

    4. Working at a very crummy wage doing a lot of things that are not IT.

    I saw an Add yesterday asking for an ######. it said

    "Some networking experiance needed, electricians will have extra consideration"

    There is a lot of demand for SAP financials consultants, Sales people like business unit managers ect. But most adverts then also state bilingual thai english.

    Don't believe all the story's from how cheap thailand is.

    Thailand is cheap if you can live as a thai.

    The teachers on their 20.000 bath maximum wage here al sleep in little 4mX4m one room appartments, drive a motorbike, and eat thai food on the street everyday.

    If you want to Keep your lifestyle as in europe meaning:

    Reasonable appartment or house, Car, eating western food at least three times a week at home of course.

    You better start looking in expense between 40.000 bath and 60.000 bath/ monthly , depending on the area that you live in.

    The only thing that is really cheap here is THE FOOD, electricity, water, gas.

    Cars and houses go very close to european prices. the more close to bangkok the more expensive the houses are. Average house in pattaya (3 bedrooms style) will set you back between 25.000 and 35.000 monthly, bangkok 3 bedroom condo's are about the same. Of course if you live up country in Isaan you can find the same house for 5000 a month.

    I'm living as a couple , no children and spending around 45.000 monthly on a nice house, car and living cost.

    Despite what everyone says , the only succesfull farangs i meet here are usually owners of factory's , service buisinesses, long standing hotels and restaurants.

    The poor guy's are the basic english teachers, new owners of beer bars, the 130th guesthouse owner in Jontiem ect.

    If you can come with enough money you can easely survive even with a good small business, But your childrens education while compromise that by the cost of it.

    And as DR patpong said , defacto relations are not recognized so all of you will have problems getting visa's every three months or yearly again. Which means or Marry, then you can do it one 1 company 1 workpermit + visa on your name, wife children on there also.

    Or 1 company 2 workpermits (capatalization 4 mill, lot of thai staff) children on your visa's. (ask Sunbelt about Companies)

    I don't know what happens to the children if they become of legal age regarding visa's , maybe could ask the DR again?

    What anual income would be required, in your opinion, to educate and support two kids and a partner with a comfortable lifestyle

    Above figures are estimates without education, insurance, hospital bils ect.

    Your children will NEED an international school (if you care about their future at least).

    In a normal Thai school they will learn diddely squat. Only Thai reading and writing, basic mathematics. Rote learning , No individual development at all.

    Even in international schools they probably will have it easy with their european background.

    Everybody say's that international schools are expensive. They also look like their expensive :o , But since i have no kids i can't help you with that.

    If you want you can e-mail me and i can give you some more figures in private.

    Hope it helps


  15. ASIC,

    How do I get a Thai driving license?

    If you have an international one you can just change it into a thai one at their License center.

    If not you need to do a small driving test.

    You also need a doctor's certificate, copies of pasport ect, two pictures, and 500 bath.

    Also need to do a coulourblind test at the centre.

    I only know where the one in pattaya is:

    It's on the exit from highway 7 were it joins highway 33 ?? to rayong behind the International school.

    from pattaya drive to chonburi , 4 kms outside pattaya you got a intersection were the rayong highway starts, drive about 8 km's to the chonburi nr 7 highway.

    When you come down the hill you see the two higways splitting up left chonburi , straight rayong. Take the u turn just after the split (not marked). Drive back to pattaya for about 80 meters, take the left small road , center is behind the corner on your right.

    if you also drive motorcycles you need an extra one for that also.

    Good luck


  16. Hi cathy,

    Thanks for your recipe.

    Do you mean they have butter in the USA in a Spray can ??

    Brr shiver's running down my European spine... :o

    But indeed if you butter the bread it's not so fat. I like i with real butter but if you see me you know why :D

    So we had some breakfasts let's move on to lunch


    Italian wheat spaghetti (no noodles) or thin spaghetti (also so called cappelini)

    2 slices of cooked ham per person (small ones)

    Cream or Double cream (expensive in thailand i know)

    Grated cheese (parmesan, emmental up to you)

    some butter

    1 egg yoke

    First cook the spaghetti in some salted water. Preferably "all dente" (not to soft)

    stir the spaghetti after half a minute so it doesn't stick together.

    See if it's ready by taking out one string, cut it in two , when you see a little white dot in the center it's needs to cook more, or you just can taste it of course.

    When cooked drain and let it rest for a while.

    While it's cooking you can cut the Ham in little pieces of about 1cm square.

    Heat up the pan and bake the ham in some butter untill golden.

    Trow in the pan the portion of spaghetti you need

    ( for 4 people you need a really big pan)

    Shake or stir it around so that the ham and butter are spread .

    Immediatley add the cream, stir / shake * again , Add some of the cheese, salt pepper not to much though.

    Now let the Cream reduce by cooking untill you get a reasonably thick sauce while stirring. Take off the fire , taste , season if neccesary, serve on plate.

    Center the egg yoke in the middle on top of the spaghetti.**

    sprinkel with some cheese or parsley

    Cooking time maximum 15 minutes, after experience 8 minutes

    * You can Shake or fold the spaghetti over with a flipping motion of your hand coming from the wrist, that way you don't need to stir and risk cutting the strings in half.

    ** If you don't like the traditional italian raw egg yoke on top (chicken flu ect..) just leave it out

    Serve immediatly with some parmesan and french bread.


    Have a nice lunch

  17. Is the flood of Newbies on thaivisa a result of the tourist season that's coming to a close?

    Are they all sitting back home wanting to get back here as quickly as possible ?

    Or are we getting trolled from all over ??

    Anybody some thoughts?


  18. Hi,

    Prostitutes all over the world have mostly a common reason to start in the buisiness.

    It doesn't matter if it's thailand, holland, US or where ever.

    Most of the volentary prostitution is because a woman is temporary in dire straits, needs money quick and is adviced or coached often by a friend in to prostitution.

    The first few jobs are ###### but they do them cause they still need the money.

    They all start by saying ," oh i'm gonna do this two weeks till my debts are paid"

    The reason why most of them Continue to do this job is because the money catches them and the abundance of money becomes overwhelming. Especially because they had this problem before. Money becomes an easy addiction.

    Especially because they not really have to work that hard.

    I had a former girlfriend about 8 years ago who was a prostitute in holland. She started this job when she had 8 euro's in her pocket and no food to eat after that.

    After Three weeks She made 7500 euro.

    Her basic income a month was around 8200 euro's ( 300.000 bath) all not taxed , so clear in pocket. She could by all of the clothes she wanted, eat in fancy restaurants often paid by clients, drive in a nice car....She also said she was going to get out in a year ect...

    They just can't as long as they are making money.

    When the money goes down because they are not that young and pretty anymore then they will find it somehow easyer to quit.

    Hopefully for them they will have saved some money also... most of them don't anyway.


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