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Posts posted by Zendesigner

  1. i went to the bank yesterday and needed to change in to a new account because i moved to a different place.

    When i asked why they cannot use the old account i got the following explanation.

    A branch of a thai bank can only handle it's own accounts because the bank manager has the power to sign , take out , ect money in all of the account of the bank. If they would make that nation wide , the risk of bank managers stealing is to great. ?????

    Nice to hear that from your bank clerck no ?

    And the farangs are the criminals in thailand ?????


  2. hi greg,

    some questions if you like.

    If you setup a limited partnership between your wife and you and she's the thai md.

    How does this work for the capitalization, and can you get a work permit on it ?

    i just applied for a marriage extension. is that then compatible with the company?

    Can i be a silent partner who doesn't work in the company ?



  3. Why do would you want to buy a new car here if you dont have the money and need financing???

    the answer is leasing.

    Plain renting if looked in carefully is the same price as buying and without the risk.

    I drive a ford ranger 4x4 2800 cc which costs me 18000 a month.

    if i want to buy the same model it will cost me

    200.000 bath downpayment + 48 months of 14.700 bath loan + insurance + cost of repair and accident.

    When i rent i get

    18000 flat fee

    if it breaks down they fix it and give me another one.

    AA service

    Fully insured

    if i crash it it will cost me 5000 bath waiver, i get a new one next day while they wait for the insurance money.

    no cost of repairs, just fuel.

    always the latest models.

    You do the math. You only win when you buy if you plan to be here more then 5 years.


  4. hi,

    In pattaya you can surf wireless in the royal cliff beach hotel on mweb hotspot.

    just get a free login from starbucks first. You then can keep on using it over and over again when you login to their xpossible login (radius)

    So the surfing is free..... :o but onfutunatley the drinks cost 90 bath in the lobby... :D but very good speed connection.


  5. ######,

    I'll probably be needing an ip star connection soon. By the look of your tagline you are in the neigborhood of chiangmai?

    If so Are you availeble , and at wat price?

    I'm a network consultant myself so i probably can try it but it's always easyer to have somebody there wo has done it himself.


  6. what a bullxxx

    my wife is not jalous at all, and i'm sure most thai women aren't.

    They just get pissed off when the prospect of money or a better life gets compromised by a competitor.

    How do you explain all the Mia noi's then in thailand? is thai women would be jealous we would have figths all over the place everyday. If you support Nr 1 while having 2 or 3 she won't love you anymore but she will not be jealous as long she is taken care for.

    That's thai women thinking :o

    they actually don't care that much , it's probably only showing off.


  7. it was the hi five hotel on second road an soi 8.

    The jumper was actually climbing out of the fire escape and lost his grip.

    i still have the goosebumps when i think about it now.

    apperently he survived it , which i didn't think because it was the 5th floor not the 3th one.


  8. Hi DS,

    I'm actually looking for an ###### job now for three and a half months. Altough i had several interviews nothing has come out of it yet.

    I find it very difficult here. Thais just don't want to hire you because they lose face when they get an applicant who knows more then them.

    Go straight to the farang Manager. He will surely be able to use other farang in high positions because the thai are actually not that good in them.

    Mind you, don't get your hopes up. I send 150 application letters now and only got reply's on 6.

    By the way, if they need an ###### let me know :o

  9. hi guys ,

    thanks for the reply's. i was just grossed out at the time :o .

    i agree that it maybe common practice here not to hide blood and gore but i still feel it's disrespectfull.

    Indo, As i'm a buddhist my self i understand their standpoint on fate, karma ect but it stil doesnt mean you suddenly treat a dead person as meat after two minutes.

    As a buddhist you should in fact respect all forms of life, death and nature.

    Anyway not many people in thailand even though they are buddhists show respect for life in the form of people , let alone animals. Like every religion you have many who are only thought the actions rather then the spirit of the religion. They will way buddha when they enter a place every day, but with the same ease will kill you for a stupid reason. It's just unfortunatley like that.

    tuky , i would hope the famillie would show the respect, but members of the police services could give that basic thing also.

    Dr patpong, if you are called forward by police you don't have the time to stop and pull out your own sheet. In europe i would never be able to cross the scene with my car anyway. there's really no reason to allow 50 onlookers and everybody driving by to witness this other then an urgue for sensation.

    I dont agree with the "makes you think argument" in fact it just desensitizes people to think about it.

    What actually happened was apparently:

    Two motorcycle's collided headon which made one of them fall. Unfortunatley in the path of an oncoming bus which ran over him and proceeded on it's way ofcourse like nothing happened.

    The pair standing vomitting hundred meter later was the other driver that was in the collision.

    Saw it again with the gory details on the news next day.


  10. A question to all Thais and expats here.

    Do the Thai people have respect for the death in an accident?

    I just drove by a motorcycle accident to see the victim lying on the floor with his head cracked open and his brain splattered over the street.

    I'm sorry if it's sound gross but it was.

    I would say the least respect you can show in a accident is to cover the body with a sheet or something, so that not everybody has to witness to horrifying result.

    NO here apparently it is the custom to keep everything open, have like 50 spectators around, 3 tv crews and show the details again on the 7 oclock news for everybody.

    I Find this a truly disrespect for the victims.

    May i say that this is really nice for all the tourists here in pattaya.

    Let's not stand in the way of " loosing our o so nice rep here in thailand"

    Disgusting sense of morality. :o

    Any comments ?


    PS: 50 meters further a woman on a bike was vomiting after she saw the scene.

    It was that disqusting.

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