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Everything posted by DUNROAMIN

  1. Not going to happen. Failing economies everywhere, war, fuel prices up, cities in lockdown, covid restrictions, silly season now in Thailand.
  2. Boo Hoo, get over it, the world is trying to get rid of plastic bags. Take a reuseable bag next time, suke.????
  3. If the shoe fits wear it. Not about putting anybody down just a fact.
  4. Police turn a blind eye, no, I dont believe it, well maybe for 10 seconds.
  5. Yes and the masses will be spreading Omicron 10 fold. No intention of travelling anywhere during Thailands crazy season.
  6. Hmmmm, just imagine next year the road carnage for songkran with pot smoking drunk drivers.
  7. Plenty of sun here, however, dont come here if you have respitory problems or suffer from pollon allergies.
  8. After living here for 6 years nothing surprises me, Thai mentality and logic leaves me scatching my head every day.
  9. How about telling police to actually do their job and implement real law enforcement.
  10. Because fuel companies have more power than the government.
  11. Clinics first, after a while you will find a good one. Private hospital if surgery required.
  12. Yeah, I work on a rheem of paper every year for Immigration. Thailand is about 20 years behind in the computer data collection age.
  13. Hi to all, we are relocating to another province. Has anybody had experience in selling a house in Thailand? What taxes have to be paid and by whom. Seems to be a lot of conflicting info on the web. If anybody can point me to a good web site that explains the step by step process of selling a house in Thailand. We have owned the house since 2560. House and land in wife's name. Cheers
  14. Regardless of who is wright or wrong Thailand is only shooting itself in the foot with more BS to deter tourists and expats. I personally dont eat at those places as the food is low grade and over priced.
  15. No law enforcement, no proper driver training, road carnage will continue. Never ending story.
  16. How does a upstanding law abiding police general have a net worth of 940m US. Something smells here.
  17. You need to expand pcr test details and take photo. I have to do the same myself just recently.
  18. Defence against who exactly.? Maybe invasion of dirty farangs!
  19. somebody pissing in your pocket, not required in Thailand. On treturn from overseas your wife must submit paperwork on your return. She is classed as the landord of the house and you are a tenant. Another TIT BS rule.
  20. Good luck finding real iced coffee here. By the time you take away, ice, condensed milk, water, sugar, maybe you find coffee.
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