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About ericthai

  • Birthday 08/13/1966

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  1. I agree with you plenty of brave men in Europe, Australia, etc. however, the Vietnam war was not an American war, the US got dragged into it. what started the Vietnam war was Vietnam wanting independence from France, which then divided Vietnam into two groups (north/ south). , one backed by communist and one backed by the US. This was not a war the US started.
  2. and for a small fee your passport went to Malaysia while you stayed in BKk. Immigration could care less if you overstayed, they would make jokes if you overstayed. you could get a 1 year multi entry B visa so easily in Laos or Malaysia. Mid to late 97 early 98 the economic crises hit and Thailand became unbelievably cheap. Less than 4 millions visitors a year at the time. Great memories…
  3. people publish whatever they want, that’s the whole idea of Free Speech. It’s not like Musk is approving everything someone posts, he’s allowing them to freely post their thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
  4. Because China makes everything and people love buying things. Hopefully this will change in the future.
  5. You realize the USA is in debt and is borrowing money to give to theses programs. if you feel so strongly about this please go to the bank take out a loan and give it to the refugees.
  6. I’m not fighting with anyone, I don’t have a problem what someone believes or thinks. I might not agree with someone and may even think they’re crazy, but I’ll respect them as a person and not unfriend them. I’m sad that life long friends stop beings friends because they have a different opinion or think differently. If I like pizza and you hate it, are you going to stop being my friend? It seems the democrats are only happy if you agree with them, if you don’t agree with them then you’re a racist, fascist or a nazi. Fascism in the USA? The USA is way too big for that to happen. There are 3 branches of government in place to prevent such a thing. Then each state has their own government officials and then you have local government officials in all the cities and towns. the USA is just too big for one person or one party to get control over all of the federal government and then also all the states and local governments.
  7. Hmm, everyone but the democrats are racist. Don’t forget the other democrat key phrase of republicans being “nazis”. What I find curious is that Biden kept saying nobody is above the law, but is whole time in office he protected people that entered the USA illegally and then prior to leaving office…all the family pardons.
  8. What checks and balances have been removed to allow trump to be dictator? I find all of this is them against us, such a sad situation. I have friends from grade school that have stopped talking to each other over politics. It’s sad that the democrats take a position that if you don’t agree with them they hate you. All they say is agree with me because I’m right and you’re wrong. do I like trump? not really, he says stupid stuff, but the democrats had nothing. I listened to Kamala and wanted to give her chance but she had nothing. She couldn’t even make a coherent statement. unfortunately we are at a place where if one group supports something doesn’t matter if its good for the people or not, the other group is against it. Both sides need to stop fighting with each other and work on issues together to help the people!
  9. She didn’t want a job, she wanted you to support her.
  10. Not sure what you’re talking about, Africans are already in Thailand and have been here for decades.
  11. So they were going to copy everything instead of scanning??
  12. I assume you have not had to take any DEI classes. Nothing really to do with diversity. They want to change they way you speak. You could no longer call a manager "manager" they were now to be called "People leader". Here are some more examples: Addict → person with a substance abuse disorder Addiction is a disease — but we shouldn’t equate a person’s identity with their disease. The word addict perpetuates the negative stereotyping and stigma around those who have an addiction. That’s because it acts as shorthand for those ideas. The more appropriate term, according to the Partnership to End Addiction, is now person with a substance use disorder or person struggling with an addiction. Elderly → senior Ageism is real, and using the word elderly to describe someone is one of the ways that it can manifest. The word invites the discrimination that older individuals often face, and it’s associated with things that are typically thought of in a negative light, like sickness or inability. So it’s best avoided. A better phrase would be older person or senior adult. Homeless → people experiencing homelessness Using this term to describe a group of people means defining them according to one trait they happen to share, and one that, for many, is a temporary state. It perpetuates the stigma associated with homelessness. A better option would be to say, someone who is experiencing homelessness. Sex change → transition According to GLAAD, the term sex change places an unnecessary emphasis and focus on the surgical aspect of transitioning. The decision to have surgery or not is a personal one, and someone who has transitioned should not have to reveal whether they’ve had surgery or not. The term sex change has also been used in the past to out trans people, so it’s both offensive and outdated. The preferred term for the surgery itself is sex reassignment surgery or gender affirmation surgery. Exotic →refers to a woman The term is often used to describe women of color. To those who have been described this way, it can foster feelings of being objectified, especially given the term’s racist colonial roots. Because the term is mostly meant to describe non-living things, it’s dehumanizing to use it to describe a person. Finally, it implies the person being described doesn’t fit a certain standard of beauty (remember non-white?), even as it objectifies them. Insane → just don’t Mental illness has long been fraught with stigma, and this term perpetuates the negative stereotypes associated with those who have mental illnesses. That’s a huge part of the problem when it comes to the treatment of mental illness itself, making it harder for people to seek help. A phrase that isn’t steeped in stigma, like person with a mental health condition, is a better option. Man hours → person hours, engineering hours It may be easy to overlook this term because its use is so widespread. But here are two reasons to cut this from your vocabulary: First, the term assumes that it is men who are doing the work, which excludes anyone who does not identify as a man. Second, it supports the gender binary by setting up a this-or-that classification. So it’s best to use a less exclusionary (and more descriptive!) term like person hours or work hours. Alcoholic → person with a substance abuse disorder As with the word addict, this word takes a person and makes them synonymous with their disease. This tethers them to all the negative ideas connected to that disease. For those who have alcoholism, this can make it harder to feel as though they’re making progress. A better option would be to say, person who has a substance abuse disorder. People promoting DEI think they can turn the world into Disneyland, that everyone will be nice to each other.
  13. fragile ego???? I dont think things would've been so pleasant if it was my wife he hit! guess you didn't read the article where she didn't want any money, just an apology which this idiot refused to give.
  14. I dont need to read about the war on drugs, I was here at the time and heard about it almost daily. I think it was terrible time (about 3 months) and I blame the police for the killings. If you review the Thai economy for the last 3 decades you'll understand how good things were when he was PM. He also initiated allot of programs to help people. He started the school loan program, 30 baht medical program, provided low interest loans to famers, He balanced the budget! The Thai people didn't remove him from office, there was a coup by the army when Thaksin was in New York for a UN meeting. He was really liked by the people at the time. He was the first democratically elected PM to complete his full term and then he was re-elected. This was amazing at the time. All of my workers loved him. Don't get me wrong, I dont really like the guy. He started all the immigration crap, but the truth is Thailand was very strong when he was PM.
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