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Everything posted by ericthai

  1. I never said it was, I was asked what I thought about mask and vaccines and I answered.
  2. I dont understand you statement? what do you want me to tell them? a 17 month old baby was vaccinated?
  3. yes I think it's working or I think I would be really sick or worse. My good friend died two months ago from Covid he was 62 and was in perfect health, he went to the gym every day. I know there are risks with the vaccination, but I think the risk is minimal. One of my friends got bells palsy after his injection and he still has issues. I've read allot about the vaccinations side effects, the unknown, but hell we all take risks every day. Getting into a car you dont know if your going to live or die.
  4. I agree with you, it can be very bad! My wife and I are both vaccinated (pfizer) and she has been really sick for the past week. She was tested and has COVID as do I. she is really bad, constant cough, bad headache, soar throat, very tired etc. As for me I have mild body aches and a mild headache but ok.
  5. Sorry I dont agree with you, Taskin was the one that started the crack down at immigration. clamped down on Visa runs, required more documentation to get visas, clamped down on overstay, No longer was it just a fine now possible deportation and black list for overstaying. I agree he did some good (great) things for Thailand, the economy was booming, allot of foreign investment and a generally good feeling in Thailand.
  6. Is your wife Thai? If so. it will cost her nothing. Also if people purchase the correct insurance it covers asymptomatic stays. so where is the scam?
  7. Where is it racist to call someone from Russia, a Russian or from China, Chinese etc. This is their nationality. Maybe before you starting calling people racist you need to look up the definition! Looks like you're taking a racist approach about the elderly.
  8. Describing a person's skin color or personal appearance is not racism.. Please read the definition of racism as too many times it taken out of content. I dont see where the article said anything derogative towards the group as they were describing the group. If someone has blonde hair and you describe them with blonde hair is that racism?
  9. You ever been in Bangkok?? Ever notice you have to step down into allot of the shops? Same thing.
  10. My wife's mother died 7 years ago. My wife had to fight with the life insurance company to get her claim, and then they only paid a portion not the whole thing. They had an excuse for everything, my wife finally agreed to a lower amount after about 4-5 months of fighting with them.
  11. Actually i think allot do, but the corruption is so imbedded it's unfixable until the government really gets serious about corruption.
  12. Good luck with that complaint....you must be new to Thailand? This is normal for government offices. One day you get told this, next day you speak to someone else at the same office and you get different information. You'll learn that no IO is going to volunteer info, especially things such as...."are your divorced sir?...if so you'll need your wife's permission." Nobody in the government in Thailand is forward thinking enough to provide details that may be important but you didn't think to ask.
  13. Grew up in the USA (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida) lived in Thailand (16yrs), Vietnam (2yrs), Toronto, Canada (1yr) Then did projects all over Asia ranging from 2-3 months up 8 months at a time.
  14. Check out etoro. I used this app to dabble in crypto. You can follow others investors. The app has a fourm you can get news ask questions etc.
  15. do you not understand that Myanmar is pretty much at civil war, I dont believe the average person is able to legally leave Myanmar at this time. I think if I was in the same position as these people I would be doing exactly the same thing, whatever it takes to get to a safe place.
  16. teaching is working so a work permit is needed online or not. Just like everything in Thailand all depends who catches you what happens.
  17. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/7-foreign-teachers-found-working-illegally-at-sarasas-school https://thethaiger.com/news/national/382215 https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/visa/government-crackdown-on-foreigners-teaching-without-work-permits https://thepattayanews.com/2018/03/10/19-foreigners-arrested-overstay-working-without-work-permit/ also search bangkok post, I would post links for them but not allowed due to forum rules.
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