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Everything posted by ericthai

  1. really???? every day people did not vote on the constitution. You really think the elections are fair?
  2. understood you where here, but you said it happened overnight, now you say a few weeks. Seems we are remembering things differently. I'm sorry, but I dont recall it jumping from 32 to 50 even over a few weeks. I recall it taking months for it to move up. From what I remember it started in the 30's mid July or so, then around oct/nov hit the 40's and then early 98 it hit the 50's then feb/march stayed in the 40's and then gradually declined. My timeline might not be exact but I'm sure it's close as I remember watching the exchange rate daily, tying to decide to transfer money or wait for it to go up.
  3. sorry, some wrong info... The baht was at 25THB not 32THB and it didn't go to 50THB overnight, this happened over a period of months and actually didn't go over 50THB until Jan/Feb 1998. I dont recall it hitting 57, I think that highest exchange rate I got was 54 as for what caused the collapse, there were many issues. mainly corruption, but mainly over investment in properties with several local economies investing in Thailand's real estate market. When things start going down investors started selling out and the house or cards fell. Actually the final straw happened when the Thai Bank ran out of reserves (due to capital outflow from investor selling) and unpegged the THB to the USD to let it float.
  4. looks like being a vegan is not good when breastfeeding.
  5. another crack down that will last a few weeks and then fade away....
  6. according to the rules, they go by the time of the flight so technically you would be on overstay. However, if it's only 1 day it wont be an issue if flying out of BKK. Normally a 1 day overstay at BKK there is no fine. If they stamp your passport or not is up to the IO. If I were you I would just be prepared to pay it (500thb), as it is possible the IO might try and collect the fee (unofficially).
  7. you already pay an exit fee, it's included in the ticket price. You used to have to pay cash but I think around 2000 or so they changed it and added it to the ticket. This is another fee they want to add on top of the exit fee they already get!!!
  8. Online tutoring in China was stopped. I know a girl in China was an online tutor and now she's looking for other work as the government stopped online tutoring. Therefore the fall in the stocks.
  9. bribes are normal. It can be hit or miss all depends on the cop (or govt official) you run into.
  10. They always make sure there is a gray area
  11. You do realize that this is Thailand (the land of corruption) so it doesn't matter what the laws are, it is what they want it to be at the time.
  12. well, he's getting to be a Top cop, if he can just start a communication company then he might have a chance
  13. Well I wouldn't say that portrays the average American, most mass shootings are perpetrated by people with mental issues.
  14. coups their good at coups
  15. then i dont think you will like Issan
  16. you don't condone corporal punishment, but you're ready to seriously hurt someone?
  17. OP I feel for you, most of the time on here you get shot down by a good percentage, but man this one was bad..... I take it you're new to Thailand so if you're looking for good service you came to the wrong place. As for running a business...well if you dont have employee's and all their personal issues and inventory, logistics etc then you dont really have a business, so yeah there's that....
  18. And you're missing my point. You could always easily get it in Kho San rd. when it was illegal. You think they care about age when selling illegally? Then you have access with facebook, tik tok etc. I agree there should be restrictions such as age, license to sell etc. but thinking that is going to stop teens your kidding yourself.
  19. I got your point, I'm saying even if it's illegal teens can still get easily.
  20. and you really believe that teens couldn't get it before?
  21. Doesn't matter what a contract says if it goes against thai labor laws you will lose. The labor department is very strong.
  22. sure get the Thai government involved and then nobody could afford it. They will add 1000% tax, plus vat, plus this plus that. Best is to leave it an open market. Labs will open up to provide testing and sellers will start to provide lab tested products. If people want this it will happen naturally. Getting government's involved just screw things up.
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