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Everything posted by ericthai

  1. I've gotten girls back to the room and then sent them packing for one reason or another. Typically give them 100B for taxi. 400Bht bar fine in 96? i think max i paid in mid 90's was 200B most were 150B
  2. I use a company that provides virtual cards for online payments. I did have to create a new card for each seller, but I use the free service and there is no cost for 12 cards a month. You can set payment limits turn on or off or have a one time use card which is great for free trails that require a credit card. I have a card for my cell phone company set at $5 more than the normal bill so if anything extra is added it wont go through and I get a notice. Best of all I dont have to use my real name or address. The payments for this company to cover my transactions are connected to my US bank and done as an EFT. If you upgrade to a paid account you get more cards per month and cash back I think it's 1%. The company I use is called "Privacy"
  3. Things dont sound good when the boss cant be found. If I were you, I would go directly to a police station and file a lost passport report then to your embassy to get a temp passport or travel document. As for being able to stay longer in Thailand all depends on your embassy and then immigration and as far as immigration goes it's always hit or miss no matter what the rules are. You're in a tough situation I really wish you lots of luck!!!
  4. Sorry dont recall that, I recall Pattaya being a tourist trap back then with allot of Russians around. Maybe 40 years ago, But late 90's it was a tourist town already.
  5. you do realize allot of men become monks at some point in their life, most only for a short period.
  6. seems like he learned something he's not too sure he likes.
  7. Last Time I rented a car in Thailand was over 15 yrs ago, cost back then was something like 500-600B a day for a little car. From Pattaya to Ban Lam it takes about 4hrs. Do a search of car rental in Pattaya
  8. I think 5K is a little high, more like 3-4K. I know several Thais that have same size room and they pay 2K 2.5K
  9. Flying at this time of the year is going to be much more expensive due to the holidays. However, you have plenty of options, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos. Fly out in the morning and fly back in the afternoon. I would go to Laos, and fly Laos Air take a late afternoon flight 2-3pm and fly back early evening around 6-7pm cant recall exact times. If you're afraid of mini vans another option is to hire a private car and drive to the Cambodia boarder, find a friend to share the cost.
  10. yes, I can. Thai immigration used to care less about overstays 20 years ago. No bans, blacklists , just pay the overstay fee turn around and comeback in, no issues. The immigration officers would joke with you about it. Of course they were all happy they are pocketing the overstay fees.
  11. I did well with my company, sold it for a nice profit after 12 years. I have a few expat friends that did well too. I know 2 expats that lost allot, but they did things half-ass and it didn't work out. So what type of company did you own?
  12. It's taxes, the taxes are much higher in Thailand.
  13. So how will farmers make out paying 600B a day for a worker? Growing rice, they make very little money. Sure big companies can handle it and make less profit, but it's the smaller companies that will fold because it gets to a point your operation costs are too high doesn't matter how well you manage a company. Don't get me wrong Thais should get paid more, but doubling the minimum wage again, more jobs will be lost to Vietnam and Cambodia.
  14. keep thinking like that. Prices go up higher than what you increased wages, that's the problem. Luckily I sold my company several years ago, but if I had to start paying more for labor I would've started investment in automated processes and get rid of the workers. Then more workers are out of jobs. There is a point where labor costs get too high and your only option is to invest in automation, reduce work force, employ illegal workers (paying them less) or last resort move your production to different country.
  15. it was canceled because he didn't attend class, so it's his actions that caused this. Weather he was aware the visa was cancelled or not is irrelevant because he wasn't meeting the conditions of the visa. Same if you have a visa for marriage you get divorced your visa is cancelled. Don't know where it says you have to be aware the visa is cancelled for you to be on overstay! Just because you break a law that you may not be aware of it doesn't give you freedom to do so.
  16. you really want Asennow to have all the news about Thais breaking the law? There is plenty of news about Thais, just watch the evening Thai news. Come on guys this not a news outlet for what Thais are doing. This is an information/ news outlet for expats wanting information pertaining to us.
  17. so every Asian I see with a tattoo is in a gang? with that said, I guess out of all the gangs I like the bar girl gangs the best they are always fun!
  18. ericthai

    Cargo Shorts

    same as it's always been..
  19. In Thailand it's contacts you got to have the right contacts!!
  20. I understand that he has allot invested, things happen and at this point his the landlord and partners playing games I only see loosing more money and not getting the bar back. You cant keep putting out money into a loosing situation.
  21. I feel bad for the guy, he really should just cut his losses and move on, his partner and lease holder will just drag things out until he has no money left to do anything.
  22. I gave you correct information as a licensed Medicare insurance agent in the USA!!
  23. If your plan G has worldwide coverage you will typically only be be covered for the first 60 days. (depends on insurance company) Also, this is for emergency/urgent care services not routine care. Most plans will also have a deductible. In most cases you will have to pay out of pocket and then get reimbursed. Also, different plans have different worldwide coverage rates some cover up to $25,000 others has high as $150,000 USD.
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