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Everything posted by ericthai

  1. dont know why you guys had issues back in the 90's. Back then I found immigration very easy and laid back, they didn't even care about overstays, would laugh and joke about it.
  2. you're talking about the wrong guy. In politics, a lame duck or outgoing politician is an elected official whose successor has already been elected or will be soon.[1] An outgoing politician is often seen as having less influence with other politicians due to their limited time left in office. Conversely, a lame duck is free to make decisions that exercise the standard powers with little fear of consequence, such as issuing executive orders, pardons, or other controversial edicts. Lame duck politicians result from term limits, planned retirement, or electoral losses, and are especially noticeable where political systems build in a delay between the announcement of results and the taking of office by election winners. Even at the local level, politicians who do not seek re-election can lose credibility and influence. Uncompleted projects may fall to the wayside as their influence diminishes.
  3. It seems the Demo crates have double standards. Trump didn't have sex with Stormy while he was President, but....Clinton got a <deleted> in the oval office from Monica Lewinski, and then all the other girls Juanita Broaddrick Gennifer Flowers Paula Jones Kathleen Willey What did biden say, "Nobody is above the law" but then gives out pardons left and right.
  4. machines (mainly pickers and strippers)
  5. I think you need to look up the definition of lame duck (pertaining to US presidency) . hint: it's not Trump
  6. they are the same thing! Democrat's started using the term "undocumented" instead of illegal so it wouldn't sound so bad, but it's the same thing.
  7. Sorry you're having issues. Best would be to abandon the shipment and have the lawyer re-send via DHL, Fed-ex etc. UPS in Thailand will do exactly as they are doing, extorting you for the delivery of your package. When I first moved to Thailand I had the same issue. For any shipment to Thailand from overseas best to use DHL, Fed-ex etc. They will handle importation and customs. Documents shouldn't have any import tax.
  8. Actually, I believe it's all the chips and candy. As you, when I first came to Thailand you'd see very few over weight people. Over the years you could see the kids are getting heavier. All the adverting on TV and parents with no education on nutrition let their kids eat candy, chips and coke all the time.
  9. I think you're confused Biden didn't win.
  10. Dam, if Trump is a buffoon (correct spelling), I would very much like to be a buffoon!
  11. This isn't what I asked, you said that you had Thai friends that lost their business due to immigration denying people entry and what immigration is doing is illegal. As I said what immigration is doing is not illegal, they will ask for onward ticket, see cash, etc if you dont have any of these they will refuse you entry, all valid, nothing to do with covering their tracks, it's procedure. But this isn't the point, I asked how did this effect your Thai friends in loosing their business due to immigration? As I dont believe that many people are turned away. This isn't something new immigration is doing, it's been going on for decades. Meanwhile Thailand keeps hitting new record highs for tourist numbers.
  12. They (Thaksin) tried limiting the days allowed in Thailand back early 2000's. The issue was the IO's where there trying to count days, which took way too long and had immigration ques all backed up, so that didn't work well and was ended. Maybe now that it's all computerized they could do it, but I doubt it. Immigration keeps rules vague so IO's can make up their own interpretation of the rules to keep the cash flowing.
  13. Don't know why you know dozens and dozens of male that cant get a date in the USA or afraid to speak to a woman. Both my nephew's are in their 30's and are married to beautiful ladies. We bounce back and forth from to the US and when in the US I dont see the girls acting as you portray. My other two newphews are in their 20's and one is dating a really sweet girl. Sure there are always the few, but the majority that I meet are nice normal girls. I travel a lot when in the US and just dont see what you're saying. I know many younger guys in the US that are happily married, how is that if the girls are so bad?
  14. Are you trying to say this guy was smoking weed? If so, then you have no idea what weed does to people. If Alcohol, ya baa, sure a person can act like this, but with weed really dont think so.
  15. When you catch 64 people and 41 are illegal thats an issue!
  16. 30 kids died to save 1?? Where do you get this? that would mean that out of 100,000 kids only about 3,400 would live. There is no such thing as turbo cancer, there are some aggressive cancers (lung, Prostate). Here are some quotes from doctors John Schiller, an NIH researcher who pioneered research in cancer-causing viruses, said that pathogens known to cause cancer can remain in the body long-term. However, respiratory viruses, such as COVID or influenza, are not believed to cause cancer and typically do not linger in the body. "You can never say never, but that sort of … virus does not suggest being implicated in cancers," Schiller said. Xuesong Han, scientific director of health services research at the American Cancer Society, said that an increase in late-stage cancers during the pandemic was likely due to patient delaying or skipping care — either for COVID-19 concerns or economic reasons. Cultural factors, language barriers, and discrimination may have also played a role. However, Han also acknowledged that the biological mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could be affecting cancer risk. https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2024/06/12/covid-cancer https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/01/09/cdc-hasnt-linked-covid-19-vaccine-to-cancer-surge-fact-check/72085906007/ https://www.factcheck.org/2024/05/still-no-evidence-covid-19-vaccination-increases-cancer-risk-despite-posts/
  17. The increase is from people coming from other areas of Thailand for treatment. Before they had no choice but to get care at the designated hospital, now they can go where they want, which people will go to the place with the best reputation.
  18. I'm not missing the point. The issue (point) is that the immigration system in the USA is broke and needs to be revised. I understand completely well you need migrant workers for the work US citizens dont want to do. The US needs to revamp the system make it quicker/easier to bring in both skilled an unskilled labor and allow a diffident minimum wage for migrant visa holders. If you just let anyone in without checks then you get criminals in the mix. Here is what happened in Florida during the last two hurricanes. Over the last three weeks, deputies patrolled the area where more than 500,000 residents live. An evacuation order had asked residents to leave for their safety. As they left Gualtieri said he assured the community his looting patrols deputies would prevent "those who wanted to wreak further havoc" in the Pinellas coast. As of Monday, 63 suspects have been arrested on 93 different charges. At least 41 were illegal immigrants arrested for allegedly looting and scamming victims, according to the sheriff. Gualtieri said the illegal immigrants who are from Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Honduras, Venezuela and other countries, were in Pinellas County "to take others property."
  19. There still are programs that allow for migrant workers and these workers are legal workers, they enter the USA with a work visa mostly the H1B If there is a law and you're not following the law then it's illegal, that its! The Thai police do nothing about under age (no license) kids driving motorcycles, so according to you that makes it legal?
  20. I dont know why your friends place closed up as Thailand as been strict on staying in Thailand long term on a tourist visa and visa exempt since the early 2000's, so no new crackdowns on that. really I dont believe that many people got denied or stop coming to Thailand to be able to close down businesses. You do know Thailand has had 30+ million visitors this year. Are you sure Covid wasn't the issue for lack of customers? lastly immigration is doing their jobs. They always say that you need to stay in Thailand on the proper visa. Trying to live in Thailand full time on tourist visa is not the correct visa and is going to be an issue at some point. Yes, immigration can legally deny anyone, a visa doesn't guarantee entry.
  21. ok. you're right!! So please now call Trump and tell him to stop or you will.....
  22. you're friends got screwed from crack downs? What crack downs?
  23. Musk has said a few times that he didn't buy (twitter/X) it to make money, he bought it to keep free speech alive. When advertisers threatened to pull adds, Musk told them to go f@#$ themselves.
  24. you cant compare a vicious crime like rape against a plant that grows naturally.
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