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Everything posted by ningnong

  1. Haha, good one. You clearly don't live in an Issan village. Villages are actually very civilized places when you consider how close together villagers live with virtually zero police presence. Not a bad way to keep the peace when its understood there is no tolerance for personal insults. If you have a problem with someone take it to the village headman or his helpers to help sort it out.
  2. There's not a single Issan villager who doesn't understand that if you intentionally insult another villager, even slightly, you are inviting a violent response. That's just the way it is. And I assume the vast majority of Farangs living here understand that but apparently this guy didn't get the memo.
  3. I am not referring to the 90 day reporting requirement. This thread is about the TM30 and you posted above about the law in regards to TM30. You said "According to Thai law" and went on with what appears to be an English translation of Thai law regarding TM30 reporting requirements. I asked you for the source of that translation but you have not provided the source of that exact English translation nor a link the original Thai to support that translation. Are you a human? Looks like ChatGPT at work here.
  4. Thanks. But really I was hoping for the source of the translation of Thai law you posted above. The PDFs you provided links to are different translations. In particular I'm interested in this bit you posted as I've not seen this in the Thai law:
  5. Please post the source of that translation of Thai law and a link to the actual law in Thai to back it up. Thanks
  6. Have you had your testosterone level checked lately?
  7. According to the article it is not using a brute force method: >"Home Security Heroes ran this test with the PassGAN password generator. Unlike most password generators, PassGAN uses a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to learn from real passwords to create new ones. A GAN in this context consists of two opposing neural networks, a generator and a discriminator. The generator network created fake data, and the discriminator is tasked with picking out real data in a sea of fakes. Over time, the generator and discriminator become better at what they do, making the overall model more effective."< Just me guessing here but I think AI may be able to quickly gain enough information about an individual, their family, friends, hobbies etc from social media and public records that would help it to narrow down the range of possibilities that individual would likely use when creating a password.
  8. Good news, thai2english.com is back online!
  9. According to the news article at Sanook she claimed that after getting locked in on the 4th floor she decided to jump to her death but landed in a forested area. https://www.sanook.com/news/8815430/
  10. Correct. He could have just as easily been pulled into the bathroom and killed. Raising the alarm would have been far smarter than trying to put the fire out himself.
  11. For the majority of the history of humans it has been perfectly normal behavior to gang up on an opponent(s) and it doesn't make a man a coward. The idea of a fair fight, one on one, is a recent invention and not as widely accepted as some seem to think.
  12. I see in the video many of the women had their cell phones in hand, indicating it was unlikely they were being held against their will. From now on I will be very skeptical when the term 'human trafficking' is used in Thailand.
  13. thai-notes.com and thai-language.com are both good sites that I've used some in the past. I like the connection to the Haas dictionary that thai-notes uses. I took a quick look at the sites this morning. I still need to test how they deal with compound words but so far so good. I think thai-language will be a fine replacement for thai2english for my needs although but I do hope thai2english returns. Thanks for the link for the control panel at thai-language where I was able to turn off all the transcription and other site features I don't use or want to see. Makes it much cleaner to look at.
  14. Please share the much better options out there. Personally I have no use for transcription and students should learn to read the Thai as quickly as possible and get away from transcription. I like the way thai2english breaks a sentence down to individual words and reveals compound words I may have missed. And giving a phonetic spelling using commonly used consonants เศรษฐกิจ = เสด-ถะ-กิด is helpful for words with unusual spelling or for a beginner learning to read Thai. The rating if a word is commonly used, rarely used etc. is handy too.
  15. It's a great translation and dictionary site I really hope it comes back online. I checked the thai2english Twitter and Facebook pages but no new posts since 2019. Looks like the creator is a member here at AN, mike_l but no activity since 2016.
  16. Isaan folk can be quite good at remembering numbers hoping for lucky lottery numbers. He may also simply dial his wife's number every time he calls her or in situations where he is asked for a phone number he may at times provide his wife's number.
  17. It would be an elaborate stunt to try and pull off with the third party people involved. There's at least one potential witness, maybe the women in the picture, and then there are the attempted phone calls to the stolen phone made by a motorcycle taxi driver. Cops could check that phone to confirm the attempts. I imagine the cops have very good bs detectors especially when dealing with typically naive Issan folk. Notice in the picture one cop is interviewing the woman well away from the victim no doubt standard practice when trying to confirm facts. If the cops don't think it is a bs story they should be able to check cameras in the area. They know the time the crime took place within minutes and have the witness to help identify the thief.
  18. Actually a bit more info in the original article. There was a witness who was eating with relatives about 50 meters away and observed the potential thief standing near the victim. The witness looked away when the suspected thief looked in their direction so did not see the actual theft take place but they were able to give a description of the suspect. Another person attempted to call the stolen cell phone 2-3 times but then it was turned off.
  19. She just told you the facts, she did not create the business model for billing foreigners at a higher rate. Yet you felt it necessary to claim that Thailand, Thai people, are bigger cheaters "kee kong" than in Vietnam. Very charming.
  20. I doubt they ignore the changes they just have their own interpretation of those rules. The TM6 arrival card at least had a field for an address in Thailand but the TM6 is no longer required when arriving by air. After a stay outside of the Kingdom just how is Immigration supposed to know you are returning to your previously registered address? They can rely on the honor system, which is something many IOs are clearly not too keen on, or they can require a new TM30. Like it or not Immigration's job includes keeping track of where visitors/residents are staying. You should not beat up on them for trying to do their job.
  21. Really? I just went through that older thread from 2020 and came across the following post on page 3 that says it so well and applies to this current thread. DaLa: "I'm not defending Thai Immigration wholesale, however, when you consider there have been 76 posts on this simple subject and over half of those have their own 'interpretation' of the rules. So would any of us on here make a better job than the Immigration officials we have to deal with and the way each office applies the (obviously) flexible rules?" https://aseannow.com/topic/1169664-thai-immigration-announce-changes-to-tm30-reporting/page/3/
  22. "Done with this chit chat." I assume that means I've made some valid points and you finally see the light? For the record I did not intend to leave anything you added out, I was merely trying to point out that the previous thread is incorrect as well as much of the info in this thread since people are relying on the English translation. This isn't the only immigration document where I've noticed the meaning can be taken wrong after translated to English. Much is often lost in translation from Thai to English. Unfortunate that there aren't more members here up on their Thai reading skills.
  23. I'll stick with the English translation and save the discussion of the Thai version for the Thai language forum. I believe what you are saying is the wording in 2.2 "the notified period of stay" is the same as "continuous permission of stay" regarding visas. That makes no sense when you consider 2.2 also applies to hotel managers. Going by your interpretation that means if I check into a hotel and have a 1 year extension of stay the hotel is only obligated to do one TM30. So long as my visa is the same and extension of stays are current I can return 6 months later or 2 years later and no TM30 would be required for that hotel. I believe 2.2 refers to a scenario like this. I'm staying at a hotel in Bangkok and decide to travel to Vietnam for a few days without checking out of the hotel, leaving some belongings behind. When I return the hotel manager is not required to do a new TM30 since my notified period of stay did not end. From that other thread you previously provided a link to this statement in the OP is simply incorrect: "if a person on a multiple entry visa or has an extension of stay and enters using a re-entry permit a new TM30 report is not required." It should state "may not be required" A new TM30 would be required if your lease has expired, the wife has kicked you out or whatever. The "the notified period of stay" has ended, you need to do a new TM30. English translation of 2.2: https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=689586 2.2 After a householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager already made a notification according to 2.1, then the alien goes to occasionally stay somewhere else and return to stay at the original place within the notified period of stay that has not yet ended, such householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager is not required to make a notification again.
  24. I agree it is no longer required - provided you return to a place where "Under the period of acceptance of residence that has not yet expired" ภายใต้กรอบระยะเวลาการรับเข้าพักอาศัยที่ยังไม่สิ้นสุดลง I haven't seen an explanation for that clause, its ambiguous. Is it the Check-out date on a TM30? I think it leaves the door open for Immigration officers to make their own interpretation, another hoop to make us jump through.
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