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Everything posted by ningnong

  1. Is that receipt from the agent or is it the the receipt from immigration with a under consideration stamp and date on it? For what its worth I recently did a conversion to Non-O and the under consideration period was just over 3 weeks. When I finally got the Non-O visa the begin date was the day I had applied for the Non-O conversion not the day they actually put my visa stamp in. Your stamp may well be for Dec. 9 so as mentioned you probably wont' be on overstay at all.
  2. It's been suggested he might try this ploy. Threaten to split the party then later back another republican candidate (DeSantis?) with a guarantee of presidential pardon when elected.
  3. It is disingenuous in the extreme to say I believe tyres are good for 10 years simply because the manufacturer said so. You and your kin apparently have chronic inabilities to read and comprehend (try carefully to re-read my comments - and concentrate!). My reading and comprehension are just fine thank you. You should try carefully to re-read YOUR comments - and concentrate! ---------------------------------------------- Your comments from original post: "Yokohama recommends the replacement and disposal of all passenger and light truck tyres whose DOT production date is 10 years or more old." "6 1/2 years they have been on the vehicle, are in fine condition and I'd reckon the tread is about 1/2 way though its life" "reckon my tyres have got another 3 years in 'em - and at the current rate of use will still have plenty of tread when they are replaced." ---------------------------------------------- You did not define 'fine condition' beyond how much tread was left. In the US only two conditions matter to determine fine condition, tire holds air and has good tread, maybe its the same for Australia. Hardness of tread and/or cracking (which tire age can indicate) were never given any consideration. In Thailand all those things need to be considered before declaring whether or not the tires are in fine condition.
  4. I asked at Khon Kaen Immigration last month prior to converting a non-exempt entry to Non-0 for retirement what documents were needed. I was also told a 3 month statement showing the funds. I already had the money in the bank for a long time so no problem but like you I thought it was only required for the day of application to have the funds in the bank. When I returned to do the initial 90 day Non-0 they specifically requested that 3 month statement. Are other people reporting the same requirement for Jomtien? Maybe the IO you were dealing with is frustrated having to explain it over and over to everyone who then attempt to point out that it is not an official requirement for the initial 90 day Non-0.
  5. Any of these should work and just keep walking. มีแฟนแล้วครับ mee faen láew kráp I have girlfriend/boyfriend already The simplest: ไม่เอาครับ mâi ao kráp I don't want, not interested Also works good for tuk tuks etc. What I would say. Using kráp twice, at the end of each phrase, keeps it very civil only a real jerk would continue to harass: ไม่เอาครับ มีแฟนแล้วครับ mâi ao kráp, mee faen láew kráp
  6. Visit the forums at Pantip.com for plenty of personal lived experiences by Thai people. Hundreds of posts on the subject but in Thai of course. Before buying a new set of tires a couple of months ago to replace my 5 year old tires I visited the Pantip forums for suggestions on decent brands. Pretty much everyone posting on the subject of tire wear are replacing tires by the time they are 5 years old even if they still have decent tread depth with many folks replacing in 2-3 years. Hardening of the tread is the most common reason given. One brand that a few folks at Pantip mention going beyond the 5 years before replacement are Michelins. Shopee has good deals on tires that include shipping and I think just about all the sellers advertise the manufacture date. Hint, use the Thai word for tires ยางรถยนต์ when searching for far better results at Shopee. https://shopee.co.th/search?keyword=ยางรถยนต์ Try searching for 'car tires' or 'car tyres' and see the difference. Lazada has a lot too, probably the same sellers as Shopee. Lazada is more user friendly for English. I didn't realize how poor my ride had gotten because of hard tread until I installed the new tires I ordered from Shopee. Huge difference. Now a smooth, quiet, better cornering ride. I'll keep a closer eye on the tread flexibility this time around and won't hesitate to replace them even if they still have deep tread left.
  7. In Thai: ตู้คอนเทนเนอร์ Here's a couple of potential places you could try. https://th-th.facebook.com/KWCONTAINERKHONKAEN/ You can contact them by email of phone. Probably best to have a Thai reach out to them to find prices. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/451067917189018/?hoisted=false&ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post The post says they have different sizes and many pictures. Hope you have fun with your new project.
  8. And you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. There is so much information on the Internet that contradicts your belief that your tires are good for 10 years simply because the manufacturer said so, assuming the tread is not worn out. Since you mentioned in the original post you don't put that many miles on your vehicles you might find this snip interesting: "Usage: When a tire is driven, the pressure and flexing motion circulate the internal oils through the rubber. These oils lubricate the internal rubber and keep it from drying and stiffening. So tires that are used less are often more vulnerable to aging effects." https://www.liveabout.com/the-science-of-tire-aging-3234377 Do some research. tyre aging treadwear and braking treadwear and hydroplaning If you understand spoken Thai search Youtube for ดอกยางรถยนต์แข็ง "Car tread hard" where tread hardness is discussed. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
  9. Well that makes a lot of sense. Take a chance driving on well worn tires needing to slow down in situations where you may loose traction because of those worn tires? How about spending 15K to have decent tread and be able to maintain an appropriate speed for conditions and have a shorter stopping distance too. But I understand if your budget can't handle it.
  10. Lots of studies mentioned online that demonstrate the reduced braking performance of tires that have not reached the treadwear indicators. Also worth reading up on is the importance of good tread to channel water away from the tire to help prevent hydroplaning. I prefer the peace of mind when traveling in heavy rain, especially in the mountains, when I know I have lots of tread that is still flexible.
  11. A ticking time bomb for Thailand that should to be defused immediately but sadly that won't happen.
  12. 'you are taking advantage of me' คุณกำลังเอาเปรียบผม kun gam-lang ao bprìiap pŏm But I would drop the คุณ (kun) and and use her name instead: Nok gam-lang ao bprìiap pŏm https://www.thai2english.com/?q=คุณกำลังเอาเปรียบผม
  13. You left out a couple of other recommendations by Yokohama regarding tire life: "Follow your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations for tire service life. For a tire in use for five or more years, including your spare tire, Yokohama recommends an inspection by a qualified tire service professional at least once a year to determine whether the tire can continue in service." https://www.yokohamatire.com/tires-101/maintenance-care-1/tire-life
  14. This. Check out the softness of the rubber in 5 year old tires compared to new. Press hard with tip of your thumb and you will likely feel a significant difference in flexibility.
  15. บ่อเป็นหยัง
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