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Everything posted by ningnong

  1. The Thai differs from English translation. When entering the information for the TM 30 there is a field for check-in date and a field for check-out date. According to my translation of the Thai if you do a TM30 somewhere then travel and return to the same place before the check-out date another TM30 is not required. I do my own TM30 and leave the check-out date field blank. I know there are forum rules about posting in another language but it is necessary here to make a point. From 2.2 of the change in the rules: คนต่างด้าวเดินทางไปพักแรมที่อื่นเป้นครั้งคราวและกลับเข้ามาพักอาศัยสถานที่เดิมภายใต้กรอบระยะเวลาการรับเข้าพักอาศัยที่ยังไม่สิ้นสุดลง เจ้าบ้าน เจ้าของหรือผู้ครอบครองเคหสถาน หรือผู้จัดการโรงแรมไม่ต้องแจ้งซ้ำอีก Google translation: An alien from time to time travels to another place to stay and returns to stay at the same place within the period of stay that has not expired. The host, owner or occupier of the dwelling Or the hotel manager does not have to inform again. This is the key line in Thai: ภายใต้กรอบระยะเวลาการรับเข้าพักอาศัยที่ยังไม่สิ้นสุดลง Google translated: Under the period of acceptance of residence that has not yet expired.
  2. "She was driving with her husband" Interesting that her husband kept silent through the entire exchange with the guy speaking rudely to his wife and threatening with a gun while she continuously apologizes. He only spoke once saying sorry to the thugs. Maybe that was a smart thing to do to keep his mouth shut but I really feel sorry for the woman threatened by thugs and her husband doesn't have her back.
  3. "If you see that the Last BIOS time is set to zero, it doesn’t mean that you have a super-powerful PC, which instantly turns on. This happens on a PC running on BIOS since Last BIOS time seems to only work with UEFI." https://www.thewindowsclub.com/what-is-last-bios-time-in-windows-10-task-manager
  4. Try searching like this for specific idioms: สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษ kill two birds with one stone พร้อมความหมายภาษาไทย สำนวน kill two birds with one stone เทียบเท่าภาษาไทย English Idioms with Thai meaning: สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษพร้อมความหมายภาษาไทย English Idioms Thai equivalent: สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษเทียบเท่าภาษาไทย A Thai equivalent isn't always available, hit and miss.
  5. I want to give that dreadful area a visit but how do you pronounce Phala? I read it as Faa-la but the Thai spelling is not even close.
  6. BIOS, which stands for Basic Input Output System, is software stored on a small memory chip on the motherboard. https://www.lifewire.com/bios-basic-input-output-system-2625820
  7. Search for: ภาษิตภาษาอังกฤษแปลเป็นภาษาไทย This is a pretty good list https://pasaangkit.com/english-proverbs/ For accuracy I think you'd need to test them out on a native Thai speaker who is very proficient with English.
  8. And I thought Don Muang was perfectly fine before Suwanphum. Flew in and out domestic and international without problem dozens of times over the years so why build a new airport? Big waste of money. But I do miss the laid back atmosphere of the Khon Kaen airport prior to expansion.
  9. Ridiculous statistics comparing airport traffic during and immediately after the pandemic. For a different perspective: The airport has seen an annual growth rate of 20 percent annually since 2013, handling around two million passengers in 2017. The Department of Airports (DOA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to upgrade Khon Kaen Airport by 2021. The two billion baht project will increase passenger capacity from 2.8 million to five million per year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khon_Kaen_Airport And a quote from 2018, source not allowed to mention here: "In the near future, he (Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith) said, the airport will also provide service to several cities in China."
  10. Khon Kaen is 45 days before expiration I called them recently to confirm that. You might even try asking if they can make an exception for someone getting ready to travel if you need more than 45 days. 043-306642 https://khonkaen.immigration.go.th/index.php/en/contact-us
  11. Without being specific about his choice for a wife I'd find a diplomatic way to warn him about getting into a long term relationship 'investment' here. Use caution and don't invest more money than he can afford to walk away from.
  12. Not sure if one of those inspection stations can do it all but worth a try. As of a couple of years ago: Fee for applying for a car registration when the car tax is absent for 3 years or more than 3 years New car registration fee 315 baht The cost of a new car registration book is 100 baht. The cost of a license plate is 100 baht. Compulsory insurance (sedan cars 645.21 baht, pickup trucks 967.28 baht, vans 1,182.35 baht) Car tax per car type Car inspection fee For cars that are missing the 3-year car tax, the car owner must return the license plate and vehicle registration book. https://masii.co.th/blog/ขาดต่อภาษีรถยนต์เกิน3ปี
  13. This one that Shopee sells looks pretty good after watching the video. At the end he shows three different options to buy depending on what you need. The Shopee one I linked to doesn't include the attachments but is cheaper if you don't need them. https://shopee.co.th/Cotora-ประแจขันน็อตใต้อ่างอเนกประสงค์-เปลี่ยนก๊อกน้ำ-สายน้ำดี-จบในตัวเดียว-i.74527316.9997721087?sp_atk=e256c3e5-0d3e-4bb5-8a52-8beee200ce0b&xptdk=e256c3e5-0d3e-4bb5-8a52-8beee200ce0b
  14. As sometimewoodworker said above what you need is a basin wrench. ประแจขันน็อตใต้อ่าง This is the type I've used in the US. You can research the part number stanley basin wrench 87-448 and see if its what you need. I saw one site saying its 22mm. You can check out the reviews on Lazada that show some pictures of it. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/stanley-11-87-448-basin-wrench-12-i1306414827.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.114.4e2a8d461iUi05 Another style that has quite a few reviews but more expensive: https://shopee.co.th/Cotora-ประแจขันน็อตใต้อ่างอเนกประสงค์-เปลี่ยนก๊อกน้ำ-สายน้ำดี-จบในตัวเดียว-i.74527316.9997721087?sp_atk=e256c3e5-0d3e-4bb5-8a52-8beee200ce0b&xptdk=e256c3e5-0d3e-4bb5-8a52-8beee200ce0b
  15. The powerful business men and politicians who ultimately control the sugar cane processing facilities out in the boonies are located in Bangkok. Its them that allow the buying of burnt cane by the facilities. How about going after them for a start.
  16. Lot's of good information on this site and you could probably get an estimate via Line once you determine what film you want. https://topfilmthailand.com/ติดฟิล์มรถยนต์/
  17. I have used this car park a few times. Very near the airport entrance with fast transportation to departure and pick up on return. Feels very secure. Last time I was there it was 100 baht/day. You can call in advance to be sure they have an available spot. Googlemaps: ภิญญดารับฝากรถ or https://www.facebook.com/pinyadaParking/
  18. That's what these parents thought too. "The family dogs who mauled two Tennessee toddlers to death Wednesday and left their mother with severe injuries had never been aggressive, a friend told Fox News Digital." "Kirstie Jane Bennard, 30, was seriously wounded when she tried to pull the family's two pit bulls off 5-month-old Hollace Dean and 2-year-old Lilly Jane at their home in rural Shelby County outside Memphis." "I can promise you those children were her world, and if there was any inkling of danger, she would have never had those dogs near her kids," the shattered mom's best friend, Kelsey Canfield, told Fox News Digital. "Those children were everything to them, and they just have a really long journey ahead." "The family had the pets, Cheech and Mia, for more than eight years without a violent incident, Canfield said." https://www.foxnews.com/us/dogs-fatally-mauled-tennessee-toddlers-injured-mom-never-violent-friend-says
  19. I could see where the worker could have easily been obscured from view. Sharp turn into the entrance, slope of entrance would lift the front of the car when entering, hedge blocking the view, worker in dark clothes crouched very close to the ground, height of the driver, time of day would effect the lighting, tinted windscreen? Check it out for yourself: https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9649362,100.8864679,3a,43.6y,219.42h,78.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXwuxrm8W-yOar4r2jQmpKA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
  20. Why not send them a document from whoever is paying you pension since that is the source of your income? My guess is Wise couldn't care less where your money comes from but they must answer to regulators in many countries to stay in business. Your attempted transfer of USD via SWIFT either triggered or might trigger a flag for US regulators. Wise needs to cover their rear and be able to prove they did their due diligence to verify the source of your funds if US regulators were to contact them. I'm guessing that you will never be told why you got flagged. The customer service rep probably doesn't know why, all they know is you're flagged to show source of your funds. Once you submit forms the rep is looking for they probably pass them on to the compliance department who have the power to clear the flag or not. The rep is just there to filter out all the noise. Arguing with the rep will not get you anywhere except maybe getting your account closed. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
  21. I don't think they expect you to explain all the funds in your UK bank. Sounds like all they want you to show is the main source of your income. "You'll need a document to prove your main source of income" "how did you earn the original funds on this bank statement" Did they specifically request the 3 month UK bank account bank statement you uploaded? Maybe a tax return would satisfy them.
  22. I use the DTAC Call app which uses wifi for connections. Worked great with Bangkok Bank last time I was in the US. Once you get the app configured with your phone number you can remove the SIM if you like. "Can be used anywhere with same service rates as in Thailand Note: dtac call service is available for dtac prepaid, postpaid, and Sim go inter customers only" https://www.dtac.co.th/en/info/dtac-call.html Be sure to leave yourself enough time to configure and test receiving OTPs via wifi before you travel.
  23. Yeah, that would be a good place to start. Better too high of a rail than too short. And that would provide some future proofing too as the height of Europeans continues to increase as well as that of many Asians. The additional cost of a higher rail during new construction would be minimal and retrofitting would not be too expensive as in most cases all it would take would be attaching an additional rail higher up. Plenty of metal fabricators in the Kingdom.
  24. Not a silly assumption. Given the amount of balconies with a low rail height around Thailand multiplied by the number of visitors that can be expected, sooner or later someone will stumble on a shoe, kids toy, empty bottle or whatever and loose their balance taking a dive. Its inevitable. Add some alcohol to the equation and maybe some poor lighting and the chances of taking an unexpected dive increase a lot.
  25. So in your entire adult life you've never stumbled or tripped on anything because God gave you eyes? Impressive.
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