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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Yes it's a very strong case. Of course the other legal side says the opposite. Would the charges be magically dropped if Trump promised not to run?
  2. How many times did Russia invade them anyway? Well they're safe now.
  3. They are allowing this AI computing to write its own code without parameters. Elon Musk has been speaking of this for many years now. What's to stop them (from killing humans) when they are more intelligent?
  4. Wow, thats for sure. Unfortunately the dike is America.
  5. Yeh that'll make it safer. Thank goodness we have Biden free to save the world. He's doing a wonderful job.
  6. It's free as long as one is in their registered area of Thailand. Why is it not free for Thais no matter where they are in Thailand? What a sham. We all know that many from Isan work in Bangkok etc. Apparently if it's an emergency and they can not get back home to their registered hospital, then it is supposedly free. Tell that to the hospital that says it's not. So if some poor Thai has an emergency and they can not get back home they may still have to pay. Or the hospital just won't treat them.
  7. War crimes. Which war never had "war crimes?" At least Putin isn't committing treason.
  8. Yes well 97% of scientists agree according to AL Gore.
  9. The sky has been falling for many years. Still looks the same.
  10. Gee I thought the US was in N. America, not S. America!
  11. Yes that's right and the ICC has no jurisdiction over Russia either.
  12. China has been selling it's US government debt big time since 2021. If a country was going to go to war with the US, that is what they would be doing.
  13. Guess you can still give them away!
  14. The US gives, sells or leaves weapons for any country if it helps their agenda. It's a good business. Seems that Ukraine is on the agenda.
  15. Oh. What ally it that? Didn't know Ukraine was an ally!
  16. Undeclared war against Russia. I think they get it! Not sure the lefty West is getting it though.
  17. I'm over it thanks. After 200,000km in my diesel truck I have seen two charging stations in this country. I'm sure there are more. Where does the electricity to charge those cars come from anyway? Coal, natural gas, or wind farms. What a sham!
  18. The history of Crimea is quite interesting. One should read up on it. It's quite complicated really but I'm sure you would understand it.
  19. Interesting statement above by the NATO Secretary General. I thought the war just started a year ago! It's been going on for about 8 years according to him. Well then who started it 8 years ago? Just wondering!!!
  20. Can't agree with you Penn. It's not the first time either. Anyway I prefer peace. Oh and did you for one minute wonder what would happen if the US loses this proxy war? No I didn't think so. The US nuked Japanese cities to end the last war. I wouldn't want to be around Kyiv now but you are welcome to visit and stay as long as you like.
  21. Like I said this has nothing to do with being gay. Children mostly have the understanding that being gay is not abnormal. Being "shunned or kept in closets". Really. I thought that kind of thinking vanished long ago. But then that's just what I thought. What's important is not screwing up their mental development.
  22. So thanks for your reply. I was almost agreeing with you until the last part. Children are quite intelligent and they seem to be mostly tolerant and understand a lot of this stuff on their own. You know, they don't see colour, grown ups do. They're pretty good at understanding stuff. Not sure why you have to rub their nose in it! It's the parents perhaps that want to fit in. Just saying. Oh and thanks for the knife in the last part. My brother was gay and I loved him dearly.
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