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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Brilliant, might want to mention that solution to your Palestinian friends. They on the other hand wish to kill Jews but perhaps living with them would be ok ya think. They want a one state solution alright. Get a clue! ps. You can reply but our discussion is over.
  2. Can try the Pied Piper but it may not work anymore!
  3. Blinded by your political preference as usual!
  4. Why doesn't the world respect the US now? It's all got to do with Trump huh! Thank you that's too funny.
  5. After witnessing what the so called elected representatives of Gaza did to innocent Jewish people I am surprised Israel has not destroyed Gaza completely along with the Palestinians in place. They did vote for them!
  6. A "shove" is a bit of an understatement!
  7. Is this the landlord or the landlords agent? Either way you need a house book copy and copy of ID signed by either the agent or landlord. The contract or rental agreement will be signed by both of you and dated. One copy for you and one for the landlord. Then you can do a TM30 yourself. If the landlord/agent will not do this then find another rental.
  8. Sure they have a right to protest as long as it does not incite violence. As soon as they chant death to Israel as in "from the river to the sea" then it is inciting violence. We know they will chant that! That's ok huh?
  9. Obviously you haven't being paying attention. They say antisemitism is rising. I disagree, it's always been there, only now we know where.
  10. I never said anything about the temperature did I? White does not have a clear coat so one can keep the paint looking new and not worry about clear coat problems like peeling or fading. Heat in the car because of a colour! Couldn't tell ya...haha
  11. Gold goes up when people lose confidence in Government. I think that's happening now.
  12. White is the best colour. No clear coat.
  13. Naw, nothing to see here. It will never get down to us being their enemy! Perhaps Mary needs more meds.
  14. I think that has been on offer a few times and has been turned down.
  15. It's ok to build some wall now. The damage has been done. Great plan if one wants the destruction of a country!
  16. 500 meters away and the police can't make it for 1-2 hours because they are not equipped! What garbage. They are useless to the public and don't deserve to be employed as police. Get rid of them.
  17. Wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good.
  18. When the whole world is running toward a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.
  19. "What you say when you're drunk, You mean when you're sober."
  20. The money is free but we have requirements!
  21. I bought used Japanese cars at their auctions through an agent in Japan. It was a company and I can not remember the name. You can probably search for the type of auction you want and see if you can find an agent. Then be sure to research the agent and company to make sure it's legit. I had the cars shipped to the West but not sure how it works for this market.
  22. The truth was out long ago. It's just that many didn't want to hear it.
  23. Great to get free money. Well it comes at a price but don't worry about that right now!
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