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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. The men that were there watched. They must be identifying as something other than men!
  2. Taking children to drag queen shows has nothing to do with being gay and I don't recall commenting on gay people or religion. I will comment on gay people now since you brought it up. I am sure your daughter is a wonderful person etc, etc, and it would be a pleasure to meet anyone like her. In fact I do know a little about that life since I lived with my brother for many years and attended lots of his gay parties. I had a blast. He was also an intelligent fabulous person who was the public relations manager for a large airline in the US for many years. Oh, until they fired him when they found out he was gay. So I know a little bit about that topic. You on the other hand remind me of a title of a movie: “Eyes Wide Shut”.
  3. She's done a great job with the border situation (I dare not call it a crises for the bots will jump on that), so I'm happy to see she's being promoted to a real challenge for the next administration. Good luck with that.
  4. Yes I'm sorry if it's a "Scary Time for You"! Stop rubbing our faces in it and perhaps it may not be so scary!!!
  5. It couldn't be the vaccine. It's safe and effective. I commend her for telling her story and the Daily News for sharing it.
  6. I woke up quite awhile ago. Perhaps you should hear your alarm! Trump divided the country! No he did not. The dems divided the country. "He's not my president". Now you will lose your country. The US will never stay together. Hope you're happy!
  7. It's unbelievable that anyone would borrow from these low life creatures. The sad part is that they do because they are desperate and have to have it no matter what. Perhaps they gamble it away or their baby is sick in hospital, who knows why? I blame the system, poor education, and the banks for not doing a better job for these people. The loan sharks need to be laid to rest. I hate that scum.
  8. I think you have it a little mixed up. How can Trump divide the country? He's not president!
  9. Perhaps Biden should consider that question and answer very carefully!
  10. I love how Biden is uniting the country. Haha. Thanks for the laugh.
  11. No that is not my attitude. It is a question asked to Thai people and the answer of many. I do not have a link. I happen to know Thailand well thank you. Oh and by the way. You think if the agent pays the Immigration officer some extra to bypass the others waiting in line etc, this is not corruption! It is corruption. So even a little corruption for you is still corruption.
  12. Yes it's from some survey asking Thais if they agree with corruption. If I remember correctly.
  13. So "I don't agree with corruption unless it helps me!"
  14. They're nonprofit alright. Funded by billionaires trying to destroy the US. A think tank for whatever the elites say. Follow the funding.
  15. One definition of "shill" is: one who acts as a decoy. Funds were sent through shill or maybe shell companies and finally found their way into Biden family accounts. Just wondering what they did to get those funds. Please tell us.
  16. I'm sure that witness, if he ever was real, just murdered himself! He probably took lessons from Epstein. I find it interesting that those dreaded Republicans could say that a number of Biden's family members received funds from shill companies. Who is lying? The bank records or the Biden family. The truth comes out eventually.
  17. It's a peaceful place. Over one mass shooting a day since the first of the year. Perhaps the lefties have another name for that! Just blame everything on the other side. Pathetic.
  18. The US will never recover from what this administration has done!
  19. The ones running Joe are the biggest threat.
  20. The world won't end but the people will. They're working on it now with Russia.
  21. We'll need 4 vaxes a year just to keep it away.
  22. Those nasty Republicans making the whole thing up. Let's hope they all leave so we can live happily ever after.
  23. Believing the truth is quite difficult for some on here.
  24. Another non news story to get him. One would think that someone doesn't want Trump to run. Or they are getting worried. Biden trails behind Trump and DeSantis in a poll. All those mainstream news people can believe they're mainstream news now: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/newspolitics/biden-trails-behind-trump-and-desantis-in-2024-general-election-matchups-poll/ar-AA1aR7H6
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