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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. This has nothing to do with bigotry on my end. Nor am I saying that it teaches children to become homosexual. That is what you are thinking. This may not hurt children. I don't see how it could help them. You tell me how this would be good for children. Oh and while you're at it, do you think it's ok to put them in the back of your pick up with the dogs, or smoke in the car with them....no it's not the same is it, not for you!
  2. So what do you call parents that take innocent children to watch garbage like that? Upstanding citizens!
  3. Yes we all know who started the invasion. Some know who started the war!
  4. Yeh that's right. Very perceptive of you.
  5. The great man will be asking for nuclear weapons next and the fools know not what they do.
  6. Good luck with your war. UK can help, on the battlefield, for a day apparently before they run out of ammunition according to a previous British general. Nothing to see here. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/21257065/former-general-says-britain-ammo-run-out-russia/
  7. It's all for our own good!
  8. Not sure who may be committing suicide, and I really don't want to find out. Again, this is one time that the US could be threatened at home. If only they didn't have that sub huh.
  9. On the contrary. This is the first war America is sponsoring that may threaten them directly. I would bet Russia has a nuclear sub sitting off the US coast right now!
  10. Put me on the ignore list too. I'm against this proxy war soon to become ww3
  11. Too bad. He's another Pelosi! Part of the swamp.
  12. Obviously someone doesn't want peace! Opinionated news!
  13. Sure lets blame the ones who did not choose to take a covid jab, the antivaxers, for the recurrence of past diseases. As if everyone before 2020 was getting vaccines all the time.
  14. If the WEF is spouting it, then it is not what us lowly peons want. They know what's good for us huh!
  15. The printing presses must be working overtime for the return trip.
  16. Some of their whistles work but not as they should. I did hear them most nights but they are not like in the West where a train can usually be heard before it gets to the crossing. Here, the ones I have heard, do not work very well. Guess it would be interesting to know if that one was working. Perhaps they have repaired some in the last couple years. We do have a mutual agreement though, I love that far away sound at night.
  17. Oh. Too bad it's not that obvious to you. I listened to them going by for about 10 years and not once did I ever hear a whistle of a unit that really worked well. In the West they work, it's law. Here the whistles are pathetic. Hope that answers your question.
  18. No excuse running flashing red lights at a controlled crossing. Although the units pulling these trains mostly do not have working whistles, or they are barely audible.
  19. The worst is happening. He is ruining the country with his WEF agenda
  20. Perfect. Himmler put it a different way: They know you NEVER reveal the entire plan, for people will revolt. Lead them down the path ever so gradually, and you will transform the nation into whatever you desire.
  21. Joe Biden on Hunter Biden: 'He's the Smartest Man I Know' https://www.cnsnews.com/article/washington/susan-jones/joe-biden-hunter-biden-hes-smartest-man-i-know
  22. Wonderful. Now the useless drivers can blame it on the AI malfunction when a kid is locked in a bus. There happens to be a routine for school bus drivers in normal countries. Before a driver leaves a bus after the morning or afternoon run, or on a field trip, he walks to the back and checks that the bus is empty and then locks it! It's called, "doing your job."
  23. Major sickness around and I'm not talking about the children.
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