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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Well that's the unfortunate part because whoever comes after Putin, I think, will be much worse.
  2. I hope you are right on China and I am wrong. Guess we are going to find out unfortunately.
  3. Interesting headline. Don't think Zelensky is looking for a peace plan. China will join Russia because if Russia falls China knows it's next. Can add Iran and N. Korea to the mix.
  4. That's probably why they bombed the building occupied by the German embassy.
  5. I agree with you, although I'm not that sure about the climate warming part. Renewable energy is the way but, as I said, let's have something that can handle what the world needs before we take away what the world has.
  6. You may want to acquaint yourself with the people who most likely will starve or freeze to death this winter. They are not important in the big picture are they?
  7. It took a hundred years or so for brilliant minds to identify a cheap and efficient energy, and a way to get it. The world needs cheap energy to survive and flourish. I find it quite amazing that our present day, so called, great leaders say we have to do away with our known efficient energy namely oil. Perhaps it would be wise to wait until there is something to fill the gap! Renewable energy at present will not! So in other words, this is having the obvious results which will be hardship and death. Guess that's the idea.
  8. I couldn't quite remember it all..thank you.
  9. Clearly some will not be convinced no matter what the evidence. Sound familiar?
  10. They did get Al Capone on tax evasion and he died in prison. But of course his daddy wasn't the Pres.
  11. No. You are right. It won't change the outcome. The truth wouldn't even change the outcome so why bother.
  12. Kind of like elections. All depends who is counting the votes!
  13. Already did. Try not to be too blind. Bye,bye
  14. Wrong but nice try. Perhaps next time I'll spell it out for you.
  15. The climate fanatics are behind this. Who are they and who are they controlling?
  16. Sometimes they don't even bother with the chairs or cones, just come out and tell you "can not park." Like the hotel with restaurant on one beach road that one can not park unless using their services. So I never use their services.
  17. When offering to pay bail for someone's release until a court appearance, the court wants to see cash. (well that's what my friend said anyway)
  18. Guess I can get rid of the iodine nasal spray now. Only had it for a couple years.
  19. Agree with you partly. Hat's off to a great country, which currently is being controlled by pathetic leadership. At least they did something commendable.
  20. It's pretty obvious isn't it? (with all due respect). The country doesn't seem to be doing very well. Actually is seems to be destroying itself from within. Or is he just fixing what Trump screwed up? I'm on the outside looking in and I think what's going on is sad. Let me address one issue then: he's sold your oil reserves to the highest bidder or he is going to do that. (in November, wonder why?) The reserves are at the lowest level ever. He's done this to lower fuel prices in the US. Hasn't this gov't caused the higher prices? I thought that supply was to save for war and the military if needed?
  21. Biden can only sign his name and get lost on stage. How's that run up to the next civil war going? Bring the country together huh! That gov't has put the finishing touches on ripping the country apart. Humpty dumpty has fallen off the wall. Do you think it's because of blind hate?
  22. Yeh that's right. I see how well your America is doing with the present traitor. Perhaps you should have a look if you can still see!
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