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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. "To achieve a result." Reminds me of what Ilhan Omar said about 9/11. "Some people did something."
  2. Just wondering how these "imams" with their sizable congregations reacted to the October 7 terrorist attach from Gaza. With deafening silence perhaps. Part of the silent majority!
  3. Perhaps we could purchase a ticket to Hamas headquarters for you. I'm sure they're short of staff!
  4. I agree with you, that Putin does not want to use nuclear weapons. He is not insane. The problem is the Russian war mongers behind him that are pushing him. If Putin isn't there then it's a whole different ball game.
  5. Refer to my first post on Golda Meir! Try living in a country that has been continually attacked and threatened with extinction for years from surrounding countries. What do you think Israel should do to stop this continual threat? Put down their weapons!
  6. And here's another one: We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon — no alternative.
  7. A simple quote from Golda Meir: “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.”
  8. With all due respect I think there will be a WW3 because of the continuous supply of arms to Ukraine. So the West is already at war with Russia and of course Russia understands this. Taking Iran, a terrorist state that is not well liked in the world (except at the UN) out of the nuclear equation would be a bonus. If Iran is allowed to become nuclear then they will be a larger threat to America. I believe them when they say: "Death to America"! With regard to Taiwan, China is waiting for the right moment. I believe them also, when they say Taiwan will be joining China again.
  9. I tend to agree with Trump. Perhaps no one noticed that recent video on a news outlet showing masses of Iranian's shouting "death to America." Israel will be doing the world a favour destroying Iran's nuclear capacity which the Biden admin has allowed to progress. A country that proves it's behind terrorism should never be allowed to possess nuclear weapons.
  10. You must be a little mixed up on that reply. Jews were not terrorists in that European country you mention. We're talking about terrorists funded by Iran who want the extinction of Israel. Its been going on for years and it's always Israels fault huh? It's time to stop it.
  11. A terrorist attach on terrorists. haha. Think you're mixed up a little! It was an attach on terrorists. The camel's back is finally broken. It's time to rid the world of these animals who want the extinction of Israel.
  12. Don't think that the point. It's the bias that is astounding. And of course you don't care for obvious reasons.
  13. Oh. Originally they had said the front tire blew and the bus hit a cement support and then it erupted in flames. Perhaps that didn't happen.
  14. Doesn't matter. He is responsible whether he knew or not because it is him who makes sure his vehicle is roadworthy before allowing passengers. If he doesn't know then he shouldn't be driving. He would know what fuel the bus uses and would be inspecting every part before the trip. Of course they don't do that because TIT. Why did the front tire explode? It would be obvious to see that the front tire was in poor condition!
  15. Hmmm. That's interesting: https://yournews.com/2024/10/03/2860817/report-north-carolina-governor-delays-deployment-of-1000-troops-approved/ And so is this: https://yournews.com/2024/10/03/2860724/america-last-fema-allocates-1-billion-to-migrant-resettlement-under/
  16. Of course you blame the bus driver for driving a bus that is not road worthy. The buck stops with him. He is responsible for all the people on that piece of crap.
  17. Poilievre also says that no one in his government will belong to the WEF. He has my vote.
  18. No, I do not. You need to understand why voting without a proper ID is being allowed in some states. If you think that is OK then you need to understand how it may affect your country, which seems to be tearing itself apart. Your link means nothing, same as main stream news! I think I'm done here.
  19. So you think there is nothing wrong with that? Why do I need a passport to fly, an ID at hotel, a drivers license for driving, an ID for pharmacy etc and you think we shouldn't need it to vote huh. This is how you lose your county.
  20. Apparently in 14 states one doesn't need an ID to vote. What could possibly go wrong with that? Well nothing much unless one wants an honest election with citizens voting! Not sure who began this legislation but Gavin Newsom also just banned Californians from requiring ID. The lunatics with a plan!
  21. If those imbeciles had a brain they could check with Al Gore to see where he came up with this climate hysteria scam! Also they may want to understand that those so called oil paintings are made with linseed oil.
  22. Trump has also insulted the mentally handicapped with that remark!
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