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  1. I just click Donations charity from the list I donate it all to my wife hope this gets me past the tax problem ha
  2. You mean there is actually a country even more behind than Thailand..not possible surely..ha 😂
  3. Just logged out ..then back in No option so I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it still no option offers 1 price only to arrive in seconds ..any ideas ?
  4. Done it for years option quicker transfer higher cost..always chose slow option less expensive and still quick anyway ..
  5. Yes mate I'll try that if always gave me the option I've been using it gif years
  6. Hello has anyone else had a problem with Wise ..I've not been offered the option of slow transfers cheaper all the quote my fees on are the fast one ..I don't need the cash immediately a few days no problem..but not offering the cheaper one anyone else had this?
  7. True..not virtually free but completely free my wife is a government official her pay is crap but the perks are good all of our family covered for all medical expenses..just as well as I e been hospitalised a few times ..
  8. Yes mate I do but the bill was picked up by insurance except for 700 baht of service not inc
  9. Have to go back in our knees.. they'd love it
  10. Excuse me I'm a Brit in a marriage visa ..I can't lift my foookin leg that high pal
  11. Yes mate true ..afraid to go after the thousands of more dangerous Russians working illigial in Phuket
  12. Yes me also as far as using the pastes..even When I lived in europe
  13. Ok mate thanks for the reply ..I'm logging off now ..I'm home and the tramadol had kicked in ..
  14. Just go add I go regular to the Army hospital here for check ups doctors here good also
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