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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. don't hold your breath on that one i think they have already forgotten ..
  2. Oh Dear what a shame what a pity ..made my day reading this ....Note to all Thais please park more pick ups...
  3. as i quoted here before Plod S###s himself at the thought of arresting these high class tourists 555 ...Thai Police World Class eh
  4. not stopped.. cracked down for them means they are probably having a meeting to talk about putting together a meeting to discuss it read the article these pr...ks are running riot plods doing nothing ...perhaps soon we may get a little pointing always good for a media photo eh
  5. good question sir ..but id say give them an envelope and they would know how to count ..ha
  6. now come on mate how many times have we watched road runner as a kid ..its just Beep Beep ...cops cant fine you for 2 eh ha
  7. don't agree with all you say but respect you rights to you opinion.. i stated unprofessional untrained teachers who do not have qualifications get the low paid wages...and its sad for the children that they teach You replied in so many words that all teachers are Qualified..i disagree i then stated than ANY paperwork even illegal can be obtained here in thailand money can get you anything here including false papers i know personally.. you disagree and think thailand is a hub of puritans ..i disagree so now the Old saying We agree to disagree nice to have had a conversation thats what these forums are for eh.. H ..
  8. where i grew up had no choice.. wasn't born into money ..perhaps you were..Good for you
  9. all people can go where they want my son and his friends are young and adventurous.. obviously you are closer to the grave than the cradle as they say .Who are the right people obnoxious people like you perhaps go get a life .. authority spots what they don't get money from ..how have you lasted this long here Sir
  10. you living under a rock my farang son could have bought on 5 years ago my maths ain't brilliant but that does not make it the 80s let the right people here know what you want...and you get it have a nice day sir
  11. ok so update on tm6 came back to swampy this week no forms just show passport vax certificate..boarding pass ..but just to be sure i went yo local imm here to check the did a check on my entry stamp put my 90 day check in for 2 months later than it was all good no probs job done
  12. you don't understand English..let me explain its very simple what i wrote so put down your pen and read again i stated that its sad for children who are taught by teachers who do not have teaching experience ie Low paid for this reason..as stated in the comments more educated teachers as in real diploma not one from koh san road will get higher wages is that to difficult to understand..by the way my 2 kids are in private schools we are lucky aren't we many others are not ..have a good day H
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