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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. yep just in time for B6..B7.....leading onto.....................B65 B66
  2. ok lets look at this the euro is terrible exchange against the baht..im currently in france for a few months im living cheaper here than in thailand..beer ..wine ..water ..meat al cheaper my shopping bill here at supermarket is lower than home in thailand and better quality..never thought id say it ..ok housing..fuel. and domestic bill higher im not questioning that but shopping 1 million %
  3. exactly flu symptoms ..we wouldn't panic if they said Flu but mention covid and the world's coming to an end...its about time we sucked it up and grew some ..
  4. but why worry about putting land in your own name ..all the risk investment of 40 million just put it in your wife's name no hassles.. She's going to get it anyway eh
  5. you don't get a new bowl or plate each time you eat at a noodle stall now do you ..get a life
  6. yes ive been waiting to change up a large amount of euro but not at this rate Where the hell is this weak Baht they are talking about on here
  7. oh yes somewhere down the line he and his cronies will have their finger in the pie
  8. normally 30 days is enough for most tourists..why don't they try making it easier for us who live there permanently and help support the economy..
  9. thanks for that mate ..its my mistake for not adding these are mainly European Coins no coins have been added for ove to 40 years i haven't got a clue what's in there ..again thanks for the reply
  10. i hope im not cashing in on this post but i have a collection of coins wide about 200 none less than 40 years old some double that ..where here can i get a genuine valuation...tks any help appreciated
  11. who would exchange money without asking the rate..
  12. they can say goodbye to tourism.. imagine booking for Thailand after reading this ..rip off greed ..deserve what they get
  13. this guy is in cuckoo land Thailand is not the country it used to be a lot better and cheaper place's out there ...put up your prices Close down your tourism.. Simple as that.
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