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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. yep clever thing this covid can tell the time Must have one of the PM's Watches
  2. yep .. raising ot ugly head again racism.. this week end went to a national park with my family here in Phetchabun....i paid Not the double but 5 times more to enter still Milking the Farang eh
  3. they were used by troops to protect rifles from the first world war..
  4. my Mate said when he was in pattaya and took back a guest to his room a Identity card had to be shown or left at the desk..that way any problems .ie theft the guest would be known.. Thats what my Mate said
  5. got it here in phetchabun..thats this weekends camping out the window i think
  6. yep true after we left we cost them nothing ...we gave all they give F A
  7. Im shocked... didn't know they had any.. certainly wont be the ones who built my place..
  8. correct mate and any normal country would do it ...But remember where we are eh !!
  9. cut down on all the <deleted> to get into the bloody place and maybe just maybe tourists will come back ...but these estimates are dreams
  10. thousands and thousands of condos empty but they still keep building ..long gone are the 1 million baht 35 square mtrs have you seen the prices of some 1 bed and even bedsits 2... 3 million good luck with that
  11. yep better easier and cheaper Try telling that to the Thais
  12. nice ..but some people are on a budget..just saying
  13. a few of my weddings were at registry offices...my last one we did the Monk stuff wedding in the Garden ect..same result got hitched
  14. mine is 24 baht a year 1 bed condo our omo office charges me 100 baht to pay it
  15. i have no sympathy of hatred for this guy he was a criminal getting other scum criminals executed ..wish they would all do it clean the place up
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