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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. yep totally agree to many out here living the high life then when s### hits the fan they come begging i do believe that some type of insurance is necessary but ones we can choose not be told we have to buy... the ones they are forcing on us now for entry should be looked into as its just a backhander for a lot of corrupt people ..
  2. yep a lot better and cheaper place's without all the C##p we have to go thru if it wasn't for my family commitments id be well gone
  3. test and go has not been cancelled its been changed... so untill all restrictions are dropped keep hoping cus it ain't going to happen
  4. reading as test and go scrapped..its not its just modified ins ect When will these idiots learn..Stop all restriction and stop your ins scams
  5. ok can you possibly help with this one ..i live permanent in Thailand im thinking of going to france for a month in july im fully vaccinated inc booster..what would i require to come back into the country ..i currently hold a ID card and have free access to government and military hospital services ..tks
  6. yes great that people like this take time to clean this place up...but until we educate thsis on the throwing of anything anywhere its like peeing into the wind ..
  7. yes good idea ..fir those that oppose vax 1 line at the airport and 1 line for vaxed like me hopefully sail thru..
  8. forget all this rubbish ..talk talk talk it means nothing unless all entry restrictions are lifted ..stop the greed ...
  9. yep with all the kickback for government ministers...no insurance no envelopes
  10. Government and Truth in the same sentence behave yourself..
  11. as far as ins its dropped to 10000.. Do you possibly have any info on whether my government medical card would be sufficient as far cover .. i dont pay for medical cover its free with my wife's job in Government ive spent time in hospital..seen specialist.. doctors ect never pay all my prescription are free.. Do you think this would be accepted im on their data base and can receive treatment any government hospital Inc military tks for any info
  12. hey just thought id pass this on but ive been given some info in the last half hour by a friend from ... can't say but reliable they just received a message whilst here with me stating test and go to be scrapped on 1 may .. no pcr just apk before departure no quarantine in LOS this statement was only issued from the top in the last hour or so ..we all know they change their minds on a whim but for now this is the latest can't disclosure source for certain reasons but as i said reliable ..might start looking for my flights i think
  13. Thailand for bank no interest paid..Thailand for pension . government pension..not tax paid on it last 2 years tax return comes back 0 at the end of the day don't live there im not french.. don't earn or work except for a small pension and my bank account there Nothing
  14. I read on the french declaration form for persons living in france or abroad ...thats what i dont understand ..they know im in thailand but have asked for bank account anywhere that i have so that reads its not only for people living in france ..its worse for me im not even french ha dont suppose little Napoleon Macaroooon has this problem eh
  15. but seeing i have a British passport Would they share it with the French all my accounts opened with British Passport..
  16. yes mate live here permanent not been out the country for 3 years left the place because of the racist government and they still hound me love the country and people but wouldn't P### on a government official if they were on fire ..thanks for your feed back mate if you find out any more info please let me know ..
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