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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. no laundering i took the money from my french bank i have receipts of the withdrawal i didn't transfer it as not to incur bank costs and low exchange rates i simply put it in my case each time i went back making sure to keep below the 10.000 euro which is allowed..money has been in my bank since 2019 as my visa guarantee..its just that o read about a woman in Jersey who did not declare all her accounts charged 1500 euros on each for each year she had not reported them..thats what's bothering me if i declared this years what has not been declared since 2019 will emperor Macron's vermin do the same to me ? please excuse my lack of love for the French government !!!
  2. me neither yes perhaps ill get someone there to look onto it tks
  3. yes perhaps but as i said they have my address here in thailand and know i no longer reside in France
  4. do you still have to complete a declaration impots? even tho you no longer reside there
  5. thanks mate ive had a run in with the french before horrible Barstewards even tho i was not at fault in anyway the Republic took their pound of flesh ..not because they should but because the could don't trust them..i know certain countries have a sharing of information between each other and knowing how corrupt France and Thailand are Well makes me think but thanks for the feed back mate
  6. for the guys who ain't had sex since before covid..no way they got no cash left spent it all on Kleenex..got to Hand it to them eh
  7. hello i try to keep this brief. i lived and worked in France many years closed down due to covid took early retirement..lived permanent in thailand for years .. im English .i hold a British passport not french i dont have an address in france ..But i do get a small as in is it worth it Small pension and i still have a bank account there Why is the reason im having to fill out a French tax form is it because of the pension that is so tiny and no tax could ever be paid on it Or is it because i have a bank account there the french authority wants to know everything stuff that should not concern them as i said im not french one small problem i have is my x has been doing my returns id never seen one till this year she has declared my bank in UK France and 1 in Thailand problem is i have another bank account where i keep my 400.000 visa money never been declared im afraid that if i put it down on this years ill get a fine for the years that i had not..or do i just not declare it What is the thing with thailand and sharing my information would the French possible find out ive heard its 1.500 for each account not declared or up to 10.000 euro ...im not sure here what to do i lived and worked there these Barstewards are ruthless sorry for it running on a bit any help appreciated tks
  8. hey guys is there anyone here who uses Wise ..ive seen something today about the new rates going up also the lowering of the ceiling regards amount of cash you can have in your account So if im correct its gone down from 10.000 euro to 3000 euro after that you must pay i think is 0.90% on the amount over 3000 so we have to pay a bank to have our money big drop . 7000 euro less can be kept at the ready any reply appreciated have i misread this or not..might be time to look elsewhere tks
  9. in my wifes village they would have preferred and kept the fish ..just the stink of Pla keeps them happy
  10. yes but all they do after a time is change their number they are not stupid they know we add the numbers to blacklist..
  11. stop dreaming ..drop the stupid restrictions that you are all scamming from and get real tourist coming back its a load of Clap..to think Chinese are coming ....
  12. control has never been so easy for them... they are not going to let that go
  13. to much money being made eith the thai pass they ain't going to give it up easily..
  14. they ain't joking on this one im in phetchabun been a long time since ive seen rain like..
  15. fuel Gas....ill stick to diesel... sad story RIP
  16. could it be shot in soi 7 really missing the place ive seen a few girls in nurses uniforms outside the bars there over the years
  17. nice little earner for Thai medical services .. can't make this S### up could you Scam
  18. be careful Pharmacies are making squillions from this yesterday my wife had a bit of a fever sore throat . i went to the local pharmacy strepsils and some paracetamol..700 baht for something i could have bought at 7/11 for 80 baht Scam time Farang price perhaps
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