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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. try starting a family..try traveling each weekend..beach one week camping another ect ect ..i think you need to get a life sir ..i live and worked on countries around the world..and in telling you UK and France in fact a large part of Europe has become a cesspool..you go live there I'm fine here
  2. sorry mate but if you want Dull and Torture go live in the UK or France..im here for the long haul .The grass isn't always greener...
  3. yes i noticed..also jomtien ..new faces around
  4. yep same saw a lot of new white faces around jomtien this week lot more non Asian females .. someone's traveling
  5. scum like this don't buy booze from bars and don't sit down and have a few drinks with their meals go to mom and pop shop... 7/11 cheap booze ..closing bars and restaurants wouldn't effect what scum like this do ...
  6. yes be good to get the follow up to this does he go to prison ..pay a few people or just a slap on the wrist a few Wai's.. its Thailand any of these scenarios are a possibility eh.. hope the lady is ok
  7. the point is just on my drive to the supermarket id see so many traffic violations if i reported them all id earn a million..you need to lighten up a bit sir..
  8. ive been to mexico id rather have all the hastle of getting into thailand ..thanks
  9. the point you are missing here is English in an international language Thai is not .ive worked in tourism for 30 years all people working in a tourist based area should speak English...and im not lazy i do speak other languages fluently..
  10. they were touring around pattaya ...unusual i know hey went nto e of the bars not far from where i was having a beer .. natural thing was to try to put it out of sight ..no one else did....so a more relaxing few beers ..i left the bar at 1 am still lively..
  11. yes mate i saw it all up close ..as if things had gone back to normal no one hiding drinks not even when the cops came i think even the boys in brown see it as stupid ..
  12. if they had arrested just 25% of the people drinking this weekend in jomtien there wouldn't be enough room to lock em all up..cops just don't seem bothered not just foreigners but hundreds of Thais openly out drinking i think people have just had enough of this BS
  13. police were in one of the bars... probably owner don't know ..jomtien and Pattaya i can go to most bars and get a beer or sit on the prom ..or outside 7 at the tables with another dozen people cops over the road ..nothing said ...
  14. i was out Saturday night no problems getting a beer loads of bars openly selling it .. drinking from glasses not coffee cups
  15. yep this is thailand Omicron will behave how this government wants it to ...another survey perhaps
  16. yep nothing to do with the porn its all about the control...You cannot because we said so...
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