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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. yep that's it were all safe now thanks to the rtp for finding that nasty covid attracting beer
  2. no mate never tried it but im always open to suggestions tks
  3. yes if you are rich ..private heath care beyond most people as for government run hospital ive spent time in them after a serious accident close to medival is all i can say om still suffering now over a year on because of their cock ups ..the local farangs call it the abattoir
  4. there is no substitute to belgian beers...leffe..duval..chimay..but sadly the price is 3 to 4 times higher here..do Leo 8 extra strong.. for now
  5. ok sit down with mates and eat drink water or coke but if you drink a beer or a glass of wine the Nasty covid man will get you Boo !! these rules are beyond stupid
  6. he could allow every country in the world to come but who is going to go thru all the c#ap we have to just to get here plus all the costs there are still a lot of warm and cheaper places people can go to with no hoops to jump thru.. same old same old
  7. it willll affect the innocent ones i can see harder measures for us to stay here .... as if there's not enough ..good luck with those millionaires..
  8. spot on there mate ..keep the yen in China government ain't stupid
  9. nice photo..plastic ones on the table real ones standing up behind
  10. who cares if it helped nurses in nurses uniforms.. nurses in school uniforms Oh how i miss those days in Soi 7 ha
  11. yep pattaya sad sad place for now
  12. hello all .ive got a question asked by a mate Is it better to buy a condo in company name or thai name also is resale easier in one more than the other tks
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