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Posts posted by mlkik

  1. A fit to fly certificate is issued after the COE is issued. My COE was issued 3 weeks before my flight.

    Make sure you get insurance that covers you for covid from day 1 and hospital admitance  even if asymtomatic.

    You need to book your flight and ASQ before the COE is issued as these are included in the COE.

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  2. 1 hour ago, user70 said:

    My Certificate of Entry (CoE) has a wrong date of transit. will this cause any issue?


    I leave my place on March 17, transit on March 18 and arrive on March 19. However my CoE indicates March 17 instead March 18 as my date of transit. This is because on my CoE application, we're being asked to indicate the date of the first transit flight (which in my case is March 17), however they use it on my CoE as the date of transit which is incorrect in my case.


    I'll contact the Thai embassy + my airline ASAP but I'd like to hear from people with similar experience (which I assume is commonplace given the issue on the CoE application form).

    The Embassy will need to issue you a new COE with the correct transit date. There have been many reports of mistakes being made and the Embassies have always re issued the COE promptly.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    That's just your opinion. I say that they are free. If a government office/police have any administration fee for a piece of paper, it would be no more than 100 baht. If they tell you it is 500 baht, they are doing something illegal and should be reported. 

    Who are you going to report them to ? And do you not think your card would be marked for causing trouble ?

  4. I renewed my car and motorbike licence last week in Udon Thani ,Nongsung branch.


    I went to Immigration and asked for the residence certificate and said I only want 1 copy as I will use a photocopy . I was told you can not use a photocopy.I held my ground and just paid for 1.

    Udon Immigration charge 500 baht.

    When I read the residence certificate which was in Thai it stated that it was for a motor car. If I had asked for a second certificate it would have said motorcyle.

    I then began to worry as I thought I would not be able to use a photocopy of the car certificate of residence for the motorbike licence.

    I went to a clinic and got 1 medical certificate which was expensive at 300 baht. Previously I got one from the local hospital and it was 25 baht. My girlfriend renewed hers recently and was charged 80 baht at a different clinic.

    Anyway I went to the Transport office and they just said go downstairs and photocopy the certificate of residence and tge medical certificate.

    30 minutes later I had both car and motorbike 5 year licences. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    A report was posted by a TVF member that stated that his Pacific Cross contact-person told him that he would be covered from the moment of entry in Thailand, on the condition that the policy would be already 15 days active.

    As UJ mentioned in an earlier post, in order to avoid the loss of 15 days on your 1-year Non Imm O-A Visa (as it will be capped to the insurance validity expiry date), you could - in order to cover that 15 days quarantaine period - subscribe to a 30-days TGIA covid-19 only insurance.  But having the Pacific Cross policy start 15 days earlier, is an easier and probably even cheaper solution.

    When I was about to apply for my Pacific Cross policy only at the last minute did they confirm in an email that the wait period began on entry to Thailand and starting the policy earlier would not change this.

    Indeed I do remember forwarding that email to you in a private message as this was discussed by us last year.


    • Thanks 1
  6. Pacific Cross only cover you for covid after you have been in Thailand for 15 days. This 15 day wait period means you are not covered if you test positive in ASQ.

    Starting the policy early makes no difference for covid cover as the wait period begins when you enter Thailand.

    However you would be covered for covid if you left and then came back to Thailand.

    If you do test positive for covid and are in the wait period you will have a very expensive hospital bill to pay.

  7. 15 hours ago, cpillow said:



    First let me clarify that I sent the same question a few days ago to the COE email in my country, but I'm still waiting for reply despite being a somewhat urgent matter. I'll update the post with their official response, if I get any.


    I'm in the process of getting a TR visa, checking the online COE application the first field asks for your "Country of Origin" and then this displays which embassies/consulates are available for process your COE. Is this your country of origin , or the country of origin of the trip? As COEs are issued for specific flights/ASQ combination.


    I'm travelling from my origin country ( with my visa ready, but no COE yet ) to Dubai, will stay in Dubai 1 month, then process the COE online (as must be done max 2 weeks before ) and take a flight to Bangkok. Would this be any problem? 

    A COE can be applied for at anytime even if your flight is months away. I obtained my COE about 21 days before my flight to Thailand.

  8. 9 hours ago, ericthai said:

    I have been involved in two accidents over the decades. Neither time did anyone ask to see my license. I called the insurance company they sent a guy out and he sent me on my way and handled everything with the police.  

    I have had 2 previous claims and am now awaiting parts for my 3rd claim and the insurance company has taken copies of my drivers licence as did the company doing the repairs.

    My Thai licence expired in July last year as I was out of country and could not return and renew due to covid. I knew that I had a year to renew after expiry however I got myself an international drivers permit in the UK before I returned and for my current claim produced this along with my UK drivers licence.

  9. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:

    14 Days quarantine is specific to people travelling into Thailand to try to stop Covid 19 being brought in.


    Further, 99% of people coming in are on Thai organized repatriation flights, and 99% of these flights have 1 to many passengers who test positive on arrival. Therefore total quarantine for 14 days. 


    Quarantine in an ASQ is for 15 nights and you leave on the 16th day. I completed my ASQ on 21st December.

    I would think that most of the farang coming to Thailand now are not on re -patriation flights as many airlines are now allowed to fly into Thailand.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:




    I have 5 million inpatient and $100K Covid specific, so I will ask Pacific Health if they can do an add on for the out patient for 40K.


    Seems daft really when we must also put 800K  more or less permanently on deposit and I would always pay OPD charges as they are negligible  anyway, but their country, their rules I suppose.

    Adding on to the Pacific prime policy will be expensive. LMG do a cheap throw away outpatient policy.

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