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Everything posted by patman30

  1. If they do actually do this work, they will eventually get to company owned properties.
  2. another fake engagement post another account on the ignore list
  3. what a horrible idea, but at least they are not taking farm land although then there would be less sugar cane waste burning so that could be a plus All these dumb solar farm plans that usually flop after a while why not just make EVERY building install solar first? if they actually wanted to make positive change that does not damage more of the environment The "Green" mentality of we must damage the environment to save the environment is quite bizarre
  4. how to fix congestion, remove one lane from many congested roads then charge everyone who drives on said roads a congestion tax simples
  5. some places only do visits for the first 2 years if same address
  6. Exactly.
  7. BKK will not be under water the CC is clearly a hoax but yes, it always baffled me why they do not have more tracks etc i think once you show you are prepared to invest and do things correctly, which costs a lot a comity will quickly be formed to see how many new licenses they can create for you to pay. always thought banger racing, demolition derby, would be great here they should do Formula Thai with pickups or my favourite would be rocket league but with real cars rocket league is game where you play 3-a-side football but with cars and obviously an oversized ball
  8. the fact that Buriram would be the more ideal location, as it already has a track, shows this is just a money grab discussing the impossible for years to come how are those space rockets they were "discussing" coming along The hub of planning.
  9. controlled opposition, destroyed publicly and their death celebrated.
  10. Guy Fawkes was a psyop, GF and the plotters were setup to fail and the UK celebrates the fact he was caught, not the attempt that is why we burn (kill) the guy on the bonfire they made a huge public display of what will happen to you if you try to go against the Top Dog and the government
  11. so got the teams, media and fans sorted.... Now.... just need to find somewhere to put the racetrack?
  12. VPN IPs get blocked when used by too many people to solve get a VPN that also offer static IP, and buy a static IP that way it will just be you using that IP or at worst just a handful of people depending on the VPN i use Windscribe VPN they are great if you need static IPs or ports forwarded, i have not come across another VPN that offered as much as windscribe Tip: use a US vpn and give Tubi Tv a look
  13. This will likely be "discussed" at the taxpayers expense for many years and will go nowhere it does sound good, that is the hype to get people excited to keep the discussion and the money flowing i too thought such would be good here, but i think a rally would be better as drivers cannot complain about potholes then lol but seriously to talk about doing it in BKK is just dumb, as just no way it can happen without a tonne of disruption to many businesses the only roads suitable are the elevated toll highways, yay first F1 race with toll booths (obvs they cannot use) There is a racetrack in Buriram that would be better suited than trying to plan for BKK but that would be too straight forwards, so less discussion, so less funds
  14. Not sure what list they are referring too as there are 2 public "Epstein lists" Epsteins Black book and the flight logs The "Client List" is the Maxwell list not the Epstein list, as Epstein never made it to court, however the funny thing is Trump is in both the black book and the flight logs
  15. you clearly do not understand how websites work, keep using your time to respond to imaginary fairy tales
  16. They are fake engagement posts🤦‍♂️
  17. why can't some people comment on anything without bringing politics into the conversation bringing up politics at every opportunity is not the signal you may think it is. Another one on the ignore list.
  18. Just smile at them showing your teeth.
  19. for $1000, i will take, things that never happened another engagement account another on the ignore list baffles me how so many AN members still engaging with these obvious engagement posts
  20. you can buy the wheel rubbers on lazada or shopee, the wife got some recently, now our wheels are bright orange looking at your wheel, whether you buy a rubber or full replacements wheels, looks like you will need take the case apart to change the wheel
  21. the only line worth reading.
  22. The age old Tuvalu propaganda....... "In the four decades to 2014, Tuvalu's total land area grew by 73 hectares, or 2.9 per cent."
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