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Everything posted by patman30

  1. i wouldn't hold your breath for the digital nomad visa if you got the funds, get an elite family excursion visa, 800k for 5 years for 2 people not sure if child needs, but its 300k for additional family member oh well...... just read your post above
  2. last 2 years i had to do the extension here they did not set foot inside my house only wanted to speak to the witness had same guys both times they even asked how the MIL was, as they met her the previous time 5 minutes sat in the garden, quick photo and they are done and gone i don't give them money but do give them a bottle of water each.
  3. they will switch to digital sales put all the sellers out of an income then likely raise the price from 80 to a round 100 baht hopefully the app/service will not be produced locally but i doubt that will happen????
  4. sounds like fuel prices rises (and in turn everything else) are about to hit here like it is hitting the west
  5. trading crypto is like playing blackjack where the dealer knows your hand the house(exchange) plays too and they have all the data exchanges also sell data to each other.
  6. so basically you need a commercial setup but cannot sell any....... sounds like they are about to clamp down on all the small operations that do not meet the standard.
  7. something to consider if you dont have the funds yourself to just sit there maybe look at Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos no point dealing with visas issues here which can change anytime
  8. Benz would be the last brand of car i would buy here i have never seen one with working indicators ????‍♂️
  9. Something will be released this year that blows everything wide open (apologies for being vague nothing is public yet)
  10. KYC comes under AML regulations many exchanges now want to know the source of funds especially for high volume traders Bittrex asked for allsorts from myself been that way for a while now, Bitkub just catching up be sure to download all trading activity periodicly some exchanges only store it for 3 months, history can also get deleted when exchanges update systems
  11. just a coincidence i am sure but Indonesia have a Kratom ban in the wind, its been coming for years as farmers are now making too much $$$ selling to US great oppurtunity for large scale farmers here who can get an export license if one is needed, which will soon be likely if not already
  12. many exchanges are now requiring source of funds. to satisfy AML regulations
  13. like most ferangs he will likely take offence and blame you for doing 80kph in 60 zone..... not that i care either way but if i had a satang for every close call on the roads....... someone cutting across 3 lanes is nothing to be shocked by here and something you should always be preared imo, especially near U-turns be thankful you were driving a nice car that was capable of keeping you both safe. it is hard to understand how much of a situation it actually was without the dashcam footage.
  14. whats the point of moaning/complaining/ranting ? surely you have all been here long enough to know what the roads are like it is what it is, and foreigners are just as bad if not worse sometimes.????‍♂️
  15. tell her to put a price tag on it, so it "merchandise for sale"????
  16. yeh going by the act posted above there can be no tax for signs/logos on merchandise the other option is to dress up a dog or buffalo and have them outside the shop????
  17. get your sign printed on both sides of an XXXL tshirt (or a flag) and hang it up outside with price tag of 5000 baht.
  18. for my convenience and to avoid such issues i just pay someone 500 baht to do mine. might be something worth considering.????‍♂️
  19. "a years worth" you were them for a week at a time ? ???? they literally should be worn for a few minutes at a time then discarded once bacteria is on them the bacteria continues to grow/multiply whether you continue to wear it or not.
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