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Everything posted by patman30

  1. clearly you have not done much at all it is virtually impossible for BTC to become a globally used peer to peer electronic cash
  2. if you are referring to BTC you need to do some research
  3. we must live in different realities as for myself it is the exact opposite i am stood there with my cash in hand, waiting for a few notes and coins change while the person in front fumbles with their phone swiping left and right and tapping the screen with the puzzled look on their face i once watched 3 people take 15 mins to pay for their coffee in starbucks with their phones well 2 managed to pay with their phones and 1 went to the ATM ok 15 mins is not every time, but one issue and payments are not happening but literally any time i am in a queue, people paying with phones are just as slow as using CC cash is always faster
  4. this is just the first step of them eventually banning COD putting content details etc on the parcel will just make the scam parcel look just like a genuine parcel ordered from Lazada or shopee as they already have such details people will still just pay the money thinking someone else in family ordered
  5. put AC in "dry" mode
  6. Creative Live! Cam Sync 1080p V2 Full HD Wide-Angle USB Webcam
  7. pretty sure 65k/month or 800k/year is plenty enough to get by on here if they do not have that, they would not be here legally no point complaining here about things decided in the UK.
  8. i would have thought the same, but they do work my concern is them cracking fibre cement is not that strong, but these are 20mm thick the wood floor was bouncy, which is why they were installed underneath to reduce the the flex they have been in 2 years and seem fine for Ply my concern would be actually finding some decent Ply here which builders are not going to do for you i made a nice table from off cuts of plywood
  9. builders done same to one of the wooden houses we got but they used the thick fibre cement floor boards, which may possibly be an easier and maybe cheaper option for you whatever you use, do consider sanding that floor and refinishing it, rather than covering it with vinyl flooring
  10. still does not look too bad compared to usual not saying its the worst, but looks normal for here Right Now looks pretty decent Of course BKK might have some higher numbers right now due to traffic and data is in real time
  11. doesn't look too bad, i take it you not look at WAQI often wait till start of next year when sugar cane is being harvested 7th March 2023 10th March 2023.... 15th March 2023
  12. fees are paid to miners a fee that you pay will be paid to the miner that produces the block that includes your transaction BTC is handicapped at 1MB block (up to 4MB with segwit) due to this BTC has a fee market, where people compete with higher fees to get their transactions confirmed in a block quicker when the network is busy people will pay higher and higher fees to get confirmed (like an auction) BTC can only confirm/process 500k transactions a day which makes it completely useless as a global currency coreturds will jump in and scream "lightning, lightning, lightning" which is a centralized POS that does not work anyway, and even if lightning did actually work, it would take over 40 years just to onboard everyone without any other transactions happening. The only thing most AN members need to know or care about is number go up, and number go down.
  13. this is one those (dumb) engagement posts but yes, AIS clearly advertise the AX5400 which does have 2.5Gbps port not the AC5400 like the engagement post is stating no point wasting your time here for a non existent issue
  14. just go find a bar with ferangs and buy a few beers
  15. wasn't that other guy also a 33 year old footballer..........??????
  16. so they do not consent to a Breathalyzer test........ why would they consent to a urine or blood test? why do they not simply apply this to the breathalyser test? (it is also law that you must not be discriminated against if refusing any medical procedure) refuse the roadside breathalyser and you are treated as over the limit, simple.
  17. i would not hesitate to avoid a child each to their own.....
  18. you can do as others say and set the router to use the VPN but this will mean all traffic goes through the VPN at all times so no split tunneling you may also need DD-WRT router or Asus router to do this i assume your smart TV is not an android TV? i use windscribe VPN and they have an app for android TVs (and firestick) seems if TV has no android you would likely need another device so casting to TV from Phone as you already do may be your best option if you don't mind spending OR if you have a spare router setup the VPN on the spare router and connect the TV to that router (and obviously connect that router to your main router) this setup is fine if you do not mind the VPN always on for the TV if TV has wifi and can connect to main router via wifi then you could be able to switch between the VPN router, and nonVPN wifi
  19. No, Credit creation is evil. If you use (create) credit, you are part of the problem.
  20. Clearly you do not read feedback lol
  21. i don't have a TV in the house anymore, but when i did i would just use a file explorer or VLC to access my computer from TV would never bother with a media suite
  22. not seen for a while but many were being sold just edited post after having a quick look as stated 15Mbps SIM is good for 4K streaming
  23. you could get unlimited 1 year sim with 30Mbps which is more than enough to stream 4K most people have little reason to require duper fast speeds these days unless gaming or transferring large files etc but phones simply have an overkill connection already these days when working as should. not sure if 30Mbps sims still on offer but 15Mbps certainly are and 15Mbps can stream 4K
  24. i have never used one with AC, personally i would not be keen on using a cheap AC volt adjuster either which is why i suggested a 12VDC fan, it would likely have a much lower setting right out of the box and be designed to run slower (similar to how the tower the OP has decided on is also DC) and using 12VDC, it would only need slight undervoltage for a noticeable decrease in speed which would likely be low anyway on low setting maybe i will but that fan just to find out what they are like and use as portable i do have milwaukee 18V portable fan but that is a bit noisy, but it is not built to be quiet but does its job well
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