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Everything posted by patman30

  1. thinking about what i would do myself is irrelevant i am not in that situation it is what it is they can demand what they want they can deny you if they want complaining will not change the fact, better to simply proceed forward instead of moaning pointlessly which will be frowned upon i would become more frustrated about complaining if i thought it was just, and being ignored.
  2. go to immigration with friend with lease pay the fine, job done if not, they will tell you exactly what you need to do
  3. how long do you plan to be touring ? or are you looking to leave the UK ?
  4. credit for what? they are order followers they get told "ask for flights" they start asking for flights power always lies with the individual officer, they can ask for whatever they want.
  5. the apps usually tell you the fare before you agree to it "darkside" is not specific enough. i could get a 200 baht taxi from darkside to darkside
  6. agreed, those on covid extensions are probably expected to be making an effort to return home if they were actually stranded here while visiting as tourists not a nice situation for many wishing to remain here or not wanting to return home or go elsewhere soon immigration will put pressure on many, and i expoect they will log the return flight dates and expect people to be on them. but i do expect the covid extension to be available for as long as the country is in a state of emergency which will be for as long as they want the EUA jabs to be available
  7. and just like most humans, they dont realise they were fooled until its too late.
  8. thank you, i do agree, IF you go to the doctor for advice, and you then choose to follow that advice, or not. point is though, many of us are not going to the doctor and we do not want their advice. if anyone wants to do something with their body or put something in their body, imo that is their choice, i am not one to demand others stop doing what they want with their bodies everyone should be free to do what they feel is right for their own body and we should never divide the population ever, for any reason.
  9. i was commenting about retaining memories when one does not have a journal many people are in same boat as yourself, they did not keep them clearly you have no interest in learning how to retain memories yet you regret not having a journal and thinking seems to be too difficult a task. ????‍♂️ i got my memories, i am good you do you
  10. are they not supposed to start with free donuts yeh threat of exclusion from society is a great incentive for people to choose to get jabbed thats clearly not coercion but a choice they will make of their own free will????‍♂️
  11. should pressure not be put onto the food and alcohol industries ? surely there are simple measures to keep these people healthy and safe why is there pressure on private companies for one problem but not for other bigger problems ?
  12. as i said, i have tried them all that is the only stuff that does the job properly i just wish they sold it in bigger quantities at a cheaper price i do not usually have any to clean up as i will follow the ants to where they are coming from and pour it right by there they usually take it all away in minutes
  13. its said in jest, in relation to the absurd stuff coming from the MSM recently maybe you dont keep up with the times as much as they rest of us.
  14. it seems you missed the point of my comment, you have to strengthen connections in the brain or they get weak do not fill your head with unimportant <deleted> ponder or meditate to restrengthen those connections some people may need a diary or journal io never had one so all i can do is retain what i have i also do not limit my thoughts to words, but that conversation is likely beyond your understanding also.
  15. vaccinated are less likely to have symptoms, due to the vaccine so they are more likely to be out and about when infected than someone who is unvaccinated and likely to have symptoms as an indicater to stay home *that is if i am playing your game
  16. no, but you can choose to remember the important stuff by not filling your head with unimportant cr4p.... also pondering on memories will help retian them
  17. due to climate change or eating meat maybe....?
  18. compliance is what is causing this to be extended please explain how myself sat in my nice big home for nearly 2 years now has any impoact at all you are deluded in your observation of who is enforcing these draconian restrictions it is definitely not the unjabbed
  19. "anti-vax" is a derogatory term, created to cause divide hence the rest of my assumptions based on what that term implies you mean you are "pro-choice" apologies *even being in a group does not prove "most" just saying.
  20. yet you now label "most" as "very anti-vax" without any proof of this as if they are very bad people for not making the same choices as yourself you are wishing discrimination is forced upon others who are not the same as you......????‍♂️
  21. because from the start it was always to be Jabs for life.
  22. Many people who have taken it have taken it for many different reasons, except for a virus so i can travel, keep my job, go to footy, go to clubs, can eat out, to virtue signal etc. list goes on and on
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