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Everything posted by patman30

  1. A.I. doesnt work like that???? not in its current form anyway. is it possible to manipulate a brain with electricity? Yes will we be able to upload ourselves onto digital media? No. "electrical impulses" being recorded are not what we are talking about but conciousnesses being able to live and grow digitally, and not a program based on an individual, but the individual soul itself. you can prove me wrong when they "bring out the tech" lol there is always the same catch.
  2. agreed, this is where it can get sinister i have seen quite a few programs that have similar concepts where people can be uploaded they are programming the next gens for this imo. to accept it as a possibility, it would also be easy to fake with video calls to others who uploaded, once they have you in the meta there will be no way of ever knowing if you are interacting with bots or people
  3. everyone debating 10k a year.......???? 2 of the categories you need high salary (for here) employemnt contract of over 1 year (just saves a bit of inconvenience with reporting) investor category you need to invest minimum 20 MILLION digital nomad category requires 600k in the bank for 3 months you must be part of an endorsed incubator (which will not be free) and have a joint venture with the endorsed incubator or a gov agency with company setup within 1 year (basically you pay to become someones staff, which is not appealing to digital nomads) who cares about the 10k, when these requirements are not appealing and do not apply to most people. this should be more of a sign of things to come.
  4. "Meta" is the the new name of facebook and is also a term used for virtual world where your "digital twin" your avatar does everything in VR it can lead to a very dark place like in ready player one where people end up being content in a box with VR
  5. its the same thing, the gaming arena is where social media happens for many of younger generation this is what a meta world becomes, which is like a stepping stone towards the matrix. an interesting show to watch is Upload if you can see through the programming you will realize how sinister this can all be
  6. does losing the use of your limbs count as Long term side effects ? "250 people have received payouts of 100,000-240,000 baht for severe conditions that could have been caused by vaccination such as losing functions of their limbs which affected their daily lives. " what about death or permenant disiability, do they count as long term side effects? "400,000 baht were provided to 2,264 families of the deceased patients or people permanently disabled"
  7. you must see about 1% of the software in the wild???? do you not have security ? its really not difficult to keep a machine clean????
  8. but you didnt buy the higher priced you bought the cheap one that was obviously so cheap it gave you doubts and in reality, you knew it was fake before you purchased.
  9. Extremely easy to do with Kaspersky kids the gov would do much better trying to get good deal to provide this for free or cheap, its only $15/year anyway but many parents do not know how easy it is to control kids online activity or are just too lazy and let them wild on a smartphone, not understanding apps are designed to be addictive.
  10. i build machines often see my post above i use that on all machines, very handy.
  11. probably the best option TBH laptops gets bashed and you wont need a tower definately check if it has ssd for windows as ssd is needed these days if it says 1TR ssd its likely got a small ssd cache or optane 2 things you really need is a youtube blocker extension, so you can block channels they do have youtube kids but it is intentionally pooh and they do the online teaching on youtube, but always good to prevent unsuitable media popping up or being auto played put the youtube account in restriced mode and turn off auto play etc.are more options and KASPERSKY KIDS (worth every penny just $15 a year) with KK, you can set schedules and restrict a lot of stuff, you can also create unlimited profiles so you can give the kid a "at school" profile and a "free time" and an "offline" each with different restrictions or schedules/time limits, also down time, so its off an hour before sleep or at meal times etc. so many options with KK compared to others
  12. starting to wake up? these jabs should have been stopped after the first few severe reactions or death, remember they touted the jabs prevent severe illness and death, that is what they sold them on as they dont do much else.
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