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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. Looks like it, to be able to use it at all you have to register with the NDD system - Thai ID only.
  2. I had an email the other day saying you must register with an ID number to continue using PayPal in Thailand - and of course only Thai IDs are accepted. It is a joke
  3. Which doesn't happen. You can't just rock up and get equal treatment in the UK. You have to show you are a resident in the UK.
  4. Absolute nonsense, the only way late abortions are allowed to happen if there is a serious risk to the health of the mother e.g. she has a high chance of dying. Late abortions are not performed on a whim, that is just another lie pushed by right-wing media.
  5. It is like the episode of the Office when Jim says that Dwight finding drugs is more dangerous than most people using drugs.
  6. Why would "they" want to keep the masks on? We shouldn't track new variants? If you are talking about media reactions, then that is a whole other argument
  7. Anyone who uses the word 'woke' in a serious way, should have an immediate laughing emoji
  8. No one is a "fan" of masks, we just understand they are useful when you are sick and don't want to spread it to others. I mean, I could say this is good news for the crackpots who think public health measures are a form of government tyranny
  9. of course I meant whiners ????
  10. Yes Never happens to folks who tell the truth about any pre-existing conditions & buy real insurance from international based companies (aka: Not Thai insurance companies) haha what alternative reality are you living in?
  11. According to the right-wing he was untouchable. and I did find it funny how he came across as way more of a gigga chad than the winning babies on Fox News
  12. Bob Inglis, who changed his mind after talking with an actual climate scientist. Senator James Inhofe - gets a lot of money from the fossil fuel industry Marc Morano - runs the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) - which gets funding from the fossil fuel industry Steve Milloy - connections with Fox News and right wing orgs Bjørn Lomborg - a political scientist Prof Pat Michaels - Cato Institute and was agricultural climatologist - received funding from fossil fuel companies There are more. The overwhelming consensus among actual climate scientist is that climate change is real and is driven by humans.
  13. I have, and they are either not climate scientist or are verging on being crackpots.
  14. So people who have insurance but the insurance decides to not cover something, that never happens, right? You know everything about the case, right?
  15. Fancy reading one article, judging someone by it and loudly proclaiming you have no sympathy - did your mum not warm your milk or something this morning?
  16. haha no, I understand the difference between the two and I am not a drama queen
  17. I thought right wingers hated CNN? Now it is a trusted source?
  18. It is called public health measure, it ain't tyranny <deleted>
  19. What do you expect from a bunch of ideological Thatcherite fruit-loops?
  20. Get the ANF crack detective team on the case? I am sure they will solve it in 20+ pages of arguments
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