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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. I woul;d like to see her get a fair trial and hearing. But in a Country polarised as Thailand. Such a thing is wishful thinking. SE Asia is a den of corruption as deals always done behind closed doors. Yes She is a Puppet of her Brother. But do not make her the Scapegoat for what was a Government decision. Maybe it was a con or perhaps just a bunch of people thinking if the bought it at a high guaranteed price they could manipulate the market by Gerrymander to hike up the world price and profiteer. The result disaster and a collapsed position for the Thai Growers and loss of #1 rice producer position. I despise corruption as much as the next person but in this case Let them without Sin cast the first stone

  2. Had Australia not been colonised by the British it would have been by the French, Dutch or Portugese so asking if they had not is just Academic. It was at a period of European ascension and Expansionism. That mantle has now passed to the Asian peoples. We can all cry over Indigenous rights but in the end it is economics and greed which decides who controls what. In all our Countries we have no more right to be here than the person who comes after us. BTW Thailand is the only Country in SE Asia not colonised but that was a close run thing and cost them the Shan States, Part of Burma, Part of what is now Malasia and Laos to keep the Europeans out

  3. Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

    We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

    Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

    We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

    Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

    When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

    Please Do not forget about the History embargo until 2162 so that we never know the truth that there were European settlers here before the first Indigenous settlers got to NZ who probably traded with the more peaceful MoriOri until their Cannibal cousins arrived and ate both of them. Had the French been allowed to colonise as they tried here. We would only be independent after an armed struggle as in Algeria, Vietnam etc or we would only be nominally Independent as New Caledonia is.

  4. Why would a NRA red-neck in the middle of Kansas need an arsenal of weapons? To fend off foreign intruding forces? To shoot sqirrels?

    No, those weapons would be used against fellow countryman ( Ahhhhh.....self defense). A Nation, that has reached this stage, is on the brink of "social meltdown".

    - In the case of Thailand: Any Farang in the possession of a firearm should be given notice to leave Thailand within 1 week.

    My view, cheers.

    In the case of Thailand it is my understanding that in certain rural areas and for some Farang Business Person they are entitled to own Firearms for self defence. Shooting defenceless animals I can agree ,but using ones firearm to put an injured animal out its misery is a lot better than waiting several hours for a Vet to show up.

  5. Imagine turning up in someone else's country, living in a ghetto, refusing to speak the language or adopt the local customs, expecting businesses and services to cater to your way of life, and not respecting the locals.

    Who would do a thing like that, eh?

    Immigrants to Europe.

    But is it not what many of us do to Thailand. When in Rome Do as the Romans do!

  6. I believe it has to do with the Thai education system and not the intelligence of the students. If you have a system where everyone passes that does not require dilligent learning. Thai Students I have met who were educated in the NZ and other Countries education systems certainly are not Dumb. One young thai lady i know in NZ is fluent in 7 languages having majored in Russian and French at University.

  7. As I have said I am glad I was born in the 50's a more stable time and a rapidly changing World. The World is no worse or no better now than it ever was. Because We always expect more there is some pessimism. Religious Zealots have always come and go. look at history to the holy wars. To the crusades and jihads toing and froing. The Spread of Hinduism and Buddhism not always peaceful.The many wars of the 20th Century. Greek Philosophers of the ancient times noted the unruleness of youth and how they fear Civilisation would not survive. But We are still here. We always find a way. When the Day comes that We love Our children more than We hate Our enemies and We channel Our Hatred and set aside Prejudices to solve and advance Our World then that will be the best time to be. Faith and belief are not the problems. It is believing only your Religion is right. We were given the ability to question and learn it is a pity so many never ask why must we hate?

  8. 26 million...might buy 20 houses in a middle class Auckland suburb?

    It's less than a small Ministry's policy advice fees.

    MSD spends over $75 million on such "advice" each year, a flag referendum's worth every 4 months

    in the context of the annual expenditure of the New Zealand Government it is a miniscule amount.

    The 2015 Budget sets out $88.9 billion in Government spending for the coming financial year. The money spent on the flag referendum will account for about 0.0029 per cent of this budget.

    So what else does $26 million get the tax-payer? Here are a few examples of similar expenses in the 2015/16 Budget:

    *$26.8 million for development of Central City anchor projects for the Christchurch rebuild

    *$27 million for the Crown's contribution to regional pest management

    *$27.1 million for policy advice to the Ministry of Primary Industries


    Perhaps in Jafa land on 20 houses in Christchurch middle income parts 52 houses. In newer suburbs perhaps 130 houses but that is families not living in garages or caravans. 26 million may not seem much but is a lot of treatment of cancer sufferes who are told there is no money for treatment. Or for Students who,s classrooms are crammed and cannot get extra funding. Priorities not luxuries. A Nation is not wealthy by its flag or its richest but by how it looks after is most needy.

  9. I grew up in the greatest place, in the greatest country, at the greatest time the world has ever known. I don't think it will ever be that way again.


    Yeah, the 50's were a great time for white Americans.

    I grew up in NZ and in the Southern Island. The families I grew up with were Brown and white and I did not know any different. I am glad I grew up in my Country because I learned and teach my children it is not the colour of skin or the accent that matters but how are person treats you. And as such it makes it so much more enjoyable for me to know live in a multicultural Society. Positive Change and diversity are good.

  10. At least they went through the process

    Would like to see Australia do the same

    Every survey from the start said this wound be the result. Why waste the money.

    If the survey indication showed any possibility of the citizens wanting a new

    flag by all means, go through the process. Otherwise it is a waste of taxpayer money. coffee1.gif

    That's the point of a referendum and voting though... so everyone can choose to have their say. Not just 1087 people randomly surveyed..

    You suggest elections are decided by a survey?

    The point was every poll before the first referendum said Kiwis did not want to change the flag. Even though we have schools in desperate need of funding, Health needs. Housing crisis caused by 18,ooo houses lost in chch in 2011, plus Auckland burgeoning population. Our Government despite knowing we needed money on more urgent things chose to waste 26 million NZ$ (US$17) on a set of referenda most of us did not want. All to hide their corruption and Nepotism. Polling here is very good. The flag debate was a red herring to hide National ineptness and to big note John Key.

  11. I believe those of us that were kids in the 60,s and teens in the 70's had it the best. Remember when we all felt optimism for the future when man walked on the moon in 1969. How free and easy life was. And then the 1973 oil shock, terrorism and the end of optimism. Up until 1980 life was pretty cruisy. After that New right economics, Friedmanitsm economic topsy turvy and life not so bright

  12. Yeah the other choices weren't great. The Union Jack is OK but the bigger problem is the lack of distinction from Australia.

    yep... very similar

    Until New Zealand is assimilated as a new Australian territory, it can be confusing

    It is more likely NZ will go to war with Australia rather than assimilate. Until they stop treating us like Mexicans are treated by the US. The disdain for Australia is very deep in NZ now

  13. No doubt about it my friend you were the love of her life. She is so lucky to have met. In love with that big thing in you pant. Sorry I mean your wallet. Slept with you first night. You and the other 6 guys will help put a new well in the village. Can you help with her sick mother. Has she sent you pictures of her sick in hospital yet. Stress of looking after her sick mother. And her child needs urgent Dental care. Oh Yeah a storm damaged the roof on her home.

  14. Don't know about the pistols but the long guns look like pieces of crap. I believe he is a collector. But like playing bridge in Thailand, he should of got permission from someone high up.

    My thoughts exactly. Most Thais I know have a gun just think he likes them. Just didnt grease the right palm obviously

    I know at least 100 thai people on first name terms and not one of them owns a gun.

    You're telling lies, unless your friends are all members of the police force, or you ingratiate yourself with criminals.

    Then again criminals are usually bare faced liars so maybe you'd fit in well.

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