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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. The Union Jack simply says where the basis of Government came from, The blue is the vastness of the Ocean. The Four Stars are where We sit under the heavens and hope for the future. My Grandfather and his Brothers served NZ WW1 with My great Uncle wounded with Wellington Battalion Gallipoli and then killed later a Ypres. My Father fought WW2 NZ Division. Over 30,000 died for their Country. In 2 word wars. Their names written in blood on Our flag. Those who scream for freedom from Our so called colonial past should think of their sacrifice . As to Our current MP,s claim it is too often mixed with the Australian flag. We have used Our flag in One form or another since 1869 like Australia not formally adopting until March 24 1902. How you can confuse our flag 4 stars and Australia's 6 stars. I will be voting for the status quo as do my family. As to the Republicans the current system allows for a Governor General to be picked from the General Public who is of Good Standing. This has allowed us Maori, Euro descent and Indian among many others. A Republic will mostly be a Rich White and the bs that is US Politics

  2. In NZ for years we ran a subsidised minimum lamb price. I artificially inflated the price of meat and very nearly Bankrupted our Country. No one has ever been held to account for this or many other hair brained actions that have pushed us toward 3rd world status.

    Thaksin and those who oppose him a two sides of the same coin. The difference is he let a trickle got to the poor masses. That he did wrong is not in dispute. But Thailand has suffered coup after coup since 1932. The coup was unneccessary but coming since the PT won the election. The Rice scheme a bungled attempt to manipulate a commodity price and profiteer. But not enough to remove an elected Government. How many of Our Govts would be removed if Our militaries be haved this way. The problem is the dumbing down of Thai Society. No level of corruption is acceptable. But democracy should give transparent Government. Not closed door deal. In my own Country we are dumbed down so back door deals are done. Thailand just needs to breath and grow. There are a great many good people there. They just need a voice

    True that everyone is two sides of the same coin.

    But I wouldn't say the Rice Scheme was not enough to remove an elected government, history has repeated itself, absolutely no transparency for 2 years regarding to this scheme, continue lies to the public with massive losses. Please name a developed country that repeated the same corrupted, loss ridden scheme twice? It would be interesting to compare the two. Subsidies don't have to be sustainable, but it shouldn't be this outrageous. In any developed country, the PM should have stepped down or be charged already!

    Coup happen not because of the Rice Scheme though, it was due to contant violence and unrest in the city by both parties. So I think its misleading to think coup happened because they were against a populist policy.


    This is also a good read for those that are so anti coup yet pro Thaksin. General Sunthorn Kongsompong head of the 1991 Coup was one the main reasons for Thaksin sucess in his telecommunication business.

  3. Thaksin and those who oppose him a two sides of the same coin. The difference is he let a trickle got to the poor masses. That he did wrong is not in dispute. But Thailand has suffered coup after coup since 1932. The coup was unneccessary but coming since the PT won the election. The Rice scheme a bungled attempt to manipulate a commodity price and profiteer. But not enough to remove an elected Government. How many of Our Govts would be removed if Our militaries be haved this way. The problem is the dumbing down of Thai Society. No level of corruption is acceptable. But democracy should give transparent Government. Not closed door deal. In my own Country we are dumbed down so back door deals are done. Thailand just needs to breath and grow. There are a great many good people there. They just need a voice

  4. He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

    you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

    The current government got an amnesty, because they had to react you could say they were forced into it. (or at least they can use it as an excuse because of Thaksins amnesty and the street protests). Kinda like defending yourself when a burglar gets into your house. Most people are excused then too unless they use excessive force.

    No half truths from me at all his amnesty started it (or gave it the perfect excuse) that is a fact nobody can deny. That the current goverment got an amnesty is not something I loose sleep over at night. Just as I wont loose sleep over it if they are convicted for staging the coup. I have not much love for them, just prefer them over the previous government but not as much as before.

    I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

    I think it does not matter the reason it seems to be when the "Majority" wins an election and corrupt or not they seem to be favoring the masses and not elite. Then the Military which is Traditionalist step in. Thailand does need stability. Thaksin is what you deem him to be. Yingluck but a naive puppet of her Brother. But a Military cannot solve a Civil problem. Thailand need to mature. Corruption and nepotism come from Apathy. All Our Countries are guilty of this. But for the Grace a few years could see our Nations role down similar paths

  5. My wish for Thailand is for it to embrace true Democracy. Government of the People by the People. Some Say the people are not educated enough to make decisions. Then the task of those who say that is to make sure that all are educated. I do not mean brainwashed I mean academically enabled. Otherwise no matter what Government the current trends will continue. And Thailand is better than that

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