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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. Here's one for the doggie-wuvers who think every canine no matter how dangerous has a little fufu deep inside trying to get out. Dogs are listed here as one of the world's deadliest animals:


    Good dogs can indeed be man's best friend, I've had dogs as pets and will again, but I've no illusions about aggressive street dogs.

    Most of us have no illusions. Bad Dogs are bad dogs whether by upbringing or lack of. Or disease Dogs can be dangerous. Soi Dogs in Thailand are nothing more than inbred strays. As others have said many others are got by Owners who ill treat or neglect them. To have a good owner for many is lucky. Except for certain breeds most Dogs are just protective and unless taunted usually alright. That does not mean such dogs are safe, Personally I think this Dog was trained or made to believe al strangers were intruders. Kids run. And Dogs prey. I never have problems with Soi dogs because I know what to do. But a kid is helpless like a lamb. In NZ I walk at night with a mag light and other things but even in Thailand I do not go defenseless when walking home. Dogs never worry me Humans do more

  2. Sirinecou.........

    "I was under the impression that the age of emancipation in the UK is 18 years old, does having a job ,or leaving home change that? "

    Legally no. But for sure once i left home i would never considered asking permission from my parents on how to lead my life.

    yes but aren't there border controls that would prevent you from traveling with out parental permission.

    I suspect the answer to that is no. As when i travelled to the UK I talked with an English Lass (About 14-15) who was studying in India and travelling back to the UK alone

  3. There is no English requirement in Australia to gain permanent residency. Plenty of Thais live permanently in Australia with minimal English skills. They get medicare, the dole, old age pensions and all the other benefits of citizenship. There is a multiple choice written test to gain citizenship, but there is a set number of questions and they can be memorised without too many problems. The test can be taken as often as needed to pass. English is not a prerequisite to a fulfilling life in Australia for a Thai person.

    Why is Thailand so strict in its residency requirements (6th grade level Thai oral and written skills, minimum job/salary/tax requirements etc)? I guess it is because Australia is a multi-cultural country whereas Thailand is more xenophobic.

    Interesting all those things including no English skills are offered for permanent residency in Australia Yet Kiwis are denied all of this. Have to pay the same taxes and levies but no medicare, dole , old age pension or right to pathway to Citizenship. Kiwis are Australia's Mexicans . Lucky for the 66,000 Aussies permanent in NZ Kiwis are not so Xenophobic as Australians

  4. Here’s Everything I Wanted To Say About Islam Yesterday, But Couldn’t



    Letting the far right, wingnut website Breitbart do your talking? And you seriously expect anyone else to follow that link? Other than the usual suspects. Breitbart is the site that sold it's soul to the devil when a Breitbart female reporter was assaulted by a Trump representative and Breitbart unbelievably took the side of the Trump representative, resulting in mass resignation by anyone over there that still had an ounce of journalistic integrity. Breitbart has always been a website that featured the hate and fear so beloved by all the wingnuts. Usually the second stop of the day for those hitting the Fox News site first.Breitbart for all intents and purposes is owned by Trump. I think at this point anyone still believing this was an act of a ISIL terrorist, has a serious issue with reality...or is voting for Donald Trump. I think even Donald Trump wishes he hadn't hoisted himself on this petard. Of course he'll never admit that. I love it when I read that some posters have written that this incident will get Trump elected. If anything, it will be his undoing. The world got a good look at the small, mean little nasty creep that is Donald Trump this week.

    Do you have any arguments over the content? You know the writer Milo Yiannopoulos?

    What you think of this?

    A Gallup poll of Muslims in the UK found that not a single one of the 1,001 people polled thought that homosexuality was morally acceptable. That is compared to 58% of the overall British population who think homos are OK. The same poll found that just 35% of French Muslims and 19% of German Muslims thought homosexuals were morally acceptable.
    52% believe homosexuality should be illegal
    23% would like to see Sharia law in England
    39% believe a woman should always obey her husband, as opposed to 5% of English overall
    31% consider it acceptable for a man to have multiple wives

    1001 of a Muslim population of how many

    But was the poll of Non Muslim UK "Citizens" the same amount or more. Depending on where you ask the percentages on any question can be skewed. I think on a poll as a whole of the eligible voting population in any Country you may find the level of tolerance is less than you think. Those of us opposed to discrimination on the grounds of Religion, Sex, orientation as opposed to those who accept is a whole different ball game. If the UK allows sharia law then let it sink. If you tried to put it through in NZ which is on the surface a much more tolerant Country you may find you have opened a can of worms. Here they wanted two legal systems for the Maori and non maori guess what ? No way. Gay marriage pushed through by Parliament supported I don,t believe so. Rape within marriage to the majority of us unacceptable. Introduce Sharia law might as well legalise genocide! Multiple wives why not or husbands if there is agreement and not coercion. The UK may be a little more down trodden than us but We are still on the whole similar. The fuse is lit the days of tolerant Societies are limited. Just my opinion and nothing I say is trite or glib. We all look at the World in different ways. I hope always for all there is tolerance and level headedness. But keep skewing our Societies and thinking you can change the moral views of all others is like sparking a battery in a powder keg.

  5. Let me just say this and I have first hand experience, the first time you are confronted with decapitated heads it can be rather confronting. Seeing a madman approach you with one in each hand, possibly a little off putting.

    But no doubt some of the barstool heroes here who've spent half their lives sucking the fart's out of dead seagulls would know better.

    Cannot relate to decapitated heads but seen my share of gore and violence. Sphincter tightens and legs like jelly and wish tf I was armed. But have dealt with a machete welding madman plus numerous other weapons over the years. i am no hero but was the unfortunate Johny on the spot (security Officer) who had to deal with it. And i did. I have minimum physical scars but plenty inside. And you are right those who have not seen stuff like that can make their arm chair comments.

  6. I would put it in a slightly different Perspective. The Soviet Union, then Russia have been led by weak Leaders namely Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The break up of the Soviet Union and the economic chaos that followed. Rather than being utilised by the West to help Russia emerge as stable and Democratic state in the East was seized upon by Western Capitalist opportunists who attempted to crush the Russian Spirit. Putin sees himself as the champion of Mother Russia as if you look closer is trying to reassert Russia's sphere of influence as it existed in Tsarist times. The USA likes to pin prick and so tries to influence and control states on Russia's borders. This of course causes Russia to respond in an aggressive manner. Much like if Russia was to form an alliance with Mexico or Canada therefore by implication threatening the USA with a land borne threat. I have Russian friends so I listen to their perspective. This I have written is my own. Trying to balance my Western orientated view with how they explain things to me.

    There are many times I look with disdain at how the big powers interfere and destabilise states to posture. Sadly we learn little from history.

    Was it not Satayana that said "Those who do not learn from the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them"

  7. This puts the kabosh on those making the argument you can't stop Islamic terrorism by banning muslim immigrants and the related claim that Mateen was an "American" and so any ban wouldn't have affected him. Mateen didn't consider himself American, as his statements show, and his 911 call wherein he demanded America "stop bombing HIS country [Afganistan]" shows muslims cannot be intergrated into the American mainstream.

    42% of American Muslims support the right of gay people to marry. This puts them way ahead of evangelical christians and mormons. I guess those evangelicals and mormons can't be mainstreamed either.

    Does the fact that if 42% of Muslims support gay marriage means that 58% of them do not in any way register with you ? That tells me there is a HUGE problem with what Muslims think. There is a huge problem with ANY religion that seeks to impose their religious dogma on others and yet we just ignore it

    I don't think for a minute that Trump has all the answers but at least he isn't too scared to talk about it.

    We had a Poll here in the UK and it was truly shocking, 52% wanted homosexuality to be made illegal among other things and yet within a week or so it was quietly dropped and never mentioned again.

    All we do, as a reporter here said was come up with another catchy tagline. #Lovewins I think it is this time, Hold some candle lit vigils around the world, Come up with a nice logo, Turn various landmarks this time the colour of the rainbow gay flag and change your profile on Facebook to the gay flag etc and apart from that just wait for the next time it happens

    I would think if so called western Governments allowed their populations a vote on that issue you may find the division similar. Supporting or downright opposing are too parts of it. I suspect in my Country which legalised it had it been put to public referenda it would only have been slightly more than 50% that would support. For the majority we would accept the vote. But we were never asked. And I find it repugnant that a few Legislators can decide Our moral views of the World without asking us. And I am neither Bigoted or a Muslim. I just believe we should be asked

  8. So all you self righteous crusaders will save the World (USA) from the Muslim Infidels. Are you going to Kill every man woman and child of the Islamic faith to justify your beliefs and superiority over this Night club attack.

    I ask you to look up Islam by Country on Wikipedia:


    Then having unleashed your rage explain to me the rest of the World what is the Difference between you and the Nazis or Mao's Cultural revolution, Stalins Purges, The Balkan wars (Yugoslavia).

    I will tell you what "Nothing"

    I do not question your morals I simply say those who say "Pay back is a Bitch" have none

  9. Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

    Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

    of Arab countries.

    It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

    Nice view of the World Iran and Afghanistan are not Arab Countries. Neither is Pakistan and Bangladesh whom I assume you lob into the same Basket. Isil is a backward looking bunch of Psychopathic Killers whom would claim any large killings as the work of their fighters. Until proven one must work on the logic it could just be some righteous nut with an axe to grind. Or would you say of some non Muslim person who attacks and kills many in an American Mosque a patriot? Wait until the Authorities give a balanced and authoritative statement before you Nuke the World. Isnt that how we got in this mess in the first place.

  10. I wrote a paragraph and yet several have taken just the first line to criticise me. Why when it is stated you cannot use a part does this happen. To look like I justify uncontrolled dogs when that was never what I said. personally and I have neither the opportunity nor the ability I would exterminate all stray Dogs wandering the streets. In my Country they are impounded and if new homes cannot be found they are usually euthanised within a month or less depending On Local Body Policies.

    So why dont you cut up my sentences and make out I want to save and breed the Stray dogs in thailand.

  11. Just another, in the continuing parade of failures, of this administration. One might be led to think the phrase "moving Thailand forward" could include at least the slightest effort to improve traffic safety, and decrease the carnage on the nation's highways. But, alas, it does not. The staggering indifference toward the general population (people who are not rich and influential) continues. How about some driver training programs? If so many police are available for inconvenient road checks, why not for traffic safety?

    I am always astonished at the utter lack of highway patrol, on the nation's highways. The only time I see them is after an accident, never before. I do not ever see anyone pulled over for speeding, reckless driving, illegal lane change, DUI, etc.

    Unless, and until the government takes responsibility for this horrendous problem, this carnage will continue, and families will continue to be devastated by it.

    And it is about time that they start imposing massive fines on the companies that operate public transportation vehicles, when people are killed, if it is due to the driver, or the vehicle. Massive. And perhaps they could imprison the owners of companies with multiple offenses? Men who pocket big profits, and are unwilling to put much of it back into their fleets? They could and should be held responsible, when there is a deficiency within the vehicle. If not them, who?

    And where would they get the money to improve traffic Policing and Law enforcement when most of that and other budgets is siphoned into a Military machine which sole purpose is the protection of the State from the Nations biggest threat namely the Thai People.

  12. There needs to be stricter controls on these mini buses, i.e. compulsory registration as commercial vehicle, annual checks & random checks of vehicle safety & operation, compulsory seat belts, passenger limit. Plus,there driver payment system needs to change, to force speed reductions by drivers. Some years back,was 1 of 12 passengers hurtling along on Bangna Express @ 170k p/h. Told driver to slow just laughed, reported to Police station & nothing occurred.

    The Prayut Gov't needs institute program to more strictly control the minibus industry, it's a disgrace. Prayut espouses the principles of caring for Thai people, well, 11 Thai people senselessly lost their lives, so, Khun Prayut prove you care....do something!!

    The last thing i would want to wear in an overturned and on fire minibus would be a seatbelt.

    Real tough penalties for both drive and company if they are found at fault would save far more lives.

    If wore seat belt in overturned vehicle, seat belts ensure all passengers held in place, not dangerously moving around cabin & sustaining/causing life threatening injuries; seat belts do reduce injuries..

    In a vehicle crash unsecured passengers cause injuries to themselves & others.

    In many countries now, seat belt belts are compulsory on all non commuter buses, etc.

    Research verifies seat belts save lives.

    Agree, must have tough penalties, but needs a concerted effort not just one element.

    In many Countries now seatbelts are compulsory in all vehicles including commuter buses. Time has proven better chance of survival in any rolling vehicle if a seatbelt is worn. Not with standing an horrific way to die. RIP crash victims

  13. An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!

    Might be due to British-made cars - most of them wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding.

    I think One of the main reasons for the high fatality rate is gross overloading of vehicles 5-6 on a motorsei no helmets (And I have seen farang in BKK with lady and 2 kids on too) overloaded trucks and utes. Vehicles that look hardly roadworthy to begin with and all speeding down the highways at a great rate of knots. Police very thin on the ground. Myself I do not think Thais are that bad a drivers compare ok with NZ drivers who are crap anyway. But I think it is the overloading and poor adherance to safety that causes it. Tougher licensing like NZ will not improve it just increase unlicensed drivers. policing increases and enforcement ill be far more effective.

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