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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. Most young Vietnamese have great respect for Ho Chi Minh. However, anyone on this forum who thinks that he would be happy to see how Vietnam has developed, should consider why are thousands of young Vietnamese doing their best to get out of the country to work and study abroad.

    There are thousands of Young Chinese, Indians, Nepalese, Vietnamese and other Asian peoples studying every year in New Zealand and other Western Universities. I think you will find a lot of it is their Countries desire to look outward. And to send their youth abroad so the get the Western view of life. I know this from a Chinese friend who to me his Father wanted him to look at the World laterally as we in the west do and not being stuck on focussing on a single point as is the Asian way. Focus on one point has its advantages but being able to take the broader view widen you horizon. Sadly Thailand is looking inwards when there is so much their children could learn to boost their Nation. Vietnam has come a long way. And given time will be a shining light in Asia and the World

  2. And like any good Ostrich they will bury their heads in the sand. And having strangled the umbilical cord they will have free and fair elections. Where the outcome is predestined because there is no freedom of choice.When a Military believes its duty is to lead the people instead of protecting the Nation then you take a very dark path indeed. Look to Japans history to see where it leads. The similarities are very apparent. I pray the people of Thailand will make the military understand that the Military serves them not vice versa

  3. The curse of most Societies is Hire Purchase and so called refinancing loans. All give you cash and goods today hardship and stress tomorrow. Thailand not alone in this . All Our Societies have levels of this. Someone Once said to me years ago "poor people are poor because they want to be", "Everyone can be rich if they want". My answer was "If everyone can be rich then how would you know and what would that really be worth" Food for thought. Nations should be ranked not on the wealth at the top but how they care for the bottom. It is said the good you do comes back to you. That is Karma . Enjoy reflect

  4. I was in HCMC 7 days ago. I found it to generally appear cleaner than Bangkok. The ability by many to speak English a lot more prevalent. Yes in the Markets they are a lot more in your face. With"What you looking for Sir. Can I help you" Where you from? But generally still polite people. Taxi scammers annoying and you have to watch quoted prices on tours learned that the hard way. But had to say apart from one annoying porter at a hotel I found the staff helpful. And they advised me what I should pay for services. After that was cheap. Vietnamese food is nice and inexpensive . I bought meals generally for about 70,000 dong each, Saigon beer 20,000 dong. Next year will hopefully do HCMC, Da Nang, Hue and Hanoi before heading through Lao back to the Isaan. I am not a big City person but liked HCMC better than I do Bkk. Vietnam in 10 years I think will be one of the Leading lights in SE.A

  5. Good that he goes to lay a wreath in Rememberance of the Civilians killed in the use of Atomic weapons. I like many kiwis despise them which is why we are still nuclear free. But yes the dropping of the bombs in my opinion was justified. It was to stop the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of Allied Servicemen . A probably many millions more Japanese. Obama is not kau tau,ing or apologising why should he? A wreath is not an apology . I am just back from Vietnam they do not forget but they move on. Laying a wreath is moving on. Just as the day Japan apologises they will see us all move on.

  6. Papua High Court finds Naru detention centre illegal and orders it closed. Quite extraordinary when a corrupt country like Papua gives Australia a lesson in Human Rights. Very embarrassing.

    Also Save The Children workers were found to be not guilty of allegations they incited refugees to self harm and awarded compensation. Morrison (now Treasurer) who removed Save The Children Staff from Naru refused to apologise.

    Interesting how the current Immigration Minister Dutton is playing exactly the same card:

    "Australia’s Immigration Minister

    Peter Dutton acknowledged there had been a rise in cases of self-harm but blamed refugee advoctates for inciting such acts."

    Anyone who speaks out and objects to people including children being indefinitely imprisoned, raped, sexually assaulted, beaten to death, people burning themselves to death are described as 'bleeding hearts' and told these cruelties are all for a good cause. There are people around the world who commit the most egregious acts of violence and cruelty. Their excuse for committing these crimes against humanity is justified and for a good cause. Manus and Naru demonstrates that Australia is now no different from these globally hated despotic groups and Nations.

    It will now be unacceptable for ANY Australian to lecture anyone or ANY Nation on human rights violations. When you commit Human Rights violations you can no longer lecture others for doing the same for whatever reason. From now on Human Rights violations are now justified.

    I may not agree with facts and figures. But I know if Australia changed its policy that the boats would flood in. And then there would really be a crisis. In the refugee camps around the World there are many who go through the slow process of apply , vetting and possible acceptance into Australia. If you let these that had money and paid to come on a boat , Jumping the queue then the genuine ones in the camps will rot there add infinitum. Or would you have Australia take them as well. Do you know the geography of Australia. Its lack of water, Yes it only has 22 million plus but in places this strains the water supply. To allow rapid growth by immigration and refugee influx may cause more harm. Slow trickle is better. My Country NZ places for 750 refugee per annum , maybe could double that but like Australia we have problems too. Yes we have land and only 4.5 m people but we have housing crisis caused by too many people Auckland and lost houses Christchurch from earthquake 2010. If We or Australia reversed policy the adverse effect on each other could be catastrophic.I am sorry for the hardship these people now have. But had they waited in the queue maybe they would be settled already.

  7. "He said the country vitally needed a comprehensive and clear cut wage policy to boost confidence."

    No, What is needed to boost confidence is a well educated and trained populace. Whichever nation in the ASEAN community offers the best "bargain" of combined production expertise at the most bang for the buck will get the business.

    Vietnam a TPP partner hands down.

    Over 10 years ago shoe manufacturers were moving production out of India to Vietnam. They said it was due to less bureaucracy, favorable government incentives and and more productive workforce.

    I expected Vietnam to have grown far quicker based on that. Something, and I don't know what has slowed and stagnated that growth.

    I am in Ho Chi Minh City atm and my thoughts are. A lot of the Manufacturers who relocated to Thailand over the last 25 years will look seriously at moving Production here. More literate workforce willing to work. A more stable Government. Personally now if I was setting up manufacturing in S.E Asia Vietnam would be my number one choice.

  8. These statements and those about the Russian and Chinese are exaggerated and sensationalised in the Western media for one reason. To justify the continued eroding of your Civil rights and freedoms. In order to justify continued extravagant spending by you Military Industrial complexes. I am sure the same BS is spread the opposite way by the other side. By puffing up your chests and crying we can clean up. Simply shows how small is our ability to take a step back from the path of confrontation. Look at the madness and misery caused by 70 years of unwanted interference and Military misadventure by all the major powers. When the World accepts Military Force are unacceptable except for self defence this cycle of endless waste will continue

  9. The Parents of the Alleged Offenders probably tried to instill good values in their Sons. But being police would have bought their children up to not be intimidated by others. Being their Parent is a Policeman probably got them some respect (fear) from their peers. And this can make them arrogant and feel above the law. But to kill a handicapped man whether by design or simply going to far. Is to lose face yourself, Bring disgrace upon your Family. And also to dishonour your Country with such barbarity . Should they get away with this crime then it is not just a travesty of justice. But proof positive the road map to first status cannot be made. You can all shoot me down. i believe Thailand is better than this.

  10. I am no fan of Australia's racist Policies. But I do understand their tough stance on these people.Always they are described as Refugees where in fact they are just queue jumpers. 1000's apply and after thorough vetting to verify their stories are selected and allowed into Australia. If Australia accepts these queue jumpers what will stem the flow? Personally I would load them on plans and dump them back at their starting off point. If you are unwilling to follow process do not expect to be accepted.

  11. I hope a proper trial and appropriate sentence for the horrific crime. Drugs are no defence just further addition to Indictment. Sadly these crimes of mindless brutality and murder against children are not Thai specific but a disease in all of Our Societies. My Country (NZ) has a woeful record. Why any One would hurt a precious child the true jewels of our World I do not know. Rest in Peace little One .

  12. Cook did not discover much at all. But he did do some very good mapping. And his voyages a lot of good Botanical research. Australia and the islands below had already been discovered by other Europeans (Celts, Vikings etc) before him. Also the Egyptians are known to have landed in Australia . And there is a fair amount of evidence the Chinese and probably the Japanese had been there too.

    But the Discovery of the Endeavour is certainly notable.

  13. Good that he feels so safe walking around the street late at night. That is, until it happens to him.. Then his tune will change. Personally, my experience has shown that in most cases a foreigner can smile his way out of most tense situations. I say most because there are times when Thai men simply want to exert some violence. Case in point: I was with my Thai family talking about the water supply using my wife to translate to her father. Out of the blue, the father picked up a large knife used for cutting bananas of the tree and he came at me with blood in his eyes. It was intervened only by my wife and her mother who jumped in front of him. As it turned out, he got angry simply because he didn't like that a foreigner was telling him a more sufficient and modern way to supply water to the house and thought that I should be doing it his way regardless. It didn't matter if I was in the right about it. He was losing face because I would not back down and because he was looking like he was ignorant about this to his family.

    If a Thai is losing face by you or anyone. Run! Violence is the only thing they seem to understand.. Their is no compromise with them and as a foreigner, you are always going to be wrong. Even when you are right.

    I don't blame him for being upset that the foreigner who married his daughter thinks that he shouldn't have to learn her language, especially if he is staying in Thailand.

    so its common practice to try and stab someone because they dont speak the local language? another apologist, more likely he just hates the fact his daughter married a foreigner, no doubt the hatred wouldn't have stopped him from taking or asking for handouts from said foreigner

    Well what would you think if your daughter married a foreigner who didn't learn your language?

    Apologist? Is this a word you learned whilst being a internet expert on Thailand?

    I am so glad we all come from enlightened tolerant Societies. In Our Countries We never slang off at Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian and other different peoples when the converse in their own language. Tolerance is a word we all need to learn. If you live in Thai learn the language. I try to. In My Country I see people struggling to speak English and pronounce Maori names but I accept they have difficulty. Here My Thai is bumbling but it gets me what I need and friendly smiles when I mess it up. Again I believe in being polite. Intolerance is often what causes trouble. A lot of good things said here.

  14. Good that he feels so safe walking around the street late at night. That is, until it happens to him.. Then his tune will change. Personally, my experience has shown that in most cases a foreigner can smile his way out of most tense situations. I say most because there are times when Thai men simply want to exert some violence. Case in point: I was with my Thai family talking about the water supply using my wife to translate to her father. Out of the blue, the father picked up a large knife used for cutting bananas of the tree and he came at me with blood in his eyes. It was intervened only by my wife and her mother who jumped in front of him. As it turned out, he got angry simply because he didn't like that a foreigner was telling him a more sufficient and modern way to supply water to the house and thought that I should be doing it his way regardless. It didn't matter if I was in the right about it. He was losing face because I would not back down and because he was looking like he was ignorant about this to his family.

    If a Thai is losing face by you or anyone. Run! Violence is the only thing they seem to understand.. Their is no compromise with them and as a foreigner, you are always going to be wrong. Even when you are right.

    I don't blame him for being upset that the foreigner who married his daughter thinks that he shouldn't have to learn her language, especially if he is staying in Thailand.

    so its common practice to try and stab someone because they dont speak the local language? another apologist, more likely he just hates the fact his daughter married a foreigner, no doubt the hatred wouldn't have stopped him from taking or asking for handouts from said foreigner

    Well what would you think if your daughter married a foreigner who didn't learn your language?

    Apologist? Is this a word you learned whilst being a internet expert on Thailand?

    I am so glad we all come from enlightened tolerant Societies. In Our Countries We never slang off at Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian and other different peoples when the converse in their own language. Tolerance is a word we all need to learn. If you live in Thai learn the language. I try to. In My Country I see people struggling to speak English and pronounce Maori names but I accept they have difficulty. Here My Thai is bumbling but it gets me what I need and friendly smiles when I mess it up. Again I believe in being polite. Intolerance is often what causes trouble. A lot of good things said here.

  15. When people make reference to other places, be it slums in their homeland, the connect looses all relevance. The focus has to be on here and now. The here and now is volatile, especially with rhetoric echoing that foreigners pose a threat to the kingdom. It's apparent that Chinese tourism is the preferred visitor and it's fitting, considering their place in there own society is not to rock boats or not ask questions. Farangs, in order not to be a target of venting, it's best to fade into the shadows. If that's not in our vocabulary, maybe it's time to move on. For sure, the situation in Thailand is not going to change, in fact it may further erode and yes western expats may be the target of frustration. But..lets hope not. It's important to keep in mind, there is definite air of confusion, fear and concern in Thailand, and just maybe we should exercise caution and respect for the countries uncertainties. So...lets be careful out there.

    Thailands history is full of swings against Foreigners. For the past 300 years they have picked on Foreigners inside their Country. They have picked on the Chinese, japanese and Europeans. Like all Nations it goes in cycles. My personal thoughts are that there will be a realignment in less than 10 years. Thailand cannot blame Foreigners for their woes. They must look to themselves

  16. Can you find real love in Thailand Yes. I have met some Bar Girls with more Honesty and integrity than a lot of women in my Own Country. But understand the deal. They all want Security. You are 42 so life still open for you.I am 60 but look younger. Stop looking and you will find it.Bangkok, Pattayya , Phuket that is plastic Thailand. Beyond there you have a better chance. But if you look too hard you will not see the Forest for the Trees

  17. The attack was vicious. Cannot in any circumstance see any justification for kicking and stomping someone on the Ground. Sadly this incident will have a negative impact on Thai tourism. But for those of us who know Thailand there are many more good Thai than bad thai. As it is with most Countries. Sadly attacks like this are not uncommon here in Thailand or indeed in any other Country including My Own New Zealand. Like many Thai I am disgusted by such brutal behaviour. But always i am thankful that for the most part the Thai i meet are lovely people. It does not change my view of Thailand and to be polite even in some trying situations has thus far got me further than being confrontational. Sympathy for the Welsh family and as with all I hope justice is meted out to fit the crime. Grey area for the Guy who retaliated but for the two head kickers I would imagine they would be incarcerated

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