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Social Media

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  1. There are calls for more public education surrounding the future role of artificial intelligence, amid claims that many people's fears are based on films. Rashik Parmar, chief executive of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, said Hollywood blockbusters like Terminator and Ex Machina had "ingrained" public concerns about AI. His words came after a letter was released by the San Francisco-based Centre For AI Safety warning the technology could wipe out humanity and the risk should be treated with the same urgency as pandemics or nuclear war.
  2. Donald Trump’s attorneys have been unable to find the classified document described in a recording of a 2021 conversation that is now in the possession of prosecutors, CNN reports. Earlier this week, the network broke the news that a recording existed of the former president acknowledging that he had held onto a classified Pentagon document outlining a potential attack on Iran.
  3. The United Nations officially launched its mission this week to prevent what it says could be an "environmental catastrophe" on the Red Sea. Sitting off the coast of Yemen lies a nearly half-century-old ship with roughly 1.14 million barrels of crude oil on board, the global agency said – and it's "deteriorating rapidly." The massive 47-year-old supertanker, FSO Safer, rests just about 5 1/2 miles off of Yemen's coast, where it has gone without maintenance for seven years. "Its structural integrity is compromised, and it is deteriorating rapidly," the U.N. says. "There is a serious risk the vessel could be struck by a floating mine, spontaneously explode or break apart at any moment."
  4. The Biden-Harris campaign plans to make addressing gun violence a key focus of President Biden's reelection effort, and Vice President Kamala Harris will be a "leading voice" on the issue, according to senior Democratic sources. On Friday, Harris will mark National Gun Violence Awareness Day with a speech at a high school in Springfield, Virginia, named after John Lewis, the late Democratic congressman and civil rights icon. Harris' remarks will highlight the president's commitment to ending gun violence and "underscore the fear and trauma students, teachers and parents experience as a result of gun violence," according to a White House official.
  5. Former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney said Thursday that she has not ruled out running for president come 2024. Speaking at the 2023 Mackinac Policy Conference in Detroit, Michigan, the three-term conservative was asked if she would consider a third-party campaign. "Look, I think that we have to have good people, and I don’t know yet what that is going to look like," Cheney replied. "But, I'm not going to rule it out," she said.
  6. The Biden administration is expanding the number of migrants it is allowing into the U.S. via the controversial CBP One app to nearly 40,000 a month as officials continue to tackle an ongoing crisis at the border, even as numbers have dropped post-Title 42. The Department of Homeland Security announced that it is increasing the number of appointments that migrants can make to be admitted at ports of entry to 1,250 a day, meaning that there will be close to 40,000 a month allowed in each month. It had previously been allowing 1,000 appointments a day. The Biden administration has hailed the use of the app, which it expanded in January to allow migrants near the U.S.-Mexico to schedule appointments at the border, as a key part of its strategy to tackle illegal crossings by expanding lawful pathways and opportunities to access them.
  7. The Justice Department has closed its investigation into the possible mishandling of classified documents found at former Vice President Mike Pence’s home and will not bring any charges, according to a letter from the DOJ obtained by CNN. The decision comes ahead of Pence’s planned announcement next week that he will run for president in 2024. It allows Pence to offer an additional contrast between himself and former President Donald Trump, his political rival who’s under serious investigation by the Justice Department and others.
  8. Next week, Apple may unveil its most ambitious new hardware product in years, but it’s in a product category that is anything but a proven winner. Apple is widely expected to introduce a “mixed reality” headset at its annual developer event on Monday that offers both virtual reality and augmented reality, a technology that overlays virtual images on live video of the real world. The highly-anticipated release of an AR/VR headset would be Apple’s biggest hardware product launch since the debut of the Apple Watch in 2015. It could signal a new era for the company and potentially revolutionize how millions interact with computers and the world around them.
  9. President Joe Biden will address the nation from the Oval Office on Friday evening – his first time speaking to the country directly from that setting – following congressional passage of a compromise measure that raises the federal borrowing limit and avoids a catastrophic default. The decision to speak in the most formal of presidential settings comes after weeks of fraught negotiations over the borrowing limit. The deal ultimately struck between Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy raises the debt ceiling for two years, freezes domestic spending, imposes some new work requirements on food stamps and alters certain energy permitting rules.
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