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Social Media

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Everything posted by Social Media

  1. The first video has appeared online depicting the Ukrainian army’s ex-Slovenian M-55S tanks. The video depicts what appears to be a four-person M-55S crew training on its new-old vehicle. The thick mud—a sticky hallmark of Ukraine’s wet early winter—might confirm the video is recent. The M-55S despite its age could represent a glimpse at the Ukrainian army’s tank future. It’s all about the gun.
  2. More than 2,000 UK homes left without power after blackout hits during freezing weather The power cuts, which were localised and unrelated, affected thousands of homes in South East England.
  3. Ever wondered what the sleeper train is like ?
  4. Australia is not keeping pace with global best practice cannabis policy, a report from the public health research organisation the Penington Institute has found, with decriminalisation predicted to save taxpayers around $850m each year. Full story
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