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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 10 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Yes, my house is the last in the soi, then there’s a sort of no mans land ( full of rubble and thorny trees) about 2 metres wide then a tall fence ( 3 metres ) before a soi of town houses continues .

    Standing on my garden wall this evening I could see, what looked like, his car in the distance.
    Tomorrow I plan to have a drive round to check it out.

    As weird as your experience was it might actually have been a legitimate story. I reckon you just need to be more vigilant for a few weeks, but otherwise don’t be concerned about it. 





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  2. 5 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    It's right up there with his hate of Obama a great president of whom Trump is insanely jealous, for him it is impossible that an Asian country could rival and overtake America. 

    Correct, and his infantile policy of destroying anything initiated by Obama has lost him a key strategic move in this area, the Trans Pacific Partnership would have given the US significant influence in the area, instead of the Chinese Belt and Braces initiative. His policy of bullying and humiliating allies is playing into China’s hands. If Trump survives in 2020 he might find that these countries join together and push back on the US. The follow up to “Art of the Deal” is entitled “How to lose friends and alienate countries”.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Essex Reject said:

    Yep, decent enough point and good luck to him, but ultimately that still involves going out to bars and doing the bar girl thing, if he's not doing that I would bet he's either in a shopping mall or stuck at home, besides the gym that is which truly are boring places.

    I think he’s picking up girls who give him a massage. He invites them out for dinner. Or he goes out to dinner with his group of friends. They are all similar to him. He doesn’t stay out late and he’s not a bar crawler. At home he’d be largely ignored but here he keeps fit and healthy and has an active social life with friends. He also travels to nearby places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. He’s doing exactly what he wants to do and that’s something few people ever get to do over their lifetime.  

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  4. On 8/18/2019 at 4:31 PM, Cadbury said:

    <snip>.I use taxis almost every day in Vietnam and have done for 12 years find them a very honest lot. Maybe an odd one occasionally tries it on.

    Look like a sucker, behave like a sucker and you will be sucked.


    Go to a different part of the world, where you haven't been for 12 years and have no idea what the rules are, and you'll be a sucker like everyone else. 12 years anywhere and you know every scam in the book ... but don't misinform people on here that Vietnam taxi drivers are "a very honest lot" ... the majority who spend time there know thats a <snip>


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  5. 24 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    So the Remainers could all chose if the want to go and live in Scotland or London? Isn’t that where they already are?
    Better just lose both bastions of Remainerism off to a far flung corner of federal Europe.


    If the UK was to create two nations, split by remain and leave voting areas, the remain economic area would be the powerhouse ... and the leaver area would be an economic wasteland, full of numpties, wastrels and old age pensioners. 


    The sad truth is that leaver areas are packed full of life's losers.



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