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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 6 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Irrelevant and off topic.

    Yes, right! No problem then, why do something so stupid and crazy like visas exist? Then we can just live in any country we wish, spend our mney and all will be fine and above board. :crazy: Not a little bit nutty, right?

    He has been doing that on overstay. That´s what´s wrong. If he now had all that money, you are talking about. Why did he then not take care of, or cared about his visa? Even if thatwould make him only can stay in Thailand 6 month maximum per year if living on tourist visas. Just because he might have had money to spend, does not mean he is allowed to break Immigration rules.

    What’s nutty is bothering about what a stranger has done in a country that you weren’t born in? Why his arrest would give you pleasure is beyond me and many others on here ... there’s something abnormal about getting off on someone else’s downfall.

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  2. I doubt there is much you can do about it, as your son is deemed guilty by association. And going forward you might want to guide him on who he is hanging out with.


    A couple of weeks suspension won't make much difference to his schooling, just try to ensure that he covers what he has missed. He just needs to keep his nose clean going forward. Sometimes things appear important that over the course of a lifetime are a mere blip. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.





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  3. I've never thought too much about the dangers of pollution until I inadvertently landed in Kuala Lumper when Indonesia were burning plantations, the smog made me ill for the bulk of my time there. Same in Chiang Mai when I landed in May thinking the smog would be gone ... it wasn't. 


    So now pollution is uppermost in my mind and one reason why Thailand is now down as a 3 month per year maximum destination. I'd only consider retirement in a clean air country.










  4. 7 hours ago, pontious said:

    Did you read the quotes?

    Only the first one. It appears that MIck is a ladykiller, but not in the conventional sense, more in the literal sense. Don’t want to speak ill of the dead, but he had a stonking alibi ... at the time of the lady’s death he was on the beach having “relations” with a ladyboy!



  5. A very important subject matter and one that every foreigner with a family living in Thailand needs to take seriously. I’d try and find an English speaking lawyer with experience in these matters or a responsible family member at the home country who will commit to the task. Good luck.







  6. 8 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Anyone else find The Dublin Murders pretty hard going?


    Yes, it had the makings of a decent crime thriller until the writer started using Yabba ... I got to episiode 6 on account of not being as smart as the guy above who ditched it at 4.


    watching the new Netflix documentary about John Demjanjuk, allegedly the operator of the gas chamber at Treblinka. 


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