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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 2 hours ago, Forethat said:

    I don't think the deal will pass (I haven't seen the deal so I can't speak on whether I want it to pass or not). But I still suspect the reason BJ has that smug smile on his face is that he knows the request for an extension will be declined by at least one country...




    Are you not the same guy who told me that we'd be leaving on 31 March 2019 ... ? 


    Wrong again. There is not one EU country that would throw away political capital to help engineer a no deal Brexit ... Orban knows that the EU would turn off the money tap. If an extension is needed, for an election or referendum, it will be granted. 




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  2. 1 minute ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Correct and let's pass the photo-id legislation whilst were at it a significant portion of the Leave vote don't have driving licences or passports so we can disenfranchise them at a stroke. 

    Thankfully, quite a few of them have had a stroke ... so the confirmatory referendum attached to Boris's deal will be fun.

  3. 1 hour ago, stephenterry said:

    At long last. And tell the DUP to go and stuff themselves, if they freaking don't like it. IMO, enough Labour MPs and LD will support the deal for johnson to gain a majority. He's got Friday to gain their support possibly by stating it's just a first step to prosperity where everyone would benefit in the long run. A Unicorn world.


    As for a 2nd referendum, forget it as the 'the people' have already demonstrated they know zilch about the cost of tea in China.  

    Name one Liberal Democrat who would vote for this deal?


    The deal will pass, subject to a second referendum ... otherwise it will not get through.



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  4. 5 hours ago, yodsak said:

      Rose on the day before brexit.    Down 7.549% the day after brexit


    Max lives in his own alternative reality, where the facts change to fit his opinion.


    From memory, GBP climbed higher when traders thought Remain would win, and it popped even more when Nigel Farage conceded defeat, even though he had exit polls that told him Leave had won. It then fell like a stone.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

    Project fear.......their words not mine! 

    Project fear was when no major economic calamity occurred after the vote .... but despite that GBP fell heavily and stayed there, investment fell below expectations, and the UK has enjoyed lower growth since. And we haven’t left yet?


    Anyone who thinks “no deal” would be a picnic isn’t paying attention. There is a huge difference between the day after the referendum and the day after no deal. Project reality.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    ".... no neighbours for 100 metres" that certainly tells us a lot about yourself. 

    Absolutely, he likes other people. A misanthrope like me would require a property at least two miles from the nearest neighbour.


  7. If your dogs are in their own compound then it’s perfectly natural for them to bark when strangers pass, and as they are contained they are no danger to anyone. What bothers me is if a dog or dogs are allowed to roam free and approach people barking, as the stranger has no idea what their intentions are ... such owners are highly irresponsible.

  8. 3 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    No,Chile and Thailand has a bi-lateral agreement that gives citizens from Chile 90 days on arrival without applying for a Visa at home. It's not 60+30 days. 

    Okay, I’ve never heard of that before. But my central point is that it is no longer possible to be a perpetual “tourist”, and come for 90 days, pop over to Vietnam for a few days, return to Thailand, then rinse and repeat. 


    My guess is is that the OP will have no trouble visiting Thailand for 90 days once per year ... but if he tries to stay longer he’ll get immigration issues.

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