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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 1 hour ago, Forethat said:

    I didn't get that wrong. The statutory instrument required to amend the law must be in place before March 29th or the 'remainers' won't have a case. Should you be interested in the aforementioned constitutional change process I suggest you investigate how many of those instruments have been submitted to prepare the statute book for a delayed Brexit and then tell them that they are wrong. But for heaven's sake, stop blaming knowledgeable and legally skilled persons for your own ignorance before the law.

    Come back to us on 29th March 2019 and explain how such a legally skilled person could have got it so wrong when debating with someone who can only dream of attaining such skills. 


    ... cheer us all up.








  2. 1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

    Correct..I now live in Thailand but lived in my home city Glasgow for almost 64 years.
    There never was much ira activity in West of Scotland at all.
    Quite frankly because they knew better...and that is the truth!!!
    The irish community in the West of Scotland lived very quietly.
    Malaga..spent wonderful times there..great memories..there were spasmodic problems with basque terrorists..bombs on beaches from memory.
    Re being brave..you either stand up for yourself or cower like a frightened puppy under the bed.
    If you ever show fear to terrorists..you're finished.

    Ps..remember the islamic loonies that tried to destroy Glasgow Airport bout 10 years ago???!!
    You know what happened there.



    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    The IRA didn’t attack Glasgow, because they have many supporters there ... so no point in doing so.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Kenchamp said:

    I thought when he first found out he had this cancer that he had the funds to pay for the treatment. Now he seems to have decided to play the go fund me tune and is even promising that all donations will be accounted for. Sounds to me like he could afford to pay for the treatment himself but would prefer others to chip in and pay for it.

    Or that his treatment is going to be continuous over a number of years. This is not like a broken leg.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    Just trying to explain the legal implications. The law is very clear, hence my reference to an emerging constitutional situation. Furthermore, I am unaware of the number of statutory instruments submitted required to amend the law. Contrary to yourself, I am confident MPs are fully aware of this emerging and alarming issue.

    Fine, as I said, come back to us all on 29th March 2019 and explain why you got that wrong.


    The possible outcomes are May's deal, a softer version of Brexit or a second vote and brexit thrown out. A General Election will simply lead to a softer Brexit or a second referendum.


    If I were an ERG/DUP member I would vote May's deal through ... it's the hardest Brexit on offer and still allows the possibility of Canada plus in the final agreement. Backstop fears are a red herring.









    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Forethat said:

    Interesting legal and constitutional situation indeed. In essence, seeing that the withdrawal act constitutes that UK leaves EU on March 29th - and does so by law -  there are no other options but a statutory instrument to amend the law and delay Brexit. Get that in place before March 29th and the 'remainers' still have a case. Otherwise, this is not a question of preventing Brexit, it's about promoting rejoining (Brentry?), because we leave on March 29th whether the 'remainers' like it or not.

    Come back to us all on 29 March 2019 and explain why you got that wrong.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    No, but that is what it may well become. The Backstop has already caused such confusion and disruption to the process that it has all gone to worms . I don't see the independence of Scotland and/or a United Ireland as at all a threat to our shared history, or continuing close relationship, or our shared values, or to our close economic interdependence. 

    Yet it is another unintended consequence that never made it on to the debate about Brexit. The Irish issue seldom got a mention ... along with the £39bn divorce payment. 


    But more than that many of the promises about how this would play out have proved to be false ... we don’t have trade deals ready to sign, our reduced size (outside the EU) and our desperation to sign them will give us less leverage in future negotiations. So we’ll end up with deals that are poorer than the ones we have already. On top of that, they’ll take longer to implement. There’s no Brexit dividend.


    I would have compromised on May’s deal but given some people’s desire to inflict a crash out on us all (that no one campaigned for) I’d rather have a second vote.




    • Like 2
  7. 36 minutes ago, Forethat said:


    Personally, I am far more concerned with the behaviour of the so-called "remainers". It would take measures beyond the extreme (to avoid breaking the law) to allow May's deal to be voted on again in the first place, and if it happens I am confident it will be rejected once again. Which means this process is moving to its ineluctable end - UK will leave the EU on No Deal terms April 12th - and the "remainers" will have to accept that democracy applies to them as well. 


    To be precise, the 2016 referendum was based on a manifesto commitment from David Cameron in 2015, and it was affirmed by the 2017 general election when both major parties said that they would implement the result of the referendum. Even the “retainers” voted in that election. So we've had THREE national votes on leaving the EU. Those who want another referendum simply hold democracy in contempt.


    My point is, when a similar showdown took place in the US, the left wing ‘apostles of democracy’ rioted, looted, vandalised and hospitalised for almost a week. Looking at the bunch of sore losers marching down the streets of London ‘demanding’ another vote makes me realise it could happen in this country as well. 


    I live here, and I’m holding my breath…



    I look forward to your post when it dawns on you that “no deal” Brexit is dead and buried. We are looking at the softest of Brexits or none at all.

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

    I'm not buying that there's 1 million signature's to remain in the EU. I guess if you put it up for a vote until you get what you want ya its possible to remain. But its already been voted to LEAVE! Hell, I'm American and I know the UK is better off determining there own fate and not the dreams of the EU commissars! There's going to be big problems if the vote of the people isn't carried out! Let Brexit Commence


    You're American? Whoopy Doo! But you're right, there is not 1 million signatures. As you were typing it was actually 4 million.



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