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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 4 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    I'm going to go with the Customs Union being part of May's deal. That would resolve the hard border, and her deal would be passed.

    Why? because something has to give, and that's the least damaging compromise needed for the UK to leave the EU.


    i'm sure Kent would approve, not having to manage massive lorry jams.






    It seems like a sensible option for those willing to compromise. I doubt that it will happen, even if voted for. May is party first, so what we’ll get is a General Election ... a hung parliament ... a Corbyn led coalition ... with coalition partners forcing him to agree a second referendum ... and then no Brexit at all.



  2. 18 hours ago, Ctkong said:

    I find the western insistence of the principle of being right can sometimes backfire in dealing with Thai people.. Everything must be taken in context. The error amount, the place, the computer system, the person administering, the mood all figures in the fixing of the problem. 

    I have had occasion of finding some insects like big black ant and small roach in my food in upmarket restaurants. Pointed out the situation to the serving staff. Manager or manageress came apologizing and discounted out the food item in the final bill. Seeing it is not a big deal, so long as the restaurant management are aware of the problem and hopefully taken steps to reduce such incidents, my missus always insists on paying the entire bill including the discounted item. Her logic ? I don’t want people to think that we are trying to get a free meal... this is thai face for you. 

    The problem is that I am not Thai. I wouldn’t expect a Thai to change their cultural norms, so they shouldn’t be surprised that I don’t care to change mine. It’s funny how “Thai culture” only gets rolled out when it is to their advantage ... Farang bill stuffing, take care family, sin sod for divorcee, etc. 

    • Like 2
  3. 54 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    Just waiting for the announcement to say there will be a new conference in Downing St tonight.


    Her position is untenable, and she is the only person not to see it.


    I wouldn't rule out another General Election or a vote off between May's deal and whatever the indicative vote comes up with.


    Given the intransigence of leave zealots I'm now hoping for a second referendum ... just for the craic ... it would be so much fun to watch the interviews with the ERG headbangers.




    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Loiner said:

    The current Withdrawal Act is the law, which trumps your ‘not leaving without a deal’. It does not require any kind of deal.
    A second referendum is still less likely than you hope, but hey hoe another referendum and blast right through the Remainer plot, without the bad deal.


    Are you not setting up the party for tonight? I thought we were leaving the EU today? Did you not predict that?


    Makes me wonder what else you are getting wrong?







  5. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    Next time you're in London let me know.


    I'll bet you 100 quid I can take you into a Poundland shop where one of the staff will reply 'No speak English' or words to that effect when you try to speak to her. While you're at it you can ask to see all the relevant passports yourself at the same time


    Then we'll visit a building site and you can ask if you can get a start as a  general labourer. Get one and I'll give you 100 quid. Fail and you give me 100 quid.

    Maybe she just thought you were a queer hawk and used the "no speak English" line to get shot of you?

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 minute ago, phuket11 said:


    17 is perfectly legal in the vast majority of Europe, much of America, everywhere in South America and around half of Asia. There's plenty of late teen girls who date guys in their 20s. I do not consider I've done anything morally wrong whatsoever, just interested in the legal position.


    Don’t shoot the messenger. You step foot on Thai soil and you’ll be dining at the Bangkok Hilton paedo wing, this is serious business. 

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 59 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    AGREED 100%

    However..t may..remoaner.
    If a brexiteer had been pm..maybe just maybe farage would have been a wonderful asset re negociating team.
    He must know " where the bodies are buried " re all the fraudulent corrupt bits n pieces are


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    The bodies are buried in Aaron Bank's Russian wife's bank garden ... ?

    • Haha 1
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