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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. Issues ... they might charge at you when your back is turned. They are cheeky barstewards. And make sure you have a secure fence, they are the Harry Houdini’s of the animal kingdom. I’ve had to dodge a few on Cyprus roads.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Forethat said:

    Oh no, now it's all over the news as well. I hate to be the one to tell I told you so, but...I guess the best lesson for you is to listen to the educated and well-informed people. 
    Well well, turns out government officials read Thaivisa Forum for advice! ????


    You keep being told, but you never listen? On the 29th March 2019 (not long to wait) come back to us all and explain why a man with your high level of ability (even if you do say so yourself) got it so wrong?


    I’ll have the popcorn at the ready.

  3. 1 hour ago, aussie11950 said:

    I see it often. Thai drivers think they have a right to edge onto a road that is not clear, instead of waiting till there is a safe space.

    I blast them with my horn to let them know I wont tolerate it.

    Totally the busses fault.

    I try to avoid hitting anything, but I would aim for the big bus, rather than a fragile motorcycle.


    The bus was in the wrong, I agree with you on that, but the truck driver was simply driving too fast ... he should have been driving at a pace that would allow him to avoid collision. A horn doesn’t help you if you are going at high speed.

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  4. I feel for the two innocents on the scooter,  hope they make a good recovery.


    On Thai roads you need to drive with caution and expect other drivers to do something stupid, and that means driving slowly, so that your braking systems can avoid a collision. The pick up just driving too fast to deal with the bus decision to cross the junction. So typical in Thailand unfortunately.

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