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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. On 3/20/2019 at 1:58 PM, Rally123 said:

    Does the prog get answers to the 48 questions Kate McCann refused to answer when questioned by the police? I'd only watch it if it did.

    She will have been guided by the advice of her lawyer. If you watch the documentary you will discover that the Portuguese police in question had form in setting up the parents of missing children. The Portuguese journalist who covered the story had to admit that she was lied to by the Portuguese police, and therefore made unreliable and biased broadcasts, something she was pretty angry about.


    Anyone watching the documentary will see many “internet” theories debunked. The evidence suggests that the little girl was indeed kidnapped and the parents were not involved. The McCanns will never really be forgiven for their big mistake, which was to leave the child unattended.

  2. 1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

    Gove seems to be the favourite to take over.


    JRM has said he will now support May's deal and is asking other ERG members to join him.  They are clearly desperate to get some sort of Brexit no matter how bad or half hearted it is.  And these people pretend to be following the will of the British people.  Pathetic doesn't come close.  Snivelling cowards, all of them.


    No, I don't agree. Rees Mogg is looking down the barrel of a soft Brexit or worse, or a General Election that could see the Tories out of office for a very long time. Split parties are seldom rewarded by the electorate. 


    No point committing suicide for a cause, and in doing so ensuring that the cause fails. May's deal offers the best way forward ... what they end up with might just be what the ERG claim to want.


    For the life of me I cannot understand what extreme Brexiteers are thinking? 




  3. 12 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

    It looks like the whole thing (BREXIT) may well be ultimately canceled as that seems to be what we are inching towards. However, the blow-back from whatever is done either way will be significant. Ironically though, I'm not that sure the rest of the EU wants the UK to stay as it will hamper their lemming style rush towards the Borg collective and will mean lots of UK anti-EU MEPs being elected soon. I think they are happy for the UK to leave, they just want to screw them over for good measure as a warning to others. I think it is clear that the UK should cancel and go back to as was before the referendum or just no deal WTO rules and take it's chances...which is what it was <deleted> asked in the first place. 


    Loiner is throwing a party on 29 June 2019 to celebrate something that will never happen ... maybe you'll get an invite?


  4. 15 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



    You and I will rarely agree where Brexit is concerned, but I whole heartedly agree with your comment above.


    "The Deal"  has become a badge of honour.



    The question "What is so bad about The Deal" has never been satisfactorily answered.


    I'm way past the point of trying to persuade anyone about Brexit, so I just post my opinion.


    But if there is one thing that really puzzles me it is the idea that the UK could enter a "backstop" arrangement and never be able to leave it and the further idea that the "backstop" is an EU plot to secure that outcome. So in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years the UK will still be in the "backstop", in a Customs Union with the EU but contributing zero to EU activities. And the EU 27 would be happy with that? It just doesn't make any practical sense to me. Most politicians will be long gone by then.


    And my other point is that entering the backstop is voluntary, you could just continue how we are and keep out of it, until such time as a final agreement is reached. 


    The risks that Brexit zealots are taking don't make any sense to me. It's like dying for a cause, thereby ensuring that you never actually attain it.  





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  5. 8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Well, the army seemed absolutely desperate to cling to power and the rewriting of the constitution pretty much assured that. Now, the question is, can Thailand ever get rid of them? Or are they destined to be a backwards moving nation forever?


    Not sure about you guys, but this election sure leaves a bitter taste in my mouth in regards to my future in Thailand. A lifetime under these hapless incompetents?

    The only upside might be a weak baht over time, as they have more of it to mess the place up.

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