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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. Yep, keep voting down the deal. Then we can have a general election where the Tories will lose seats, and be ousted by a Labour and SNP coalition ... followed by a second referendum ... followed by no Brexit ... no Brexit ever, because time is not your friend.


    Yep, the Spartans of the ERG snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. History lesson ... the Spartans lost, whatever happened to Sparta?


    As far as plans go even Baldrick would have some doubts about the soundness of that strategy.

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    As there is free movement of people within the EU we have no way of knowing who is who nor wherever they may be at any time.


    A Polish or Romanian murderer, rapist or psychopath can get on a coach or a plane and be in central London or Manchester in just a few hours and no one will be any the wiser.

    Will closing the door to everyone eliminate murders, rapes and the work of psychopaths?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    No, we voted leave and the Government didnt deliver .

    No point in any more votes , they failed to deliver what the people voted for and there would be no point in asking the people again .


    How about some truth? You don't want the "people" to be asked because you know they'd reject Brexit ... we all know it ... that game is up.



    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, sanemax said:

    The security forces have much more technology these days .

    All phones can be listened too and traced and cameras are everywhere .

    All private conversations can be listened too and suspects can be monitored 24/7

    Give it a rest Max ... you want Brexit at any cost (to others, not yourself, of course) ... and you'll argue black is white if you think that will get you there ... stop kidding yourself on.

  5. 1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

    In a word NO.
    Security forces will already be " on top of them " watching and waiting " if I'm any judge. Please
    do not go thro your life being intimidated..or thinking as an appeaser, it's the wrong way to go.


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    They were on top of them in the 70s and 80s, during the bombings in the City, Brighton, Birmingham ... etc. You are naive in the extreme if you believe that this cannot return or that it can be prevented by security forces. No one in Northern Ireland wants a return to those days, and no reassurances about security forces from people who don’t have to live with the consequences will change that.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 minute ago, evadgib said:

    Think of it as ejecting an assassin bug from a termites nest.


    I don't really care whether people support leave or remain, I'm well past that. But the discussion really needs to be about what looks possible. The EU would never hand Farage the prize he wishes for, in fact, every time he opens his mouth it makes that outcome least likely. The EU will continue to extend until an agreement is reached. The only thing that might change that is a General Election that ushers in a Brexit Tory Government ... and I really don't think that is likely ... as I believe they will lose seats, not gain them. 




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  7. 7 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    " the return of the men of the guns " Please give one iota of proof for your assumption.


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    There has already been a car bomb in northern ireland, not to mention packages in the mail.


    You think that no deal, which will result in borders (despite what the UK and Ireland state) will not bring back the troubles? 






    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    May urged to embrace no deal Brexit (breaking news )






    She cannot do it without parliament, who will force her Government out. The only thing she can do is call an election ... and the zealots want a crash out because they fear what an election would mean for Brexit.



    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    How about any of you answering this?



    The problem that the "leave" vote threw up was very different from "remain", which was simply no change. A vote to leave was never a simple task, it was something that had to be negotiated with a counterparty, so there was never any equivalence. Remain involved no negotiation, no compromises, no trade offs. 


    And those that blithely state that you "just leave" are either fools or being deliberately dishonest. There would have been legal action taken in international courts, immense reputational damage, problems with our WTO status, economic damage, and never ending trading issues with our biggest trade partner, not to mention that Irish issue, which would have resulted in the return of the men with guns. Whatever way you look at it remain was a simple decision, leave an incredibly complicated one.


    His question makes no sense, the two decisions are not equivalent. And that's why we are in this mess. The scenario he is throwing up would never have happened. 






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  10. 6 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    A 2nd referendum would see the leave vote THRASH the remain vote..believe it.


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



    I've been reading Brexit related posts since the referendum, and every leaver prediction about what would happen have been widely inaccurate. The evidence suggests otherwise ... new voters and those who wished they had are overwhelmingly for Remain. 



    • Confused 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Spidey said:


    It might have been Loiner trying to find his leaving party? Or that other one, who was berating me for not having the legal skills to understand that we would indeed be leaving the EU on 29 March 2019.


    It's fine to have an opinion, but why do some persist on telling us all what they want to happen when the evidence in front of them is telling them otherwise?



    • Haha 2
  12. 24 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    My 2pence worth..if there is a GE..tories would have slight edge..but would have to go csp in hand to DUP snd new BREXIT PARTYemoji6.png


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



    All a new Brexit party will do is lower the number of Tory MP's, not because they'll win, but because they will help other parties get over the line. Exactly why Cameron attempted to quell UKIP for a generation by offering a referendum.


    I could see a Labour, SNP and Liberal coalition with the condition that any Brexit deal is subject to a referendum against a remain option. And I believe that Brexit is then dead in the water. 


  13. 54 minutes ago, aright said:

    If you want to see lies address the 80+% of MP's who endorsed Article 50 to effect our leaving the EU and the manifesto promise of the Conservative and Labour governments at the last election to take us out of the EU.

    What was said is now water under the bridge and those recalcitrant MP's/Political Parties will get their come uppance at the next GE. Hopefully there are still enough good people around to deliver what they promised.  


    Unicorns don’t exist. The only thing you can stand on is a no deal Brexit, a losing proposition that no established party will call for.

  14. 12 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I know you won't like it but the new brexit party will be a great choice.

    It will be a vote splitter that leads to an even more divided parliament ... but bear in mind you need policies other than just leave ... and Brexit is not clubbable ... as supporters tend to be extreme left and right. How do you reconcile that?


    But if you believe that a Brexit party will be swept into power you’ll be very disappointed.

  15. 4 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    I'm going to go with the Customs Union being part of May's deal. That would resolve the hard border, and her deal would be passed.

    Why? because something has to give, and that's the least damaging compromise needed for the UK to leave the EU.


    i'm sure Kent would approve, not having to manage massive lorry jams.






    It seems like a sensible option for those willing to compromise. I doubt that it will happen, even if voted for. May is party first, so what we’ll get is a General Election ... a hung parliament ... a Corbyn led coalition ... with coalition partners forcing him to agree a second referendum ... and then no Brexit at all.



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