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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. 17 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


    What a load of crap.

    I know, just try to skip the stuff you write, i am not sure if you could put on "ignore" yourself on this forum, but there is nothing stopping you from giving it a try.


    19 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


     EVERYONE knows that when you enter a foreign country you do your best to avoid trouble,

    Yes but that would be me, these two are only two youngsters trying to have the time of their life, with some almost innocent pranks, plenty of people here that would be ready to put on front of a firing squad ,even some little babies for not singing the national anthems, nevermind if they are not able to talk yet.... 


    25 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Thailand has laws, either you comply or F off, simple really, don't just sit there and piss and moan and groan about how you would like it to be, your a guest here, as we all are, stop putting the Thai's down, seriously I don't want to hear it !

    Another one with the " i am more thai than the rest"' syndrome....i hope you will get better soon mate, take care :sleepy:

  2. 1 hour ago, oldlakey said:

    Having fun, really well thats one method of covering your arse I suppose

    Post 492 if thats your idea of fun, looks rather like a rant to me

    ... the last part of your post its a mystery to me

    Only the last part, well you do surprise me, I wish I could say the same for yours


    Okay i see you need some help on this too, geez but what's the average age of posters here? 96???

    I am having fun at all the nonsense and contradiction i am reading,  from whom supposed to have known better.

    I can't say the same about the issues disrupting my day to day living for obvious reasons, whom would like to have problems with things that didn't suppose to have any?

    It's not flying rocket science, you just need to try a little harder

  3. 29 minutes ago, thedemon said:

    If you can be bothered, read this op started by the same poster.


    He is either a troll or an idiot.


    Just ignore him.

    That definition will suit you perfectly, Thedemon, did you realize that apart from all the stupid things you keep posting, on the very same thread you are suggesting now, you clicked on "like" on two things that are the exact opposite of each other?

    We can't really expect any better from people of your caliber, do we? :clap2:

  4. 44 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

    Try not to take everything personally, just let it go, its been sorted to my satisfaction anyway, bearing in mind I am the one at fault

    After all you are just on the periphery, not that makes you a less valued member  XXX

    Sorry but, you wrote something that involved me and then pretend that i don't reply to it??? 

    I am not offended if that's what you were concerned about, i am actually having fun here, good that you realise you made some mistakes, so, please don't indulge with them....the last part of your post it's a mystery to me

  5. 9 minutes ago, jonw8uk said:

    may be the details I seek?

    The details you seek are still where i repeatedly told you they are.


    11 minutes ago, jonw8uk said:

    did you assume that because you've been a long term customer, the requirement to register your passport (AGAIN) didn't apply to you?

    That would have more to do with you than with me, as i seem to understand the rules of their company more than their own employees and supervisors i have dealt with...

  6. 28 minutes ago, sanemax said:


      What does UK issues have too do with this topic ?

    UK right wing groups and Italians in Asia...........where is the connection ?


    The connection is that some people, first introduces some new elements to the topics when they cannot find anything better to justify a completely wrong statement, and then start accusing the people which have been right since the very beginning, to add some off topics when they have been proved wrong once again (hint hint).....you guys are really amusing, i think that i am going to nominate you all for the next POTY's competition just because of that:cheesy:

  7. 34 minutes ago, jadee said:

     lose customers just because of bad advice. 

    Yes i agree, it's like an epidemic, and what makes things even worse, is the fact that they couldn't care less and accept a business failure as a supernatural occurrence which is unavoidable....unbelievable!

    This is simply a result of not wanting to allow people from other cultures to integrate, because as they officially tried to justify their silly silly rule "they cannot compete".....what a joke!

  8. 32 minutes ago, jadee said:

    The last time I went was way back when they started needing scans of customer's passports.  Can't the OP's  issue be fixed with a simple trip to a store? 

    Yes same here, despite having being a customer for such a long time, they threatened to shut down the number if another copy of the passport wasn't provided, despite all the previous times that they had already been collected for a variety of different reason, they are really sick to the bone with this mania of wanting to collect copies of someone ID's and signatures over and over, like those guys at the immo, that even if you have been here 100 years into the same place without ever moving out, they still ask you to report every 90 days, what's that total madness all about???

    And no, several trips did NOT fix the issue, just back today after having being told that my previous trip hasn't achieved anything, even if i had been there hours with my passport, SIM cards and signed papers all over with the guarantee the service would have been terminated and transferred to the new operator in 3 days time.....hopeless monkAIS!!! 

  9. 59 minutes ago, jonw8uk said:


    Ok, here's your post that I quoted;

    Its a rant! theres no detail! here's my take:


    AIS changed some aspect of their terms of service, didn't tell you beforehand and you got cut off - Is that it?


    What reason did they give you for cutting your service?


    What prevented you from resolving the problem and getting your service back?

    You are willing to understand, but you are not trying hard enough, just read it again and again till you will finally make sense of it, then when you are satisfied, just read it a couple more times to be sure, as the answers  for all your questions, are all contained into the post that you keep quoting :laugh:....thanks

  10. 2 hours ago, TSF said:

    Happened in Australia a few times too, Muslims pull down the Aussie flag and stamp on it and piss on it. 

    These kids might just be victim of their habits, being trained since their early years to hate the country their are living in, with rituals as the one you already mentioned, done by their families, refusing to speak the lingo even if their schools teach to them both languages by law (german and italian).

    It must have been the shock of their life, when their action has been taken to account, after countless times doing it, just with some different flags....poor them 

  11. 4 hours ago, yogi100 said:


    It would seem that the editor and reporters of the Phuket Gazette don't regard the culprits as 'kids' either. They refer to them as men and that is what they appear to be.

    Great point!

    I then suggest you, if you are ever caught to be breaking the law, even inadvertently, to simply tell the judge and/or the cops, etc., involved with your case, that you are simply following what the PG was suggesting to you, and then see what happen....:clap2:  

  12. 4 hours ago, jonw8uk said:


    Am I right in thinking that this is all over transferring 293b? Aside from the 1st topic about this 293b you havent yet stated another issue?

    Nope, you are completely wrong, and you could understand it by yourself if you simply tried to understand even the last post you were quoting....you should work for AIS, really:laugh:

  13. 31 minutes ago, Richard-BKK said:

    I have to say that I have a completely different experience.

    Well, if you read all the posts carefully, you will see that i had a very different experience too in the past, but that lasted just until last year, because now, they'll just do whatever they like and without even letting you know about it, you'll only find out when you'll get into a problem, and then they will simply tell to you something which basically means, it's all your problem as we do whatever we like....but no worries, as you'll always find people ready to accept this and even more, no matter what :cheesy:

  14. 3 hours ago, oldlakey said:

    I agree 5555555, about confusing me that is 555555

    But come on fellow member you are clutching at straws going back in history, you need to stay with the current situation

    If you are confused by his posts it's because you are likely to be a confused person.

    He was very clear and spot on, he was accused by another confused poster as you, to be claiming something false, which he wasn't and has repeatedly proven, is it you and your friendos which are clutching at straws, but at least you admitted to be a confused person, which it's a first step toward the right direction.

  15. 7 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

    Good sensible 18 to 20 yr old kids dont need laws to control them cos they wont do stuff like these 2 italian boys. 


    I do not need to read up on any books or guidelines at all b4 i visit Thailand or USA to know that i cannot litter, spit or destroy anothers property whether public or private. Its basic good common sense.


    Thailand is not the wild west with ever changing laws. Yes there gun violence, tragic traffic accidents n unequalilty between the rich n poor.

    But it is not a crazy country, if it is there be no tourist coming, these 2 italian kids wouldnt be here. Thai society has not collapsed n will not. There are too many good people and good citizens here to allowed that. I do not denied there r bad people here as is the same anywhere else.


    So  dont defend this 2 grown kids near their adulthood for what they done. Not with a logic like yours. 

    Here is another one pretending that everything is good in Thailand as it's exactly as anywhere else in the world (yes same same but different), and hoping two teens will get lynched for having done a damage worth a couple of US dollars....you can't really make this stuff up, TTT :WPFflags:

  16. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    As I wrote before the MFA does not want financial proof to certify the translation of affirmation of permit to marry.

    The people that have said they needed financial proof meant it was needed at their embassy to get the affirmation and a few perhaps needed it an Amphoe.

    While i agree that this is required AT the embassy, we got one embassy which went to the extra length of detailing the fact, that even if it is required before they will produce a piece of paper necessary to get married, the requirement originated FROM the THAI MFA, i think we should all appreciate the clarification they have made, and not pretending it's only something that an embassy has decided to ask like this, out of the blue, there is a substantial difference between the two.

  17. 2 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    I can't hold two discussions at once!


    What did I say that was false! Those signs are not in existence anywhere in the UK. They are not allowed. They should be permitted but the PC wallahs would be up in arms. The English can no longer say who they wish to cater to just like they can't say who they want to have in their country.


    By the same standard I'm English and there's no way I'd allow a load of English football supporters come and stay in my house, neither would you!

    Look, i read what you wrote there, i am not sure if it's still there or if it has been removed, you know what you wrote and i'm tired to go chasing posts just to prove a point which it's likely to not even get understood by the person being involved 

  18. 2 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    Be real Mangostin, do these two look like 'kids' to you?


    OK they've got shorts on but most tourists wear shorts in Thailand including myself and I'm in my 60s.

    What they do look or not look like, it will not make much difference when confronted with the local rules, if you are in your 60's as you mention, you should have known better, unless you believe to be above the law like so many posters on this forum, which are all very likely bound to learn it the hard way, at some point during their permanence here.

    In Thailand you become an adult at 21 years old of age, let's not forget it, ever.

  19. 40 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    Those signs don't. They did at one time but not now so in actuality they no longer exist. It's nothing to do with Pluto.


    What are your pps?

    That's NOT the point!

    You claimed that Onthesoi was writing something false, which was simply NOT true, and despite the fact that he has proven to you, repeatedly that you were wrong on it, you kept jumping from a discussion to another in order to avoid the truth, that's not a mature way to hold a discussion, you should be willing to accept you were wrong when you are, and that's for your very own benefit.

  20. 9 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    'Just kids'!


    Look at the size of them!


    They were old enough to find their way from Italy to Thailand with no problems and without Mummy and Daddy.


    That's like referring to the 20, 25, 30 and 35 year old refugee 'children' from Calais we've allowed to settle in the UK as also being 'just kids'! You might as well dismiss the latest shooting atrocity in Florida as being just the work of a 'kid' even though he's 26 years old.

    Yogi100, you have absolutely no idea of what you are writing about, just like that other fine example of a subject i was having a conversation with, earlier on, about exactly the same point, you better inform yourself about the local laws, before pretending to teach other your personal views, which are simply wrong into this particular context, they were under ages, with all that this little detail involves, full stop

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