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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. 6 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    If you could be bothered to read posts I said 28 and 20 they are consenting adults end off. Goodbye troller


    37 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    these pair where and are adults 18 and 20. I can see there is no point trying to have a debate with you 


    Ladies and Gentlemen, here is Deepinthailand for you, i am not adding anything else or judgements of any kinds , as it wouldn't be fair from me, it's all really self explanatory and you can make up your own mind about it   :clap2:

  2. 3 minutes ago, 6thST said:

    Thats BS....They new what they were doing...Smart ass's....Bummer their not in Singapore,where they would  get a few wacks of the cane!

    How would a few kids, coming in holiday to this place, probably for their very own first time, be aware of all the laws that constantly keep changing, if even an adult and reasonably informed resident from a long time, find hard to keep pace with???? :blink:


  3. 15 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Why are you now trying g to justify quite wrongly what you said and implied.  And your sarcastic coment at the end is this to get others to laugh? Not funny but hey . Kids are under aged adults these pair where and are adults 18 and 20. I can see there is no point trying to have a debate with you as you just justify your origional statement as something completely diffrent from what was written. I agree tv should also ban blinkers as it scews people's rationale 

    As i correctly previously supposed, you are unable to differentiate an adult by a kid in Thailand, please be very careful and think about the whole trouble this simple mistake can cause to your own life....and i am telling you in a friendly way to avoid you all the possible mess that can arise from not understanding it.

    Editing your previous posts in a way to hijack the conversation in your favour, it's also a not very correct thing to do, but i guess we can't expect anything less from you, sir?

  4. 39 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Thanks for the link, Wilsonandson, this just confirmed my suspects :


    "- Bangkok, January 9 - Two Italian tourists aged 18 and 20 were arrested on Monday in Krabi, southern Thailand, for allegedly pulling down Thai flags in the town centre and throwing them on the ground, "


    So, for the thai law, these two people are still under-ages = kids , i wonder if Deepinthailand would keep going on to affirm the contrary, despite all the evidences....probably yes! :biggrin:


    40 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Actions have consequences even for kids (which there not by the way) 


  5. 23 minutes ago, thedemon said:

    The title of this thread is misleading and likely just cause confusion.


    I couldn't care less what the Italian Embassy does or doesn't do.


    But the Thai MFA does NOT ask for any document related to the finances of anyone when certifying a translation.


    It's as simple as that.


    Well put! 

    I am sure that many here will just prefer to give credit to the opinion of "Thedemon", rather than the material published on an official website that belongs to an embassy in Bangkok, other users experiences that posted here, doesn't count either.....:giggle:

  6. 2 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    So you didn't write this then? What is it supposed to mean if that's not what you wrote the rest of the post was about telling people to say as they please about any other country if it makes them feel better!! And that's supposed to mean?. Actions have consequences even for kids (which there not by the way) if you say there only kids therefore implying it's ok do as you please no consequences. How else am I supposed to read your post?

    Yes i wrote that and i am also still convinced of that.

    If you read back what YOU wrote to me, you will see that you suggested something that i never said, exactly as you are doing now, as i have never said or even thought that these kind of action should go unpunished, i am only trying to balance this totally insane thirst for fresh blood with some more moderated views.

    If you still find difficulties please get back to me and i'll try to help the way i can, i am not an expert in anger management by any means, but for the worst cases TV should start to supply some sort of straitjackets for the uneasy fingers

  7. 8 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

    Northern Italy on the Austrian border area they speak a sort of German (Austrian)/Italian dialect, beautiful part of Italy.


    They DO speak german, not a dialect, many refuse to speak the language of the country they now belongs to, for historic's reasons, and there is also an ethnic minority which speak its own language (not a dialect), called "ladin" 

  8. 1 minute ago, Deepinthailand said:

    This statement is all what's wrong with our so called society "there just kids" oh bless them now whatever you do don't shout or tell the little darlings off will you. They might go running screaming child abuse bless them. If people bring kids up with no consequences to there actions we as the so called dominant species have no chance. But hey there only kids the adults of tomorow god help us.

    That not what i wrote, nor what i meant.

    Action must be taken to teach them some manners, but let's not invoke the death penalty for a pieces of cloth worth a few pounds, ....even if it's Thailand

  9. 2 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

    Even if i have the right to freedom of speech or expression, i would never step on another country's flag or destroy another person's property just to show disagreement or protest or just cos i was drunk ..


    The people who are sensible and responsible would never exercise their rights even if they can, in this way to hurt the feelings or properties of others. 


    Nationalistic or not , show respect , be responsible. 


    It's all about real damages and just perceived as such.

    Even showing a personal direct disapproval as in your post, might be perceived as en extreme personal affront by someone with a different kind of sensitivity 

  10. 4 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:



    It's not about a piece of cloth....It's what

    it represents!!!  Think!!

    You are both right, it's also what it represents, so that would be just a perceived damage and not a factual one, let them pay back the few hundred bahts damage they did, plus maybe another 1.000 as a penalty fine, done!

    No need to take all this whole story internationally, what a joke, total waste of time and resulting into a an humiliating punishment so far, which it's much worse than the "crime" itself 

  11. 3 minutes ago, transam said:

    Police advised them what a Wai was and to show remorse.....20k each and enjoy the rest of your hols boys....

    While the thai authorities might be okay with that, there will very likely be an outrage into the foreigner's TTT , they can't bear the idea of a couple of kids not being tortured into a prison, which seems to be come out straight from our middle ages past, and that's for having committed the brutal crime of ripping off a few shopping centre decorations hanging from the ceiling, while being drunk on a holiday alone!

    Even the idea to consider these youths for what they really are (look at them almost crying for their moms on the video), it's an unbearable thought for them, well, unfortunately there are still plenty of these very unpleasant individuals around, which keeps marrying 12 y.o. because the law would allow them to do so, and not just in some remote 3rd world countries....

    It should be worth to remember that in Thailand, adulthood it's legally reached at 21, while in scientific terms, the human brain stop developing  only at 25 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Jackie66 said:

    So poor people are not allowed to marry?

    Evidently not, and they don't even have to be necessarily that poor.

    In other places, as someone i think already pointed out here, you can't get married if you are 50 y.o. or over (Cambodia), that's probably because nobody would have been expected to reach that age under the Khmer Rouges or something...

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    The young Italians were just being drunken fools.  I think most of us have done such stupid things when we were younger.  

    Agree, just a small fine should be more than enough, given what they have been through, however, i bet 1000 to 1 that they consider themselves to be italian on the same way as a palestinian would see himself as an israeli's national, trust me, this is a very different breed, in fact, i seriously doubt they will be talking to each other in italian language, chances are they can't even speak the lingo, honestly :biggrin:  

  14. 5 hours ago, katana said:

     both reported as being Italian (although their transliterated names don't sound very Italian?).


    2 hours ago, roo860 said:

    The one speaking has what sounds like a German accent.




    2 hours ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

    They sound like German to me.


    I think i know what's going on here! 

    If you ever went for a skying holiday on the Dolomites, you'll probably knows too.

    Sud-Tyrol was once part of Austria, before to become italian, in fact the resentment about it, it's still so high that many people even refuse to speak italian, that's why you can find people named "Tobias" or "Ian" in Italy, it's NOT a mistake, and that's the reason for the german's accent/names and italian's passports, well spotted to the people up here :clap2: 


  15. 57 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


    It's impossible to hold your breath until you die. The brain might want to, but, the body resorts to survival instincts.

    Agree, that might explain why we are continuously surrounded by people breathing (or maybe just expiring) through their other body's openings, and from the smell of it, they were already starting decomposing, so please give some comforts to the ones in that status of mind when you come across one, by not leaving them alone till the smell of their attempted fate has totally dissipated  

  16. 5 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:

    You don't even need gravity.  A floor level anchor point can also be used.


    I think that no matter how hard, one would try to explain the technical details, for some people the only way it will remain the balcony.

    It's even possible to die here while you are posting, just keep posting stuff without ever drinking or eating and that will eventually lead to the same fate, if you are in a hurry, just keep holding your breath...

  17. 2 hours ago, NightFall said:

    Although you have physically moved to Thailand , you now need to mentally leave the USA " said SaneMax


    i seldom read the coments of a thread on this site, because there are so many posters who havn't mentally left their home country. not that i don't notice the differences, but this is thailand, (or cambodia, or vietnam, or india or...)  and the people who live here LIVE here.  i try to do the same.  hard sometimes, but i am HERE.

    People shouldn't do something, just because someone else it's doing it, you supposed to have developed a brain which it's able to discern what it's wrong from what it's not, while agree that many might found that basic task difficult, because of very obvious personal impediments, they should at least try to pick the people they would like to emulate, just a little bit better....

  18. 4 minutes ago, steven100 said:
    23 hours ago, tropo said:

    A ladyboy tried hanging herself from a ceiling fan in the room above mine - lucky for her the fan broke off from the ceiling.

    I would expect she would have

    to pay for a new fan ?


    Nope, it works on the reverse, exactly as on this type of match, as it's always the fan of ladyboys which pay for them, not the ladyboy that pays for the fan.... 

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