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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. 2 hours ago, khunken said:


    Before pointing fingers and asking for explanations from others, why don't you provide some proof of your wage figure and apartment for the factory in question.


    The Op and the link certainly hasn't got your invented figures so I would tend to agree with PremiumLane that it is you that's blabbering.

    Here is another defender of the "crumbs scavenging workers", if we are not carefull, soon we will get involved into a fundraising for the poor Lamborghini's drivers of Thailand...ohh dear, must to be the CEO of that factory producing those rose tinted lenses :partytime2: 

  2. 59 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:


    sounds like you don't have the slightest idea what you are blathering about... guess my point went completely over your head


    Would you mind then, to explain to us on how, a wage of almost 20.000 Bahts per month, with an apartment close to your working's place, that cost often less than 10% of your total wage (and that's when your company it's not already providing you with free lodge and utilities, or you are living free at your parent's home, just to quote a few examples), would make you a "poor person which it's accepting crumbs"????


    1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:

    I guess poor people should just shut up and accept what crumbs are flicked off the table,


  3. 27 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    I bet you lot would be squealing if your cushy expat jobs weren't paying so well - but I guess poor people should just shut up and accept what crumbs are flicked off the table,


    Sorry but, have you got the slightest idea of what you are blabbering about?

    When you compare wages between two different countries, you should also use the cost of living for both countries, not only for the one you want very conveniently refer to, simply because if you don't it will give a totally misleading result in the end, and not less importantly, generate a negative opinion about your comprension's capabilities....

    Local employers, do not hire foreigners at a higher wage, because they like to waste moneys or are members of the "Thai Rak Farang's Party", try to ask to yourself the reasons for it, and if it was anything less, probably they won't be able to do that, there is not much room left for complaining.


  4. 28 minutes ago, pookiki said:

     The preferable solution would be to increase overall wages to give workers increased lifetime wages.


    It will only works for a very limited amount of time, if you increase wages, you will automatically increase expectations, and they'll find a way to spend that increase even before it has been handed.

    The workers into the electronic's sector, are some of the best paid employees around, an unskilled and uneducated starter, can earn close to 20k a month, yes they stay inside from dusk to dawn for it, but with such an easy life they got there, it's almost like going down to the pub, with all your mates to socialize with....and they just love it, thais hate doing things on their own, that's why when you walk into a coffee shop see 10 barmaids behind the counter, making you wait 20 minutes before you get your coffee, it doesn't matter if there are no other customers around.....yes this last example was a bit of a stretch, but if you have been living here for any amount of time, you'll know how close to reality that really is 

  5. Konnichiwa!

                               someone it's learning the hard way, that a company and all its assets should be left at the airport, same as with the quality tourists, leave your wallet here, without possibly even step out from the plane, as your presence will be seen as a burden and annoyance from the mighty locals.

    I do have some deep knowledge of what it's going on inside there and many of their best looking employees, and when i say deep, i really mean it.

    They are definetely earning good salaries, have many perks and an easy life while at work.

    I have never stepped inside any of those places, but you'll find out that so many employees, will broadcast on social media what they are up to, and it's really as an easy stroll in the park, compared to their western counter parts.

    Anyway, even if the life it's so easy at work, chatting online, drinking, eating, even taking "power naps" during the long hours staying  inside (and god knows whatever else it's not being broadcasted behind closed doors, but probably one of the main reasons to still investing heavily here isn't it?), they'll soon get bored and want even more, it's not uncommon for an employee to stay at home while still getting paid, to do something more interesting to them, buying new cars, travelling around and always eating outside, are few of the activities that will quickly make their salary disappear, that's why they complain now, it's the employer's fault.....

    Maybe time to brush up that law that allow large companies to recruit foreigners without the usual restrictions.....just saying.


  6. 8 hours ago, KIO said:

    (being quite used to situations like this)

    Yes, they probably hope to get some generous offer, just to speed up the process.

    At least in your case, they bothered to make up some excuses for the delay, other "officers" just seat on front of you, waiting, waiting and waiting without a word, but as long as you have some spare time handy, they eventually get bored and give up, TIT

  7. Definetely increased.

    It's now an almost daily occurrence, and i don't even made long rides anymore, maybe 15-20 miles per trip, but i am not surprised, with people being educated to always blame someone else, even if there are no foreigners around for it, people pretending that others would accept their kraaap no matter what, have multiplied exponentially....the only problem with it, might be that the person being blamed, instead to repeat the usual "mai pen rai", are actually the same, with the comsequences that one can easily imagine......

  8. 3 hours ago, jonclark said:


    At which point you should have just walked out, as he's clearly a poorly educated ignoramus. It wasn't Trump in disguise was it? 

    It depends on what you mean with "poorly educated", he could provide his master degree on request, but surely it will not making less xenophobe.

    If i had walked away every time that i spotted this attitude, i would be on a perpetual motion, you got to deal with it, which doesn't mean to accept it.

    I once even came across another doctor, which just confirmed what everybody already knows, basically i was explaining to him on how some other of his colleagues, refused to perform any checks and just prescribed more pills, at which point he just said "....yes but you know how many people are here in Thailand, they just don't like farangs...", i never even remotely suggested to him that the race had any parts in these problems, it was him to suggest it, now someone can keep to deny this for as long as they like, but unfortunately that's how things are, xenophobia it's simply a by-product of the ultra nationalism we see all around.   

  9. 2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    Note, because you cannot use an e-visa, you may run into the typical price-scam on your Cambodian VOA.  On my last BanLaem entry, I was asked for 1500 Baht (~$43), yet the cost of a VOA is $30.  I produced $30 USD plus the usual 100-Baht "extra fee" which I always paid when using Poipet.  They moaned, "He wants to use dollars," looked through my passport, saw I knew the drill from previous entries, and accepted this amount. 


    Also, avoid the border-scammers trying to sell you a visa before you get to the VOA office.  The VOA office is on the Right side of the road, just after you cross into Cambodia.  You then use the visa you receive to get stamped in on the Left side of the road.  A little further down the road, an official will verify your stamp-in.  Then you can begin negotiations on onward-travel.


    In Poipet, even the uniformed immigration officer seated a few hundred meters before the official building, tried to cheat me out once by telling me that the office was closed and i should have paid to him some extra cash to get it all sorted, i quickly dismissed his offer and kept going, needless to say, it was all open as usual.....never paid the sharks hanging around either, just ignore them or say no without stopping, maximum 3 seconds and they'll stop bothering you.

    It looks as you can use your eventual e-visa to get out from Cambo on those 2 locations (check my previous attachment), but not for going in, you got to use a different place, in Poipet you can do both ways, but the problem with this change of personnel (on the thai side), means that once you are returning, you will be given a very unwelcoming greeting, with the thai immo carefully scrutinising EVERY single stamp on your passport on each page, asking you many questions as if you were a criminal or something, no matter if you  did use their check point from years and years on a Non O, what a nasty bunch....and all while there are hundreds of people behind yourself, waiting for hours and hours....it didn't use to be like that before  

    • Like 1
  10. Hi, 

              as the Poipet border it's becoming a nightmare, i was wondering if anyone it's been able to get into Cambodia from one of these two borders which i have never used, by using a cambodian e-visa, so they just put an entry and exit stamp on the passport, rather than using a whole page to stick a visa inside?

    From the official e-visa's page, it seems that at both places, you can use an e-visa to only exit from Cambodia, maybe a possible solution would be to still use Poipet only to exit Thailand and one of this other two for getting back in?

    Also, do they make problem on people going out and in on the same day?

    Do i have to go to Battambang first from Poipet, or there is a link between Poipet and Kamrieng/Pailin?





  11. I might just have got one of these so called "superbugs".

    A few years back, i believe i got what in the UK it's called the "silent killer", as it kills around 150k people every year, i do lots of gardening and often get scratches or things into my eyes.

    I reached a point i struggled to breath, and after touring a dozen of even "top hospitals" in Bangkok, the last one made me take 5 or 6 chest's x-rays in less than an hour, as he said he couldn't see anything into my lungs.

    The doctor, with the wall behind him literally covered by all the various degrees and certificates gained in the US, Australia, UK,.....said he didn't know what it was, but guessed probably TBC, so he made me undergo 6 or 8 months of a cocktail made of many different drugs.

    During a routine check up, another of these hi-so professionals, said to me that we farangs, are to blame for these sickness, because before we came here, Thailand didn't had it........

    Anyway, the mix seemed to work, but after some time, i started having problem with my stomach, i went back on tour, they gave me probably every single drug on this planet but nothing seemed to work, the "experts" told me that they gave to me already all the antibiotics to threat any possible thing i could have.

    I went to Dr Google, and after many searches, it looked like the problem i had, was related to a massive use of antibiotics, but i am not a GP, so my last chance now is to go back home and see if they can have some better guesses   

  12. On 27/10/2016 at 9:35 AM, kingstonkid said:

    Just wondering if anyone has tried the new system yet???


    Yes as at least some of the minibuses, started dropping off passengers at the new station well before the "F-Day".

    Basically, it's like comparing going to eat to a nice restaurant to a badly managed street's cart.

    Once you are there, you have to take another vehicle to get to the nearest BTS, when  you ask which one of the many buses it's going to the BTS first, they just point at one without even looking, then you discover that at least another 5 buses are leaving before your one.

    The ride will take an extra 10-15 minutes, without taking into account the time you will have to wait there before your departure, there are building works all around, it feels more as you are in Aleppo than Bangkok, the ticket it's cheap though, i think around 7 Bahts.

    Asking around for info it's just useless, as everyone seems to be so uninterested or maybe they just know less than you despite looking as local residents.

    Looking at Google's maps, it seems you have to just walk across the Chatuchack's park to get to the nearest BTS, i will probably give it a go the next time, but i really hope they reverse back to the previous place.....

    All in all, an horrible experience compared to the convenience of Victory Monument.

  13. 5 hours ago, Stray said:


    Only going from Don Mega's quote in post #20:


    "1st of every month I log into my internet banking to pay rent/make car payments so the extra 30 seconds to throw some money on the phone is just the same as paying a phone bill anyways."


    5 minutes ago, Don Mega said:



    so where in all that did I ask about speeding up the process , surely there is others posts of mine you can take out of context to feebly prove your point.


    Take out of context your posts???

    Don't you think you are already doing a good job by yourself? 

    Surely i am not perfect, but at least i haven't got Alzheimer as yet, try to read back what YOU wrote, before claiming others are stating something which isn't true.

    I also take this occasion to remind you, if you don't mind, that being thankful toward someone which tried to help you out, it's not by any means a legal obligation, but it would be nice if you do, and surely would be much better than coming back to state that you never asked for it, what sort of attitude is that???

    You should seek help on that, honestly, much more than with any other technical's difficulties you might come across in the future, for your but also our well being and peace of mind  :jap:

  14. 40 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    would speed up topping up my phone via online banking, something which I have no issue with and never asked how to do it quicker.


    16 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

     (note I have never asked about speeding it up).




    3 hours ago, Don Mega said:


    5 hours ago, Stray said:


    To save yourself "30 extra seconds."



    how ?


    :omfg:  ..... :giggle:

    ....i don't know about you guys, but sometime i just found myself asking how many "Don Mega" might still be out there ?

  15. 4 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Ohh ok, being argumentative is helping these days.

    Amusing though as nothing you have offered would speed up topping up my phone via online banking, something which I have no issue with and never asked how to do it quicker.


    And yes, suggesting to someone to get rid of their OTP is insane.



    Look Don Mega, i tried my best but i think it's time to give up, maybe the best way you could speed up a bit the process it's trying to do it while you are at full throttle on 2 wheels with at least 1000cc of power, that might fix it, for everything else just try to understand what other are suggesting, it helps

  16. 8 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

    ever notice 7-11 only puts the four month old potato chips on promotion?

    I don't know about that, i am still puzzled on why they decided to call themselves 7-11 rather than a more simple "-4" (minus four), which more or less should correspond to how many Celsius degrees they have got inside their stores.....

  17. 6 minutes ago, Don Mega said:


    yeah ok mate you win, iam doing it all wrong.


    Sorry but to me that's not a competition, i am just trying to be helpful, so you can use your saved spare time into doing other stuff, as for example coming here on TV to suggest that other posters willing to help you out are just insane, which might be correct after all....:crazy: 

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